Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kitchen cubby redo

I love constantly redecorating my PB cubby in the kitchen.  I usually decorate it for each holiday. Today though, I've decided to decorate it with some vintage kitchen items, including some old recipe cards that I found at an estate sale.
This cubby is my best excuse for all those little pieces of junk that I have to have when we are out antique shopping or hitting the garage sales!  Hope you have a great weekend, my friends!  xoxo

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chocolate Roo and PicMonkey

Is it me or does the title to this post sound a little like a Disney movie? lol  Take a look at this beauty.  My sister-in-law, Mary, gave me this delicious chocolate rooster last week as a thank you for dog sitting.  Looks yummy, huh?

Anyone else devastated that Picnik is going out of business?  I love storing my photos on Picasa and the quick upload option to Picnik for photo editing is a breeze.  Well, after next month that won't be an option, so I did try a new photo editing site today.  The new site is Pic Monkey and it is very similar to Picnik. Try'll like it.  Here's a photo that I played with today.
So easy.  The site is free for now.  I'm happy to have another quick photo editing site for blogging.  I hope everyone is having a great week. I'm enjoying making the rounds again to say hello and catch up.  Thanks for visiting.  xoxo

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun Easter Egg project from Scarlett Clay

My friend Scarlett posted these adorable eggs this week and was kind enough to give me permission to link up and steal a few of her photos.  I knew you would love it!  Her inspiration was Martha Stewart. She posted the project about five years ago on her site.  Aren't they adorable? 
You can find these little wooden eggs in your local craft store.  They are very inexpensive and fun to paint or decoupage. Scarlett covered these in her husband's former stamp collection.  How fun!

You can see the entire post here.  What a fun and easy project to do for Easter. Thank you, Scarlett!  Lately I've seen eggs painted, jeweled, covered in lace and all kinds of paper. I really love the postage stamps though. I think an old children's book would be fun to use too.  Enjoy!  Be back soon.  Hope all is well.  xoxo

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Vintage images to share

I discovered some old receipts in a book I picked up at a rummage sale. What a treat! For a girl like me, this can feel a bit like winning the lottery.  This is an old electric bill. I love how it says for your convenience you can come down to the office to pay your convenient.  lol
Here's the front.  I do love envelopes and have quite a collection.  I just need to find a way to use them in my artwork. I think it is time for a glue book or some collage work. 

This one is a tag from a gun store.  Not full of sugar and spice and everything nice but it certainly is a beautiful color and it would work well in a more masculine piece.  Thought I would share.
Here's another vintage image...a friendship that is nearly 20 years old.  Meet my friend Vicki. We were roommates for years and formerly know as "The Vickis."  She surprised me with a spontaneous visit, and you can blame her for my lack of productivity in the studio this week!  I enjoyed every minute though. She was such a trooper tagging along to three different basketball games, volleyball practice and even helped me host a team party at the house.  I can't wait to visit you in wine country soon, Vic.  Safe trip home.

As for you my friends, I have some fun things to share this week so stay tuned! Hope all is well. xoxo

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New project to share

Well I finished the book page matte or frame from my previous post here.  I used it in my latest project.  I found this vintage holy card and roof tin on my shopping trip to Deland. The reds in the card were a perfect match for the painted tin.
I plan to display this on an easel in the house .  I'll show you that vignette soon. The book page matte turned out well and makes a nice background for the holy card. I like the texture it creates and paper on paper made it easy to assemble. 
The top is finished with some scrap fabric and a vintage earring. I felt it needed a bit more too so I wrapped two twigs in twine. I like how it brings a little nature into the piece. There are trees in the background too of the holy card  illustration. I thought it worked. 

The pearls at the bottom are hand sewn on to a scrap piece of lace. I really like working with found objects, scraps and contrasting textures.

Thanks for visiting!  I can't believe I have rolled over 1000 followers. Look for a giveaway very soon sweet friends. I appreciate your support, follows and comments so much! See my previous post for a quick tutorial on how I made the torn vintage book paper "frame" or matte.  Hope you are having a great weekend.  xoxo

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Another use for vintage book paper

Hello, friends. I'm actually playing in the studio tonight working on a new project!  As usual, I'm working in mixed media. I've got found objects out, some vintage book pages and fabric pieces.  I'm using glue, paint, the sewing name it!  I found myself working with an old holy card and trying to find a way to matte the card or "frame' it.  I like to use up my scraps whenever possible. I had a stack of vintage book pages that I've been saving which gave me an idea.

I cut a small stack of my vintage book pages to size then machine sewed the edges.  Once I was done, I applied a paint wash (that's mostly water and a touch of paint mixed together) to the top page.  The text is foreign which will help keep the eye from being distracted but the wash helps too. I also decided to run the text vertically because the rest of my piece has vertical lines. That is just a personal preference.
Now, the fun part.  I used this tool to distress the edges.  You could also use the edge of your scissors.  I worked the layers of paper with my fingers too to separate and get the look I wanted.
 As you can see in the first picture in this post, I'm also adding a layer of cheesecloth to the top of this.  I love the look.  Now to sleep on it and start to put my little Easter project together tomorrow.  I'll share more soon. For now, here is a glimpse of my delightfully messy project table!
So glad to squeeze in some creative time tonight.  How about you?  Creating this weekend? Friends, if you have time please follow along on the new Linky tool on my right side bar. I would hate to lose you if Google decides to eliminate our followers button.  xoxo