Sunday, December 23, 2012

Simple gift wraps!

Hello there!  I thought I would share a couple of quick wrap ideas with you. If you find yourself in a jam, this is a favorite of mine.  Simply take brown bags, don't unfold or open, sew down three sides leaving the top open.  You have an instant envelope.  Fold the top over and then punch two holes next to each other for a ribbon to be inserted and bow tied. Not my original idea but I certainly have used the heck out of it!
I ripped a page from an old book and found some embellishments that I've had for years in the scrapbook closet.  I could have easily stamped on another piece of paper or fabric and added that instead. Here's a good rule of thumb...layer your projects in odd numbers.  Paper, one white snow flake and one silver snowflake...three layers on any project gives you depth and interest. Even on one this simple!
Thank you Pinterest for the idea to make the craft beer into a reindeer! lol  This is one of Rudolph's lesser known cousins, Leroy. He was also discriminated against years ago for his unusual nose but didn't seem to get the publicity his super high flying cousin did!
And a quick shipping tag. Sometimes it is fun to NOT put "To and From."  Try using a picture of you or something obvious like this basset hound stamp.  Trust me...our friends knew it was us that left this at the door, rang the bell and ran. p.s - try to ignore the missing front feet on the dog.  I never said I was perfect! lol

Hope you are preparing for Him and all the visitors headed your way this joyful holiday.  See you soon!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Red tote Xmas redo!

Thanks to my friends, Jodi and Kelley, I brought this little red wooden tote home. We spotted it during a local Holiday Open House.  It looks so cute sitting on my kitchen bar filled with miscellaneous Christmas goodies. My kind of decorating....simply fill with items you have around the house!

My kitchen has a red back splash so this little red tote isn't just for the holidays.  I'll have fun using her all year round.  I seem to have a thing for wooden totes, tool boxes and crates these days.  I'd love to find some crates and shelves to finish decorating the walls in my studio. They make displaying artwork and treasures so easy. I'll share my dining room centerpiece (an old wooden toolbox) next!  Until then...thank you for your follows and comments. xoxo

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Master Bedroom Redo!

We recently turned our bedroom into the master retreat we deserve, and I could not be happier! Thanks to Bonetti Interiors for being such great listeners and helping making our vision come true. All photos are also courtesy of the Bonetti's. I've not done my own shoot yet!  

This sitting area is now one of my favorite spots in the house. We had really neglected our master for a number of  years. The rest of our house is filled with lots of cozy furniture, pillows and some of my vintage finds. Something more important always seemed to come along before I got around to the bedroom.  I didn't even have curtains in here until the remodel. What a difference! I wasn't ready to paint the walls but adding all this cream and white really is cozy.  I might go a dark gray when it is time to paint.

Guess who else likes it?! Both basset hounds.  Zoey was too busy hiding from the Bonetti Sisters but Shelby was happy to try out the bed.  The bench at the foot of the bed is so she can climb in at night.  The girls used a wool rug for some color and durability on the bench. I loved it.  I had mentioned how much I love the ottomans and benches I'm seeing covered in what looks like a wool rug.  Of course, I didn't like the price of these...four digits! This works for me.
 That is my mom on a pony in that cloche. Love this picture of her and included it on my side table so I can see it everyday now.  Hope you enjoyed the tour! We have a great TV wall too now with some fun shelves.  The picture did not due it justice. I'll have to post one soon though.  Hope you are having a great week.  I'm linking to:

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ornaments from trash and scraps

I found an old metal strap (probably from a can of motor oil or oil filter) in the parking lot where we bought our Xmas tree.  My husband and kids are used to me picking up old metal and discarded wood. Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this!
Over the weekend I spent an hour or so with a glass of wine getting messy in the studio and used my new find. I made an Xmas tree from pieces of the strap on this small canvas.  Kara and I both made tree ornaments on canvas. The fun part is preparing the background. We covered the canvas in book pages and then used a brayer to paint on white, gold and blue onto the backgrounds. You could always use a damp towel, your finger or a dry brush to do the same. We also used distress ink and glitter. Would you like to see hers?
Her background came out even better than mine! She used some ribbon scraps to make her tree. I plan to use an eye hook to hang them both.  I displayed mine on a cabinet card project I'm working on right now.  Just looked so pretty together that I had to photograph it that way.

Hope you have a wonderful week!  I'm looking forward to sharing a new find, my bedroom redo and some dried flower projects with you soon.  xoxo Linking to:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving post cards for you

Hello, friends! I have scanned a few of my vintage Thanksgiving postcards for you. I love to put these out in flower frogs or hang them from my shutters during the holiday.  I hope you can find a good use for them.  Maybe a card or tag for a hostess gift?  Just right click, save image to your computer and then you will be able to print and use.  These are best if printed on cardstock.
I posted these last year too. These are my favorites and I enjoy digging them out each year. I enjoy them almost as much as my mom's stuffing and my mother in law's sweet potatoes. 
I hope that each of you has a blessed Thanksgiving and safe travels too. So good to be back in touch.  Thank you for your inspiration, your comments and your follows.  xoxo

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Holiday decor - Oh Deer!

The holiday open houses are starting around town.  This one was right down the street at Hidden Treasures. I LOVE this old wooden box.  I picture it next to the tree filled with presents.
This little wagon would look great by the front door or on the patio with a tree inside.  I've resisted so far.  By the way, pictures tonight via the Iphone...not so bad!
Love this lantern!  I tried to pick her up for a closer look but she was nice and heavy. My hands were already full.  I bet she went home with someone tonight.....I sound catty and jealous don't I?
It is not a holiday open house unless someone breaks a glass ornament, right?! lol  There were some really fun ones here and oh so pretty. Fortunately, nothing broken during our visit.
These were hilarious.  I can't believe I have not seen these before. Pink flamingos all decked out for Xmas.
And finally, contrary to popular blogger belief...not EVERYTHING looks good painted white.  I could see those whiskers a mile away! This guy was a hot mess.  lol  I have seem some really cute ones on Pinterest with glitter and bling.  This one looks like the guy at the office Xmas party you try to avoid.  Sorry, my "deer."

I'll share my purchases with you soon.  Until next time! xoxo

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Vintage Crucifix and Frame...I'm still here!

Hello,old friends. I hope we can just pick up where we left off.  I've missed you terribly, and I am really looking forward to catching up with you.  All is well.  My absence has really just been due to a very busy life as a mom, wife, business owner and cheerleader for my kids' sports teams.  We go at it seven days a week right now.  I've had very little time this year to create and to think artistically.  That is okay though.  I like being needed.  I like living with purpose, and I will look back on my kids teenage years and be glad I invested the time and effort.  I may be exhausted at times, like I'm sure you are too, but I'm happy.
Kara and I found ourselves with a Saturday morning free this past weekend. We picked up my mom and headed to Adjectives Vintage Market.  This place is a real treat.  The owners have a vision to make sure that the vendors are true vintage stylists and artists.  Take a look at their dealer list here.
I've been on the lookout for so long for a nice vintage crucifix. I found this perfectly chippy frame too and decided to layer them.  I'm loving it so far.  Trying to decide if it needs a background?  What do you think? Maybe a piece of canvas covered in old sheet music? I have an old hymnal I could use.  I would love your thoughts.
I have to admit that it was my trip the store that really convinced me that I needed to get back to my blog. I'm sure many of you have seen pics of the store on other Central Florida bloggers sites.  If you haven't, stay tuned. I'll take you on a tour.  My creative juices were flowing when I left.  Now, I just need to find the time and energy!  I have picked up a few fun things recently and will share with you over the next few weeks. I love to share my holidays with you too, so add me to your reading list again.  Let's reconnect!  Hope all is well. XOXO

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Party at Becky's Part Deux

Remember Becky's fantastic party from my last post? Well, let me introduce you to the talented ladies that I shared the day with at Becky's. From left to right starting top row (photo courtesy of Cassandra below):

Becky - Let's keep encouraging her to start a blog!
Carol -Another fun and crafty gal but no blog yet

At each of our place settings, Becky had a bag chock full of goodies to play with during our "crafternoon."  She also shared so many supplies with us.  She is such a gracious and generous hostess! The idea is to make a little something while we are sipping cocktails and having delicious hor d'oeuvres.  It doesn't get any better.
 There were so many beautiful things that I had a hard time deciding where to begin and what to craft. I decided to alter a cone or tussie mussie using my bag of tricks.  Here are a few shots of our creations. I didn't manage to get them all. Sorry girls!

I want to be sure to thank the vendors and artists that Becky's shops and uses on a regular basis to style her wonderful parties, her home and her creations. Many of the goodies in our bags came from these wonderful artists/shops.  Be sure to visit-
Freckled Laundry
A Little Bit French

Now let me introduce you to my new favorite word - "Craftermath"
Could not be any more true!  I need to frame this and hang it in my studio.  If you read this blog, I know you can relate.  Thank you so much for stopping by.  I appreciate your visits and comments so much.  More to share soon...until then xoxo