Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Altered Salt and Pepper shaker snowmen

I recently discovered paper clay thanks to Dawn at The Feathered Nest.  She has the best tutorials. I purchased her paper clay bird tutorial and couldn't stop there! I've seen lots of paper clay snowmen in blog land. Tis the season, so I began thinking about making my own.  I had some vintage bottles and remembered seeing a project on line using those. I still wasn't feeling it though. Then while planning a craft night with my girlfriends, I found the perfect thing...vintage salt and pepper shakers. We made just the heads from styrofoam and paper clay.  The real fun came in mix and matching the salt and pepper shakers so we could each have our own snow couple.
I was really excited to try and use some of the metal tops for hats.  I loved how this one in particular looks like a pill box hat...a bit Jackie O for my snow gal.  My girlfriends each brought their stashes of vintage goodies. Before you knew it, someone had put a vintage earring on the "hat" and embellished her.  We were off and running!  The snow gal's body is made from vintage trim, tinsel and buttons.  Her purse is a newer charm that has been distressed and hangs on her twisted wire arms.
My handsome snow guy's hat is made from a large vintage button, wooden spool, vintage holly pin and another button on top. I gave him a red bow tie, three buttons and some tinsel to finish him off. He also has wire arms.
I really loved how these turned out. I painted mine and used fine glitter to finish. One of my girlfriends used Martha Stewart white tinsel glitter on her couple. It looks like snow! I love it. Mine has more of a folk art look. Hers looks like real snow.  I like them both!

I hope you enjoyed this project. Thank you for being the best followers and leaving such sweet comments. If you have your email set up, I enjoy responding back to each of you.  I'm linking to White Wednesday over at Faded Charm Cottage.  Come by to see everyone's projects and decorating.  Hugs!


  1. These are so sweet.I am in love with those clever hats.Thanks for sharing!

  2. The snow couple is wonderful.. I specially love the hats you created. Made me laugh out loud (shaker hat)
    Love it.
    Happy Holidays

  3. Vicki!!!!! These are absolutely PRECIOUS!!!!! What a great idea ~ and using the shaker tops for hats is the BEST girl! Isn't paper clay wonderful? I love that you can whip up a sweet gift in no time at all....the spool top hat is so cute too!! Thank you so much for buying my tutorials and I'm just glad you found out how fun paper clay is ~ wishing you a very Merry Christmas sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  4. Hi Vicki,
    I love your salt and pepper shakers! A LOT! I bought this tutorial too but haven't tried making even one. I love the Jackie O hat for the Mrs. and the top hat for the Mr. These are just the cutest. Genius idea!

  5. Too too cute. I have never heard of paper clay. Love these.

  6. Your 'snowpeople' are adorable. What a very sweet idea. It sounds like you have a lot of fun with your crafty friends!


  7. Eeek! That lid makes the most perfect pill box hat!!!
    What a fabulous project!!

  8. Just look at that sweet, happy couple! Mr. and Mrs Snowman are just wonderful, full of fun, cheeky, and with such adorable little details.

  9. Oh my gosh...these are too cute! I just love their little hats! I've been wanting to try paper girls sure have fun together!

  10. Hi Vicki, I think it's such a great thing that you get together with friends for a craft night! I wish I had some friends that would go for that!! Your projects turned out so darn cute, I can hardly stand it!! And I LOVE the altered spoon you did in your last post! These are great gifts and anyone would be pleased to receive them! Craft away, girlfriend!!! Julie

  11. Oh my gosh how amazing are these? I have wanted to do something like this but it is going to have to wait until next year. Please please come and link these up to my Open House this coming Friday!!

  12. Absolutely adorable and super cute! I love them and their hats are perfect. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you...

  13. What an adorable idea! I love the pill box hat especially!! I have so many things I want to try and make if only I could make myself some more time first!!


  14. Oh my, these are sooo cute! I'm in love with your snowmen!

  15. I had so much fun making my snowman! These are really fun to do!:) Now I have to find him a Mrs!:) ♥

  16. i made a few of these last year but never thought of using the shaker top as a hat! how cute is that!

  17. Oh wow! These are just the cutest little snowmen ever! Love it and thank you for stopping by my blog!

  18. Hi Vicki, oooh, those are just too cute, I love them!... and yes, that does look like a Jackie O hat, adorable!... xoxo Julie Marie

  19. Those are so cute! I've been playing with paperclay too and I just happen to have some vintage salt shakers that are missing their tops.

  20. Hi Vicki,

    Your s & p shakers are just way too cute! I love the hats, especially the Jackie O one! ;-)


  21. Hi Vicki, those are just too cute! What a fun project... I just love their little hats, especially the lady hat! Your so talented... and thanks for sharing!!!
    Blessings~~ Daphne

  22. These are adorable...I shall try to make a couple for my Winter Wonderland Tree!...Thanks for dropping Mouse snow globe is a Martha Stewart one a friend gave me!

  23. Oh toooo cute girl!!!

    great job


    barbara jean

  24. These sweet snowfolk are just darling. What a wonderful idea. Have a wonderful, creative day. God bless. cathy

  25. well of course they are adorable! Just love the spool hat...



  26. Snowmen always make me smile!!! Oh yeah, and you do too = )))

  27. Oh My Goodness Vicki, I LOVE those snowmen! I have on my list of "Things To Do" is to make snowmen using some of my bottles I have collected. Now you have really inspired me to do them. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderful evening,

  28. Hi Vicki - Those are the cutest salt and pepper shaker I've ever seen! Uh-mazing!!!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  29. vickie,
    Those snowmen are the cutest! What a great idea! Have a great weekend!

  30. Vicki, these are adorable! Love all of their little vintage details. Sounds like the perfect "girlfriend" night to me :) Laurel

  31. How adorable, love these guys Vicki!

  32. Very cute and creative snow people! Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
    ~ Julie

  33. Yours came out great! I love the pill box hat too :) I'll have to show you mine on New Year's Eve!
