Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Tree Do-over and Feature at The Graphics Fairy!

We had to replace our live Christmas tree yesterday! The original tree dried up very quickly and turned brown.  The darn thing never took on water. I think they forgot to cut the trunk before we took it home.  The good news...the tree lot replaced our tree for free.  There were very few trees left so I am still amazed we found this taller and more beautiful tree!
We did take a break from trimming the tree yesterday to attend a party at the construction site for the new church our congregation is building.  This was a really neat idea. I wanted to share it with my creative friends.  The 6-8 pieces of drywall will be used in the new parish life center that is under construction right now. There was also a concert and refreshments. What a nice afternoon.

When we got home it was back to the tree. I think we enjoyed the second trimming more than the first.  We lit a fire on the porch, opened a bottle of wine and got to it. Have I shown you the porch? I don't think I have this busy holiday season. Here it is at dusk yesterday. Forgive the poor photo in low light.
The table is a fire pit.  As you can see the french doors open right to the tree. It makes it very easy to work all the way around the tree when installing the lights and garland. Next year, I will be using the formal living room as my new studio! I'll reveal more about that in January. I wonder what the heck I'm going to do with the Christmas tree then?

So, I wanted to whine about having to redo the tree but honestly it was a great day with the family. We like the second tree more than the original.  I was probably a bit more relaxed about it since I knew I had today (Monday) off from my day job. I played hooky with my daughter and baked cookies all day with our friends! Fun, huh?  Guess what? It gets better.  I started my day today early by checking emails.  You can't imagine how surprised I was to have an email from Karen at The Graphics Fairy telling me my altered spoon project was going to be featured at Brag Monday!
 So, now I'm bragging to you about it! Thank you, Karen.  You constantly inspire me with your FREE images. I hope your week is going well and if anything has you down, I hope it turns out better than expected. Thank you for your comments and follows.  I do respond to every one but you must have your email set up in your profile.  Please be safe as you travel this week and rush around doing last minute things. Hugs!


  1. Hi Vicki,
    I love tree #2 too!:)And your porch too!
    Congratulations on being featured at Graphics Fairy! That is awesome! But you deserve it you know! You are very talented and I love visiting your blog and seeing your artwork. I appreciate your sharing with us.
    Merry Christmas and blessings,

  2. Congatulations on the mention from The Graphics Fairy. She has one of the collest sites around. Can't wait to see your new studio.

  3. I cannot imagine having to re-do my tree but yours turned out gorgeous! And congrats on the feature at TGF!! Well deserved.

  4. What a Wonderful Day you and your Family! And the New Tree looks Wonderful!
    Congratulations on Being Featured on Brag Monday! Your Spoon is adorable! You have Inspired me to Branch out More and Try New Things!
    Merry Christmas and Many Blessings to you and your Family!

  5. The kids look mighty happy about it! I'm glad things turned out well and they gave you a free tree. Good business sense. Don't worry about where you will put the tree. Heavens, I started the preposterous idea of making the dining room a sewing room right smack in the middle of the holiday season. And I had to move the tall tree (very gingerly, I might add) out of the way! (Because who could possibly ask me to wait a few weeks?) Merry Christmas, new friend! (I'm sure enjoying my pavilion view with your gift immensely now!)

  6. You got to spend a special time with the family twice this year! Looks beautiful~ I love your porch, too! Congrats on the Graphics Fairy feature! XO

  7. Thanks everyone! We really did enjoy it more the second time around this year. I know the kids will be talking about this Christmas for a long time.

  8. Your tree is gorgeous. Your porch is so awesome!!! And such TERRIFIC news about being featured on the Graphics Fairy--Congratulations!!!!
    I wanted to come over sooner, but things have been so hectic.
    Wishing you a Merry, Merry Christmas!!!

  9. Hi Vicki-Your new tree looks just beautiful- how nice to have that porch too! A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hugs, Courtney
