Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Etsy purchases!

I have a very talented blog friend, Petite Michelle Louise.  This week I ordered a few little items from her Etsy shop to have in my new studio.  I've long admired her handy work. This vintage devotional scapular featuring Mary was made from a prayer card.  It is even more beautiful in person.  On the back is a tattered vintage handmade heart representing "the sacred heart."
Isn't it gorgeous? I also ordered this lovely handmade pincushion from the shop. I was so excited to receive it so quickly in the mail.  The images she uses in her work are so beautiful.
I also visited another favorite blog friend this week on Etsy, Anything Goes Here.  Joan is an avid estate sale hunter and has the best vintage goodies in her shop for decorating or altering. I love browsing but today I made a few purchases.
Aren't these vintage bag handles great? I think they will be fun to use to hang artwork around the house and perhaps for special gifts and packages.  I also ordered these old whisk brooms.
I've been looking for a few of these to alter. I never seem to have any luck around here but Joan had three! I can't wait to alter these.  Joan has some other great items in her shop.  I hope you will stop by and do a little browsing yourself for your home or artwork.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by today. I love your comments and follows.  I've received some really sweet gifts in the mail this week too and will share those in my next post.  I'm at home today decorating my garden gate inspiration board and having closet organizers installed.  I keep the studio so clean because I keep my supplies in a closet in our office which is very close by. I can't wait to get everything put away! The house is full of clutter at the moment. Wish me luck!


  1. I just went to her etsy and had so much fun ordering! Thanks for the tip. Does she know she can advertise her etsy on our blog for free on Tuesdays. She really has great things.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Love all of your goodies, I will have to check out their shops! Thanks for sharing... I can't wait to see what treasures you received in the mail!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  3. Hello Vicki!!
    Love the pin cushion and the prayer card she does beautiful work!!!
    I was in Oveido and thought of you on Sat. Saw the roosters when I went to Hidden Treasures, what a hoot!!!

  4. Beautiful treasures, I can't wait to see what you do with the handles and the whisk brooms!

    I know that soon your studio will be in tip top shape...hang in there!


  5. Hi Vicki,
    Thanks for sharing the two etsy shops! I love visiting them! And ordering too! LOL! Your treasures are wonderful. The handles are fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see your garden gate!

  6. I just visited the Etsy shop of Petite Michelle Louise...wow! She has some gorgeous creations there, I feel a shopping spree coming on!

    Speaking of which, when can we start shopping in YOUR Etsy? :-) :-) :-)

  7. Vicki I am awestruck...I'm sure that's a word if not it is now...I also went to your altered vintage recipe cards and I'm dyin here!! My mom passed away a few years ago and I have lots of recipe cards of hers that would be awesome displayed in this way! I think my favorite is the mason jar holder, you are so talented!

  8. you're a sweetheart for saying such sweet things about me....my shop...and my creations! This post just MADE MY DAY mon amie. truly...merci..merci!

  9. I love shopping at ETSY and I'm excited to have some new shops to look in! Love what you've bought...I'm off to see what I can find! Hugs! ♥

  10. Great purchases Vicki!!

    Love those bag handles. May have to check those out.

    big hugs

    barbara jean

  11. What lovely finds and the handmade pieces are beautiful...simple elegance comes to mind while looking at them.

  12. I LOVE Petite Michelle Louise, I have my eye on several of her things!!:) Love the other finds too!! Can't wait to see the altered brooms!:) ♥

  13. Love the treasures from Michelle...who is a treasure herself!!

  14. You did some great shopping. Just beautiful.

  15. I am catholic and completely forgot abut scapulars, I have miine here somewhere. I am so excited to see your room done, I am an organization freak!


  16. I love all your goodies, Vicki~ looking forward to seeing some of your creations!

  17. Ahh you always get the good stuff. Can't wait to see what you do with it all.

  18. I love it all, Vicki!!! And you will really enjoy your new items, I am sure!!!! Precious!!!

  19. Those are awesome buys!!! Can't wait to see where it all goes:)

  20. Cute stuff, makes me wanna go shopping!

  21. Hi. I love these etsy shops too! You bought some great items!
    ~ Julie

  22. Thank you so much for mentioning my shop! I am honored! I am glad you are enjoying the package handles and whisk brooms! Joan@anythinggoeshere.etsy

  23. Thanks for sharing about Petite Michelle Louise...I was not familiar with her shop. I am a blog/Etsy follower of Anything Goes Here...Love her stuff! :)

  24. Petite Michelle Louise has a beautiful shop...thanks for introducing her to us!
