Tuesday, January 11, 2011

White Wednesday Sweet Pea purchases

Photographers avert your eyes! My studio's only light at the moment is a single floor lamp! These are the best photos I could snap on the point and shoot. Isn't this little Cupid adorable?! I love him. He came from the Sweet Pea sale in previous post. Wait, maybe I love him because my son Jack's hair looks just like this? lol Want to see some more Sweet Pea purchases?
Found these three cabinet cards. I just love how ornate they are. They were in excellent condition too. Sorry that I did not take them out to photograph for you.

I purchased this beautiful stack of naked books wrapped in a simple ribbon.  The vintage alarm clock was also from the sale.
LOVE this old birdcage she had...rubber chicken not included. lol  Thanks, Kara, for your help with the photos.  I also found an old sea sponge that is sitting on my studio shelves but no photo yet.  On the way home, we stopped at  Hidden Treasures Antiques in Oviedo and found a few fun things too...
This old suitcase is going to hold my sheet music for now.  I'm still getting organized and thinking through my storage.  I found some great rooster prints and this statue shopping this weekend. Rusty Rooster Vintage has to have a little rooster going on in her studio! -
Here's a look at how the shelves in the studio have been feathered and fluffed so far with my new goodies. I still need to paint my rooster weathervane a rusty brown.  -
I'm loving my handful of goodies from Sweet Pea's and my favorite local stores. I found some great things to help me decorate my new space. The electrician is coming Saturday morning. I can't wait. I picked out some fabric for drapes, and I'm putting an organization system in the closet next week. I'll share all this soon enough. Believe it or not, I've got some projects brewing too! I'll share those this weekend.  Thank you sweet friends for your follows and your comments. I appreciate them so much! Head on over to White Wednesday and checkout the party!  I'm also linking this up Friday night to Feathered Nest Friday!


  1. Great finds and I love how you displayed them! The roosters are so great and I adore the weather vane!! Getting closer!! :)

  2. Love all your "new" to you treasures, especially the cupid picture. I have a little collection of those prints.


  3. Such fun stuff!! Of course I love the alarm clock. Your studio is really looking good. Sounds like it is all coming together! Can't wait to see it.

  4. those cupid prints are darling! my dad collected those for a long time & could always find another one in better shape than the last. He finally had the entire set of those - great to see another collector of the cupid prints...xoxo

  5. You're getting there girl! Keep going, and be brave :D


  6. What wonderful treasures you found - I'm a sucker for the old cabinet cards, myself. Happy White Wednesday - Tanya

  7. It's looking good! I love your Sweet Pea finds. Can't wait to see the big reveal.

    Have a wonderful day,

  8. Love your rooster statue...perfect mascot. You got some great stuff from Shelley.

  9. Good stuff! Lots of good stuff!

  10. I'm so glad to have met you! I just love Shelley's style, I get so much inspiration from her. Now I'm off to Oviedo! I be looking for you.
    Have a great day,

  11. Looking good so far. The suitcase for your sheetmusic is cool. Even the rubber rooster looks at home there. Get it rusty rooster - rubber rooster! Looking forward to more pics.

  12. Great looking so far Vicki, can't wait to see what you are doing!

  13. Great cupid pic! Just in time for Valentine's Day! xx Liz

  14. This looks terrific - wonderful finds! Love the ribbon-wrapped books!
    Marvelous delights for White Wednesday,

  15. So excited for you Vicki...everything is really looking wonderful!

  16. Congratulations on the camera purchase. I've spent some time snooping around on your blog, and it is so much fun. I'm looking forward to coming back for some of your tutorials. I've given you a little award, so come on over and check it out.

  17. Hi Vicki~ Oh what delightful treasures you found! I just love the vintage suitcase and birdcage- soo cute- and those bare books are perfect! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)
