Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bokeh - Learn an easy manual camera setting

Bokeh is that wonderful haze or blur you can create in the out of focus background of a picture.  It helps you to focus on the object and at the same time makes the background more visually appealing. In the past, I thought it could only be achieved with my photo editing software. But, thanks to Tracy at Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures, I now know that this effect can be achieved right on my camera. Let me show you the difference -
Auto setting

AV mode on my Canon Rebel XS Aperture 4.0 (smallest number, largest aperture)
It takes just seconds and the roll of a knob on my camera to change the aperture. On the standard lens that my camera came with the lowest number (largest aperature, most blurry background) is 4.00. I could upgrade my lens to improve this feature as well as shutter speed. Tracy has some examples on her site with some even larger aperture settings. Take a look here. If you are wondering why I chose to shoot a photo of lichen and moss...everything pretty has died here in Florida after three or four hard freezes in the last month. Crazy weather here too.

I can't wait to play with this new setting more. Thanks for teaching me a bit more about my camera, Tracy. I'm looking forward to joining you at your Bokeh Party on Tuesday, February 15th.


  1. Oh, that's super-neat!!! I love the results, Vicki...and thank you for sharing the method with all of us.

    Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  2. Oh, I'm going to be lazy and let you do all the work. I just can't seem to summon up the energy to play with the camera settings. I'm just one of those "automatic gals."

  3. I'll have to head on over to that party!
    I love my 50mm 1.4 lens, I get some seriously awesome bokeh with that baby! :-)

  4. I've been wondering how to achieve this lovely hazy effect, and figured I'd have to shell out a bunch of cash for Photoshop. Thanks for sharing this. I'll have to practice and see what my camera can do.

  5. You did such a good job and I love that you showed the difference from just a little switch of the camera. It makes you wonder why you were ever so scared to get out of auto huh? Thanks for joining the party and spreading the word.

  6. I love what you did Vicki! What great just is so much fun learning and playing with our camera's!

  7. Great auto/manual shots. At Christmas I was addicted to bokeh shots with the tree in the background. It's fun to learn new camera "stuff".

  8. Great Bokeh...I am another FL gal ready for the freezes to be over and the pretty stuff to grow again.

    Blessings Kelsie

  9. Vicki, I love that shot of the moss. It's very cool and you got great bokeh. I'm in FL too and everything around here is still brown. I hope something survived!

  10. Ok ick. I can't wait till your florida is green again so we can get some cool shots of beauty :) You are learning so much - me not so much..

  11. Nicely done! There's not much alive here too! :)

  12. I like that your showed the difference: auto vs. the "bokeh method".
