Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rooster with a side of rusty and vintage please!

I'm ready to reveal the theme for my April Month of Giveaways! It is...roosters! Every Sunday in April I will announce a new giveaway with a rooster theme and "a side of rusty and vintage" goodness. You won't be disappointed in the handmade and vintage treasures I plan to share with you.  The giveaways are top secret, but to get you in the mood, let me share some fun rooster Etsy finds with you tonight.  
Photo courtesy of: Scenic Roots
The formal giveaway announcement will happen this weekend and the first weekly giveaway will be revealed on Sunday so mark your calendars.  I hope you will join me in this month of giving back to show my gratitude for your friendship and support these past six months. Hope you are having a great week. Grab my giveaway button at the top right and help me spread the news.  Thanks! xoxo

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trip to Hidden Treasures

Hello, friends!  Kids were off for spring break this week so it has been a little hectic. I've missed you guys. I did manage to sneak off to our local antique store, Hidden Treasures, today. I wanted to check out some of their Easter things. I also wanted to go back and visit a dealer that had some great prices on books.  This time of year, I see roosters and chicks everywhere!  Found some fun Easter decor too.
My daughter will love this one. Glad she wasn't with me. She would have wanted to bring this home. I love primitive decorations. Check these out.

These darn scales have been here forever. I wish they would go on sale. I love the red. So does my girlfriend, Jodi. We have shown much restraint by not purchasing either one. Can someone tell my husband?

I found a few more things but you'll have to come back in April (that's next week!) to see them in my MONTH OF GIVEAWAYS!!
Feel free to grab the button and put it on your blog. It's up there on the right. I'm going to announce or post a new giveaway every Sunday in April, starting next Sunday, April 3rd. The winner will be picked the following Saturday. You will have all week to enter. That means four great giveaways in April. There's so much to celebrate! I'll share more about that and a big announcement soon.  Stay tuned! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. XOXO

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Great project at Flamingo Toes

All photos courtesy: Flamingo Toes blog

Just in case you missed this fabulous project from Bev at Flamingo Toes, she has given me permission to link up and use her photos!  Check out this starburst mirror she made! I just love it. This is a great project. I'm going to have to make one.
She has a full tutorial here.   There are plenty of photos and great instructions.  I think you'll find her blog chock full of great projects. Today she is working on copying an Anthropologie necklace.  Thanks, Bev, for inspiring us!  Kids are on spring break this week. So, I'm a little off schedule.  I can tell you that I 'm working hard on giveaway projects for my April month of giveaways!  See my button top right and get ready for some fun!  Hope you are having a great week! xoxo

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Modern Household Fairy

Call me crazy, but I have always thought old whisk brooms were the neatest thing. I would fight with my brother to use the whisk broom and dust pan at Grandmom's house.  I love the texture and was inspired to alter one or two.
Lately, I've been seeing these used more and more in farmhouse and cottage decor. They look great hanging on a wall in the kitchen or sitting on a shelf.  They making unique groupings too. As for me, I enjoyed altering  one with this very appropriate soap advertisement found over at The Graphics Fairy.  Look for this in my shop next week. Thanks, Karen, for sharing such great inspiration with us!  Linking up to Brag Monday!  p.s. - Don't forget that April is giveaway month at Rusty Rooster Vintage.  If you are visiting for the first time, please give a follow and join us for the fun!  There will be a giveaway each week with a fun theme.  Have a great week! xoxo

The Graphics Fairy


Boogieboard Cottage

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Spring has officially arrived at our house.  It is in the 80's here (don't hate me). I've started to put out some of my Easter decor in the dining room. I try to lighten up the house with whites and creams this time of year. The kids are also on Spring break from school. Wasn't it just Christmas?!
I have vintage Easter postcards everywhere.  I love the layered glass vases above that allow me to safely burn the candle while adding fill and the postcard to the outside. I left the acorns since I ran out of the spongy green moss I was using.  I'll have to revisit this after a trip to Michaels. I also have postcards in flower frogs and hanging from my vintage window. It is on the wall leading from the dining room to the kitchen.

The hearts are so sweet that I'm going to leave them as part of my Easter decor. I just love them!

I know many of you have kids off this week too. I hope it is a safe week for everyone. Don't forget that April is giveaway month here at Rusty Rooster Vintage! If you are not a follower, now is the time to join. You will want to come back and join us for all the fun and prizes.  Have a blessed Sunday and a great week. xoxo

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Altered Wooden Crosses

I made these altered crosses a few years back. I'm using them as part of my Easter decorations this year. They make great gifts too, especially for Sunday school teachers.
Just find a wooden cross at your local craft store and alter it with paint, paper, lace...whatever you have.  A little trick on this one - I used three sticks. They don't cross in the center  so that nest can lay flat.  I gathered the twigs in the yard and wrapped in copper wire. I hung a few metal leaves, glued down the nest and filled that with feathers and faux eggs.  The paint job is easy too. I painted the cross with an antique white wash (watered down acrylic paint) then dry brushed some brown on the edges.
This next one was painted with a brown wash paint on outside and the antique white wash on the inside of the cross. I used glimmer mist to tint the lace and layered that on vintage book paper. I painted the edges of the cross with my fingers (I like those better than paintbrushes!) using several different colors until I got the desired effect.
The center is made from lace, flowers and vintage jewelry all layered on top of one another. There is a bead dangling from the lace.
Guess who made one too? Kara actually took several of these wooden crosses over to a friend's house and they came up with their own altered crosses.  Here's Kara's cross -
Cute, huh? See, you can make these out of materials you have on hand.  This is a great project for you and the kids or the grandchildren.  You can make yours all pretty and vintage, and they can have fun with your stash of scrap paper and buttons.  Enjoy!  Thank you for your comments and follows. xoxo Linking up to:

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Stuff and Nonsense

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sweet treasures

Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart is one of my favorite people.  She is so talented and welcomes new bloggers with open arms. She gave me one of my first features and for that I'm so thankful! Barb makes these gorgeous pin cushions out of glass candlesticks. Isn't this amazing? I purchased it from her online store here.
It fits me like a glove. I just love it and plan to use it in the new studio. I find myself drawn to pincushions lately.  How about you? Any collectors out there? I'm thinking we need a pincushion party! I may have to host one. Or, how about a "What I collect" party? What do you girls think about that?

Ready for something really cute? My daughter had a friend over and they were doing some painting on the porch this past weekend. She surprised me with this -
Is that not the cutest rooster you've ever seen?  Smaller is always cuter to me. I big puffy heart this.  I hope you are having a great week!  Thank you so much for your comments and follows. I treasure those too! Linking up to -