Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trip to Hidden Treasures

Hello, friends!  Kids were off for spring break this week so it has been a little hectic. I've missed you guys. I did manage to sneak off to our local antique store, Hidden Treasures, today. I wanted to check out some of their Easter things. I also wanted to go back and visit a dealer that had some great prices on books.  This time of year, I see roosters and chicks everywhere!  Found some fun Easter decor too.
My daughter will love this one. Glad she wasn't with me. She would have wanted to bring this home. I love primitive decorations. Check these out.

These darn scales have been here forever. I wish they would go on sale. I love the red. So does my girlfriend, Jodi. We have shown much restraint by not purchasing either one. Can someone tell my husband?

I found a few more things but you'll have to come back in April (that's next week!) to see them in my MONTH OF GIVEAWAYS!!
Feel free to grab the button and put it on your blog. It's up there on the right. I'm going to announce or post a new giveaway every Sunday in April, starting next Sunday, April 3rd. The winner will be picked the following Saturday. You will have all week to enter. That means four great giveaways in April. There's so much to celebrate! I'll share more about that and a big announcement soon.  Stay tuned! Hope you are enjoying your weekend. XOXO


  1. I went to my Thrift store today and found a box covered in shells...they were all the same type shells but in perfect condition! That made my day! It's so much fun to go and see what you'll find! Hugs! ♥

  2. I like the top scales with the faded paint. When you post a photo as you did I can think how I might use one if I found one. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when a store or an antique faire is cluttered with many items. Hard to find the gem that would steal ones heart!

  3. Hi Vicki
    Nice to hear from you! Love the scales too, I just bought another one... this one is black with very cool graphics on the side. I have it on my desk here by the computer, see you can always find a place for another scale :)
    Looking forward to seeing your creations!

  4. Cute things. I love the red scales or balance or whatever it is called.

  5. I have a reindeer with stick legs very much like the little creatures you showed...surprisingly they are holding up {no pun intended}. I don't think I could have left the shop without one. Love the scales too, especially the red one. Looks like a fun place to visit!


  6. Hi Vicki ~ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all those chickens ~ they are just adorable and the scales well....just think they are marvelous ~ have a great DAY~! ;-)

  7. oooh lots of magnifique treasures! i say buy the scale! :) Can't wait for your big announcement! :)

  8. I bookmarked your blog as soon as I read that you have basset hounds! Like you, I am fortunate enough to share a home with a basset (my husband also appreciates that he is privileged to do so!).

  9. I saw some scales at our flea today too.
    Thirty dollars...didn't know if that was good or

  10. Looks like that store is full great things. I love those scales too :)


  11. Well, looks like you had a beautiful day. The scales are beautiful as are the roosters. I'm also inviting you to my giveaway and wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  12. Hi Vicki,
    Love the chickens and the bunnies! And the scales! How did you keep from buying them? I CANNOT wait to hear your news. Sounds like next month is going be pretty exciting. You will have 4 drawings? Hooray! That gives me a better chance of!
    Thanks for sharing your shopping trip!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  13. What a fun trip and you know I love that chocolate sign. I can't wait until the fun in April! Snagging your button right now!

  14. Now you have left us hanging, can't wit to hear the exciting news!!! I"ll be back fo alllll of the giveaways!!


  15. You always find the cutest stuff. Love the red scale.

  16. Great post!
    Love everything, but especially those scales.

    I've missed you! I've been in a funk and haven't made the rounds in forever. Great to catch up with you again! :-)


  17. Wonderful easter decorations Vicki. I love those prim ones and the scales are awesome.
    Wishing you a wonderful sunday
    xo Tina

  18. Wish I could have gone with you! This looks like fun stuff. I'm going to poke around your blog a bit more's been awhile since I've been here and I see you've been up to stuff!
    Happy Sunday,

  19. Thanks for the those scales, too!!!

  20. Wow, what treasures! Like you, I adore the red scales. I've got the giveaway button up on the sidebar of the blog and can't wait for the event!

  21. grabbed your button. great to see all the neat stuff you find.

  22. Oh, these are fantastic, Vicki! and also I will put your button on my sidebar!

  23. Look at all those roosters! Congratulations on your restraint. It is hard to walk by something you've been watching for some time and not take it home.

    I'm adding your button to my sidebar.

  24. It looks like you were in a great antique stores...I adore all those chickens and roosters. Adorable... I don't think I would be able to leave there until I'd had a looooong look around. We don't have a store like that around here...thats too bad..*s*.
    hope you've had a great weekend.

  25. The Handmade Bunny on the wooden candle stick is delightful...I am so excited about your giveaways! Put my name in the hat for the drawing, and I am taking your linky to my blog#@

  26. How having something to look forward to!!

  27. I've got to get to HT soon, love those primitive bunnies! I love that red scale too, I'm sure it will end up in either your house or Jodi's soon!:) Have a great week!! :) xo

  28. Oh to find a set of scales like that bright red one! I look all the time, but won't pay a high price. One day it will happen.....
    Love those primitives- even though those bunnies look a bit like deer! LOL
    ~ Sue

  29. What wonderful goodies. I'm going to need a hankie to wipe off my chin. I'm your newest follower. Thank you for stopping by my blog today!

  30. Hi Vicki
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love your blog, I'm glad we are followers now. Have a great day!

  31. That row of chickens and roosters is so cute, Vicki! I'm inspired! I'm looking forward to your announcement and the month of giveaways~ how FUN!

  32. I read your comment on my blog and cried--it is so poignant and you are so prolific! I was just dying to know how others felt and the responses are overwhelming in their depth...I think even those help us know each other better...a real miracle, don't you think?

    Hope you're having a great day!

  33. I hope that you and yours enjoyed a happy spring break. And it's wonderful that you found some time to shop/browse.

  34. Vicki,
    Looks like a fun store with lots of great things! Those scales are my favorite, I love red! Looks like you have a lot of great things coming up, can't wait!

  35. Vicki, you always show the best treasures!! Happy Tuesday!

  36. Restraint??? That's more like sainthood!!! I am with you(or should I say your daughter) I would have had to have the Cadbury sign!
