Sunday, March 6, 2011

A bunch of "junk" from the in-laws

That title is just fun to say! Actually, I received a sweet surprise from my mother in law, Jean, this weekend. We had dinner Friday night and she brought me a bag of vintage goodies she has been saving for a long time.
This little box was full of rhinestone bracelets, necklaces and little treasures. The top of the box is a pin cushion. She used it for her hat pins.  I love the blue pieces in here too.  Here's a better look at some of the rhinestones.

She also had saved a tin of buttons for many years and has donated that to my studio and artwork.  I really like having a little part of her in the studio with me now.  I was touched that she thought to give them to me.

I snapped a few photos tonight as the sun was going down. When I shoot photos in the backyard, I always have two helpers, Shelby and Zoey. I have to be careful with art pieces that they don't slobber and step on them. It can be a challenge! Bassets are very, very curious. What is yours, is theirs. They parked themselves within a few feet of me to watch.
I have a handful of projects on the table this doll assemblage, altered whisk brooms and some rooster tags.  I've struggled a bit with my next giveaway choice.  You guys are so wonderful and I've hit some important milestones in March - 500 followers and six months blogging. I'm working on something special to share with you so hang in there with me and check back often. I appreciate your follows and comments so much. Have a safe week!


  1. Hi Vicki,
    How wonderful of your Mother-in-law to give you these goodies! Beautiful! I can't wait to see what you do with them. Shelby and Zoey are SO cute! My Sissie girl (toy poodle) is nosey like that too. All three of my hairy kids hang out in my craftroom with me all the time and I am constantly moving one or the other! If I'm not watching Sissie, part of my fabric collage will turn up missing! If I don't catch her right away, she will actually eat whatever she has picked up!
    Thanks for sharing your goodies and your precious babies!
    Have a great week.

  2. What a precious gift...treasures! I love the beautiful rhinestones! I'm sure you are dreaming of all kinds of projects! ♥

  3. I inherited a bunch of junk from the inlaws... I got the same things as you! I made mine into decorative lamp shades!
    I also got furniture and junk...I'm still trying to find places for it all!

    It's almost like Christmas,huh?

    Enjoy reading your blog.


  4. How sweet of your mother-in-law! Lots of lovely goodies, and the buttons will be great for projects! Congrats on your milestones!

  5. Wow, I love it all, Vicki!!! I wonder if your mother-in-law would enjoy a visit to New Orleans!!! lol

  6. That I can see your overjoyed face when you realized the goodies are yours! Im sure you'll turn out something brillliant! I love the pearls and light blue necklace most, although I thought they are all wonderful! The doggies are so cool! You say youre looking for everything with two dogs? I'd rather find the tuff on the pillows and it might be useful... worse if I find tatters in my parrots cages ^.^ Thanks for the sweet slice of life,


  7. Vicki,
    How sweet of her to pass these goodies on to those buttons!


  8. So sweet of your MIL to think of you.Love those sweet furbabies! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  9. I get excited anytime anyone gives me anything I like. To get things I LOVE (especially junk) that's thrilling!!!! What a nice MIL!!!! I have little helpers too.....who are not always so!!!!

  10. It looks like you have plenty to keep you busy in the studio, Vicki. Your mother in law sounds very sweet. And I love your cute pups. If they are like mine, you can't go outside without them!

    Have a good week!


  11. How sweet of your MIL to think of you in such a beautiful gesture. I'd rather have rhinestones than diamonds any day, if they truly come from the heart.

  12. what a sweet and thoughtful MIL. those treasures are....well..."treasures!" Have fun with them all.

  13. Your "junk" is gorgeous! That blue rhinestone necklace is superb!

  14. What a 'treasure chest'! I think this year when I visit the Antique Faire I shall look at Rhinestone bracelets and necklaces..something I have never done.

    hhhhhmmmm...good ideas that I enjoy!

  15. How sweet is that? Those are always the best kind of treasures! :-)

  16. What lovely vintage treasures ~ I'll take that kind of junk any time~! ;-)

  17. that was sweet of her Vicki, I know you'll make something special with it all!!:) ♥

  18. How nice of your mil to give you those treasures for you to use. I have a whole bunch of buttons some where.

  19. Wow, what a generous mother in law. And a BIG congrats on reaching your blog milestones.

  20. What special treasures...and all just your style! Hi Shelby and Zoey :)

  21. Now that's what I call a great mother in law!! Love your treasures.

  22. Hey Vicki,
    I just came over to say hi and wondered if your mother-in-law has got her tripped planned to my house yet! lol
