Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is gardening just crafting outside?

My husband had a great idea to sell me on working in the yard. He told me working in the garden is like "crafting" (the only way he knows how to describe what I do) outside.  There is some truth in this.
When selecting what to use in our backyard garden we certainly used some basic art fundamentals like - composition (where should we put things), dominance (creating focal points or "heavy" areas) and aesthetics (will these be visually appealing together).  Before he gave me a speech on lines, color and texture...I just got in the car, and we were on the way to Home Depot. lol

Zoey didn't care about art elements and needed no motivation (only her doggy door) to head out back with us. She was just glad we were out playing in her domain.
Shelby took a moment to show us that the yellow Iris plants feel really good on your back when you walk super slow.  We call this her therapy. 
This is another one of our less demanding garden variety basset hounds.  This one is very low maintenance compared to the other two above!  Let's see what else we can find...

It has taken several weekends to clean things up after the hard freezes this past winter. We've added some fun elements and lots of new pots this year. Let's just hope we can keep up with it when the hot Florida summer days arrive...wait they might already be here. Today was 93.  Wish me luck with my herbs. I'm growing rosemary, basil, thyme and mint in containers. Let's go in on the porch and take a look.

We really love to sit out here at night. Even on the warmest of days, the afternoon thunder showers usually cool things off enough to enjoy our screened patio. I think the patio will help protect the containers a bit from the heat and offer some much needed shade. I grew basil last year successfully. We'll see how things go.

I hope you enjoyed the tour around our backyard and the patio. I hope things are warming up where you are in the world so you can enjoy the outdoors. I know many of my blog friends are still waiting to plant their vegetable and flower gardens due to cold weather. I'm praying none of you are also dealing with flooding or tornadoes this week.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I had a birthday on Sunday and received some fun gifts from my girlfriends. I'll share those in my next post.  Until then...xoxo.  ps - linking up to Cottage Flora at Fishtail Cottage.   Go see all the dreamy garden posts!


  1. you might have sold me on this if I wasn't allergic to all things plant like, LOL
    I will stick to my studio
    Have fun

  2. You have a beautiful outdoor "crafting" area! Love the plant in the last photo. Is that a bromelliad?

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, Vicki! Everything looks so beautiful. I'm still working on my porches and yard.

    Enjoy your evening,

  4. I do think gardening is like crafting. I love to move my pots and cement pieces around the yard to see where they look best. I just have to wait for it to stop raining so I can get some stuff planted now. Your flower under the birdcage is cute!

  5. It's been raining cats and dogs around my area. Your backyard is pure eye candy! Happy belated birthday!

  6. Love the bird "house", and the flooring on your lanai.. Wasn't today just gorgeous out?!

  7. Happy Birthday. Your doggie is adorable.

  8. Well I do like your husbands philosophy! I love to decorate with decor outside..not great with plants though. Your yard is gorgeous!

  9. LOL! Your hubby may just be on to something! :-)
    I loved getting to see more of your outside spaces Vicki and it comes as no surprise that they are just as lovely as the inside!

  10. Vicki,
    Happy belated birthday! I think your husband's way of thinking is very creative! All the elements in your yard are so cute, the "live" and the low maintenance! Your screened porch is so cozy looking! We've been under tornado watches and warnings since last night. Have had damage here in Murfreesboro, some at the end of my street but nothing serious so far. For now, we are in a calm period. Hopefully the weather will clear up soon. This has been happening on and off for the last 3 weeks. Ready for some GOOD weather!

  11. Love the photos...makes me long for my garden. I can't wait to plant my annuals...although around my area of Michigan, we don't consider it safe to plant until after Mother's Day (not too much longer!).

    Happy belated birthday!

  12. Happiest of (belated) birthdays Vicki! Wow - 93 degrees?? Really? Can't really remember what that would feel like. They're saying the "s" word for tonight here. Beautiful yard, patio and puppies. Ahhh...Florida....A little slice of heaven. Smiles

  13. 93?!! Oh you lucky girl! I feel like it is never going to get warm here...I just want to cry :(

    I think your husband may be right...gardening does seem kind of like crafting.


  14. Happy Birthday! Love your yard...It is already way to hot!!!


  15. Vicki~
    your yard and patio area look so inviting--
    Love your hubby's idea of crafting!
    The puppies look cute-- the bird house with flowers inside...Oooo! and the twiggy- bird house.

    all very crafty for the yard!
    We've had tornadoes near here the last two days-- and there are fires out west of here, but no flooding.
    I'm actually happy to have the rain-- we need it so bad down here.

    have a great week.

  16. Dear Vicki... I wish you luck, luck that you alone wish the most! Happy Birthday!!!!!! I love the garden! You have many goodies there and its very tastefully done. We only have buds here, hope it changes soon!


  17. Happy Birthday, Vicki! Hope it was wonderful! Your yard is lovely! Our bassets always made little trails around the yard and always had to follow yours do that?

  18. Hi Vicki, Happy Happy Birthday. I know I am late, but I am catching up with my friends on blog land and hoping to hear that everybody is o.k. We have been lucky weather wise, but cool in the 30's and 40's at night and only in the 50's the last few days. I could use some of your 93 degree weather. I enjoyed all of your pictures. Have a great day. A Missouri Friend.

  19. Oh Vicki thank you for the wonderful tour of your garden and porch. I hope you didn't mind when I poured myself another lemonade due to the heat. Gardening and designing is a lot like crafting and that is what I keep telling myself when I must get down and dirty cleaning up in the "yard". Happy flowers and herbs...

  20. Happy Belated Birthday Vicki. It looks like you've been having great weather. How beautiful your garden looks. We can only dream of things being that green around here, and we have to water like crazy to get the green we do have. Love your patio too.
    Thanks so much for your continued prayers for Jordan.

  21. Looks like you were doing a lot of crafting!! Hubby didn't know what he was in for!! You've done a beautiful job! I love the sweet herbs in the pots...I have to try that. I just have a little back door plot. I love your pretty statues. Shelby and Zoey look like they are going to have a ball this summer.

    We still have a lot of rain and temps only in the 50's. It will be awhile until we can get outside and work. Sniff, sniff!


  22. Vicki- I wish you,also a happy belated birthday-
    Your patio, looks wonderful-and I love all your decorations,with birdhouse-and the old box.
    Your herbs seems to love growing in your home :)

  23. Happy Belated Birthday!! I hope it was wonderful! Your screened patio must smell amazing with the basil and other herbs in there. Our yard is definitely not ready for its photo shoot, we have had rain for 4 days now and I for one am ready to rake and clean up winters mess! Loved my tour of your yard with the pooches... t. xoxo

  24. Happy Belated Birthday.
    Beautiful back yard.

  25. Hi Vicki! Hope your birthday was fabulous! Your garden and porch sure look great! Love the flooring out there, and the garden walkway! I am in to textures...the more the better!!
    We need to get busy doing some of the same stuff here! Just a few too many plates to spin right now!!

    Are you headed to the Lakeland Flea on Saturday? Just curious! I'll be out there meeting some new blog friends, and enjoying all the vendors have to offer!!
    Hugs to you!

  26. Happy Birthday!
    Your yard is looking good, my herbs do better in the shade. It's just to hot here for them.
    Take care~KarenSue

  27. Happy Belated Birthday, Vicki! Hope you had a really fun day in your beautiful garden! Love Shelby's Therapy! lol! Sounds great to me! :)

    xoxo laurie

  28. Your gardens are lovely! And your Bassetts are adorable ♥ We lost our Toby to Prostate Cnacer last year. Still miss the old guy ♥♥

  29. Such a beautiful outdoor craft room!LOL. Such a special place. Enjoy.

  30. Happy Birthday & Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's ~ xoxo, tracie
