Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A thoughtful friend

I had a very thoughtful friend stop by my office today with a bag of goodies for me. She is preparing for a move and is simultaneously cleaning out her aunt's home.  Their family has done estate sales for years.  She is starting to come across vintage items that are far from perfect condition but she just can't let them go. Sound familiar?
She knows I love to thrift and junk. She knows I have a studio where I like to hide and create. She just wasn't sure exactly what I might like or need. I think she gets me just fine. I love this child's pillow case. She's fresh out of the bag so please excuse the wrinkles and such. Double click for a clearer shot. I snapped a few pictures while having a glass of "grape" on the porch tonight.  She's not perfect. A stain here or there, but that is just fine with me.
Inside the bag was this pair of embroidered and crocheted hankies or towels? I really love the colors. This would make a great journal cover.
Also rescued from the donation pile was this great vintage tablecloth. Great colors for Spring! It is in very good shape too.
Finally, she brought in a few pieces of costume jewelry for me to add to my collection.  I'm so glad she thought of me. Thank you, Michelle. I can't wait for your next visit! lol  I know you are going through old books next....I'm ready to give some a new home!

P.S.- Many of you have asked if I work full time outside of the home. I do. I have been in the mortgage industry for 22 years. I work full time and have an office less than ten minutes from home. I have a flexible schedule but it is a demanding job. It pays for the junking trips!...and college for the kids.  So, that will help explain why the shop has not been filled with items. Someday though! Keep checking. xoxo


  1. Friends can make us feel so special! Love your new'll have fun with that! I may go to the Thrift store tomorrow in search of some! ♥

  2. wow that really is a toughtful friend. I love getting things like that, but don't have many friends that come across things like that........

  3. What a lovely gift from a friend. The kind of gift that makes you smile and feel VERY special ;-)

  4. Man, I love friends like that!! I love it when people think of me and drop stuff off!


  5. These are beautiful, I love the costume jewelry. My grandma always wore some and when she passed I took a bunch that I still have today. :) What a thoughtful friend to think of you. :)

  6. Sure is nice to be loved right? How thoughtful!

  7. What beautiful lovelies! Wishing you a wonderful day.

  8. Christmas in April
    what a great friend
    BUT, you must be a
    great friend to her
    since she thought of
    you that way...

  9. How very sweet of your friend to think of you. You got some wonderful timeless treasures!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  10. What goodies! I can already see your new decorations and collages! It will be wonderful! Its so great to have your job so close to your house! It must be wonderful! The most important thing is that it brings you to your vintage sprees, which is what its all about! LOL I finally created a broom of my own! I posted about it and you on my blog... Pelase give me credit, its my first time ;)


  11. How sweet of her to give you those great pieces Vicki. Old books next - perfect.
    Your life sound very similar to mine. How fun you´re in the mortgage industry - I´m in the bank industry and have been there for 30 years :o)
    Always gives a challenge to have some creative time too, don´t you think.
    Wisjing you a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  12. and that was meant to be Wishing - lol

  13. Hi Vicki,
    what a sweet friend to gift you with these beautiful treasures! Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.

  14. these are very sweet gets from your friend.
    How lovely of her to think of you.

  15. What lovely gifts. Are you a lucky girl!!

  16. How blessed you are to have such a thoughtful friend. Her gifts are wonderful, but I don't think they can trump the gift of friendship she's given.'d love me...I'm stained here and there too!

  17. How nice of your friend, I have a few that are so sweet.. just like yours. hope your week is going good have a great weekend


  18. Great gifts from your friend. It has taken awhile for some of my friends to "get" me. Now that they do I think they have as much fun as I do looking for pieces to add to my collections.

  19. I want a friend like that! lol Enjoy and will forward to see what you do with the items!

  20. how sweet of her. she DOES know you well and all of these tresors are in loving hands for sure. have fun with them!

  21. So nice that she thought of you! Enjoy your new lovelies!

  22. This is wonderful, great items.
    What a great friend to think of you.

  23. What a great friend!!! I'm amazed that you can even blog and work full time, let alone keep a shop full!!!

  24. Such a sweet friend! :) There's alot of history in those great treasures....

    xoxo laurie

  25. Hi Vicki,
    Oh, everything is so beautiful...what a sweet friend! I'm so excited she brought it all for you...such treasures!!

    I hope you're having a good week!

  26. Wow, gotta love friends like that - great finds!
    'hugs from afar'

  27. What great finds! I love to get old linens and lace and fabric OMG! My ex mother-in-law is always getting stuff like that for me that she comes across. Whenever she does cleaning of her craft and collection of old stuff she usually drops a box off on my front porch for me. I love her to pieces! BEcs

  28. Vicki, thank you for your kind comments over on my blog - yours is stunning and I am enjoying your beautiful pictures, going to make a cup of tea and have an explore....

    S x
    (Shabby Chic Sarah)

  29. How awesome of your friend to gift these to you, and how lovely are they too!!! Can't wait to see what you do with them:)

  30. I need more friends like that. Actually I do have friends with whom we share those things that are too good to just discard but we don't have a place for them in our own homes at the moment. Sometimes those things are remade and passed around again.
