Sunday, May 15, 2011

Very special rooster gift!

A HUGE thank you to Jan at Punch Drunk Needleworks for making this adorable yarn hook pillow for Kara. Jan spotted this painting Kara did on canvas for me a few months ago. I had blogged about how much I loved it...
She contacted me and asked about using the image in a piece of her artwork. I said sure! Then, she kept in touch while she was making it.  She decided to do a yarn hook to practice for some rug hooking she planned to do with wool.  Take a look at the work in progress from Jan's blog...
The best part is when she was done, she made it into a pillow.  Isn't she so sweet!?  Kara loves it. She won't let the Bassets near it! lol   Take a look at this lovely piece from Jan's blog  -
There are so many art forms out there. I realize the mediums I like to play with just scratch the surface. I love meeting anyone that enjoys getting their hands into a project.  It has been a pleasure, Jan. Thank you so much for this little treasure.  


  1. You ladies are so talented ... love the rooster creations. Far more patience than I'd have, so I will enjoy seeing your talented creations come to fruition.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

    5 day GIVEAWAY, pop over

  2. awww this is so sweet!!! what a nice tribute to Kara's painting! I showed this to Wayne and he loves it!! Kara will treasure this always!!:) ♥

  3. Wow! What a thoughtful and kind gift. I think it's so cool that Kara's painting inspired even more art! I'm hopping over to check out Jan's blog.

  4. That is so sweet! Dont we all love friends who are so thoughtful! How very lovely of her! The rooster is beautiful!


  5. That is awesome. I am always amazed at the creativity of some people. I'm going to go check out Jan's blog and see more of this!

  6. That is just the sweetest rooster ever! Jan is super talented, and so kind!
    xo, Anita

  7. How sweet! Aren't friends grand?

  8. Vicki, that is too cute. My grandmother made me a little framed kitty with rug hooking when I was pregnant a gazillion years ago.

  9. That pillow is truly precious, Vicki! Love Kara's artwork though too! Wow! Amazing talent all around! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  10. What an awesome gift between two great gals!! Well...make that 2.5 gals!

  11. That is soo sweet,Vicki!!! TFS.
    Bloggers are just the best:)
    Have a lovely evening.

  12. Wow, how sweet, there is lovely people out here in blog land and I am so excited to meet some of them Tuesday...Yea, can't wait!


  13. How darling. How talented. What a blessed friend.

  14. Too cute! Roosters & Chickens must be "in the air"...join my giveaway (chicken-themed)...Tiffany

  15. That is so adorable!! And how awesome is that? I love it!

  16. Awww.... thank you for the posting and I an so happy that Kara likes her pillow and thank you to all your followers for their kind comments also. I am just finishing up a punch needle piece that I an turning into a Punch needle penny rug. I will post a pic as soon as its done.
    I hope you will stay in touch.

  17. Jan really is an amazing artist! I know you are thrilled to have Kara's art made into this gorgeous pillow! Very beautiful! ♥

  18. I love the pillow AND the painting! So darling! :-)

  19. That is so cute Vicki and what a wonderful thing for Jan to do. :)

  20. That is so cool Amy! Kara must feel so special to have had her beautiful artwork turned into a pillow for her. Jan must be a truly special lady! xoxoxoox

  21. Wow! Blogland is amazing to me.
    Looking forward to tomorrow...
    Enjoy your evening~Sue

  22. Aww, that's so cool and such a nice thing for her to do. A vast amount of creativity out there, boggles my mind:)
