Tuesday, May 24, 2011

White Wednesday Reflection

At the funeral of a friend and mentor many years ago, the pastor said, "When you see the sun rays piercing through the clouds, that is Maggie. She's speaking to you. Reminding you to live each day to the fullest and hold those dearest to you as close as possible."   My kids often point out clouds and sun rays as we are driving. It makes me smile that they remember the story I told them of a young mother and co-worker that died too young and what a pastor told a grieving congregation of her friends and family. Maggie, thank you for the beautiful reminder on Saturday when we were at the beach. It is always bittersweet to see such beauty in the sky.  The kids spotted you before I did.  xoxo   


  1. Sweet thoughts. I have "signs" sent to me from loved ones, too. Makes me feel they are still a part of my life.

  2. This is a beautiful picture and a more beautiful post.


  3. What a beautiful post, Vicki!
    I love when God speaks to us like this. :-)


  4. Beautiful post. What a special tribute to your friend.

  5. Oh Vicki... how sweet of you to remember to post about such a friend. The sun comes out of your heart, not the sun, and that is most beautiful!


  6. Oh this is beautiful Vicki and I hope Maggie comes to you often...They try in so many ways to reach us...so, if you ever think she is, just pay attention because it can come in more ways than one.

    Years ago, my girlfriend lost her boyfriend. 2 days later, we were sitting in front of a restaurant.. a car identical to his drove up and parked 2 feet away from us--and the license plate was her boyfriend's first name!


  7. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photo and your poignant story.

  8. I was told once that, if you are blessed, God makes a sunbeam of you. Thank you for your words of comfort, peace, and validation. Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  9. I was sitting in the Seattle Airport when I received the call from my brother that my Father had just passed. I in a restaurant, alone, waiting for my flight that would take me to North Dakota, where I hoped I would see him before he died. In my sadness, I looked out the window and watched the clouds turn to rays.. I knew he was OK. Thank you for sharing your magic with me. It reminded me of my Dad. Vicki from Custom Teddys

  10. How lovely Vicki - thanks for sharing this little story.
