Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vintage Supply

All photos courtesy of Vintage Supply Co
One of my favorite Etsy shops for my artwork and home is Vintage Supply Company.   Jeanette Janson is the mixed media artist who runs the shop.  If you haven't visited the shop or Jeanette's blog, you are in for a treat. I was window shopping yesterday with a cup of coffee in hand. I had to have this pocket watch case. And these metal watch parts which reminded me of a roof top-
I always buy any book I find at a reasonable price with foreign text.  When you are doing collage work, foreign text is great because it gives you the beautiful words without the distraction of wanting to read them!
Here are a few other things in the shop right now that I resisted, but it was so hard! Take a peek with me.

Thanks so much, Jeanette, for letting me go junking right from the comfort of my home computer. How about you guys - any good junk or thrifty finds this week? Tell us all about it.  xoxo

Monday, June 27, 2011

Come join me!

Join me as I take on line art classes at Artful Gathering.  Registration is open now.  Classes start on line July 16th and will be available to you by video 24/7 through the end of August.  You can work at your own pace. So far, I'm signed up for Joanna Pierotti's class.  We are making fabric collages-
Photo courtesy: Artful Gathering and Joanna Pierotti
Isn't this gorgeous? I love the neutrals, all the texture in the fibers and the embellishments.  I just can't wait for this class to start.  There are several other classes I would love to take too if I only had more time. You should really head over to the site and browse the classes and see the talent. Are any of you joining in the fun at Artful Gathering? I would love to hear from you.  Hope you are having a great start to your week my friends.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Giveaway winner! She's a new blogger!

Congrats to Tina of Ruffles and Relics!  She has won my pay it forward giveaway. I'll be sending you my copy of "Killer Stuff and Tons of Money" this week. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the review. Tina, hope you don't mind a few dog eared pages!  Wouldn't it be fun to keep this pay it forward giveaway going? Maybe Tina will post a giveaway after she has read the book on her new blog?  That's right...Tina has just joined us here in blog land this month.  So far she has been posting mostly about all of us and our giveaways. Thank you, Tina, for your support. I am looking forward to you sharing more about your flea market trips and decorating.  Stop by and say hello to Tina here.
We had a great time away at the beach.  We just got home. I need to get settled.  I enjoyed clearing my mind and playing with the family and our dear friends.  I have a few new projects in mind to share. Stay tuned. Until then...xoxo.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A short break for fun in the sun!

Taking a little break to enjoy a long weekend with family and close friends at the beach.  I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!  Don't forget to enter here to win the book I reviewed, "Killer Stuff and Tons of Money, Seeking History and Hidden Gems in Flea-Market America."  I will pick a winner on Sunday night when I return to blogging. Until then...xoxo

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My peppers are poppin'!

Hello, friends. Please indulge me in a little gardening post. I know this is not one of my normal topics here on this blog, but I am very excited to report my poblano pepper plant is producing peppers! This is the first time I have grown anything other than herbs.  I know many of you are experienced gardeners and farmers. We love roasting and grilling with these mild peppers. I can't wait to harvest them.
I bought two little seedlings at Home Depot on a whim. They were about eight inches tall back in April when I carelessly crammed them both into this container (lol).  I did research my fertilizers.  I found out less nitrogen and adding bone meal can lead to success.  I also added a mist of water and Epsom Salts when I started to see flowers.  Seems to have worked, even in this hot Florida sun!  These guys are now about 4.0 feet tall and require serious water each day.
The screened porch does provide some relief from the sun and keeps the bugs out. This can be good and bad. I had to self pollinate the flowers once they started blooming since there were no bees to help do the job. I'm about 60-70 days in and things are looking good.  Thanks for sharing in my excitement!  What should I try next? I would love your suggestions for a fall container planting.  Don't forget about my giveaway on my previous post. Take a peek.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Flea Market Book Review and Giveaway!

A few weeks ago, TLC book tours contacted me about reading and reviewing this new book by Maureen Stanton -
The author shadows collector and dealer, Curt Avery, as he makes the rounds to some of America’s most famous flea markets, antique shows and auctions.  Since I love to frequent antique stores, have a few of my own quirky collections and long to visit some of the famous antique shows described in the book, I looked forward to this read.   

You can read my review below.  If the book interests you and you would like to win my copy, leave me a comment on this post. I will be "paying it forward" and mailing one of my lucky readers my copy to read and keep.

Curt began as a bottle collector when he was twelve. The thrill of the hunt had him hooked from this early age. You know that feeling. You’ve had it when you were scouring the local estate sale or flea market.  Curt quickly learns though  “half the challenge is finding that good thing, the other half is selling it.”   The author describes him as “a guerrilla historian.” He possesses a deep, self taught knowledge of America’s past and has the ability to think quickly on his feet often buying and selling his items the same day for a profit. 

Throughout the book we travel with Curt on the New England flea market circuit. Every possible space in his old pick up truck is filled with antiques. We sweat with Curt. We stress with him over whether he paid too much or could have gotten more out of a sale.  He whispers to us as other dealers make careless mistakes in the booth across the way. He introduces us to quirky characters and obsessive collectors. He complains about Martha Stewart and Country Living setting trends with their reproductions which in turn harm the value of the real deal. He tells us about his own mistakes and shares stories of the remarkable good fortunes of others who stumbled upon something worth millions stored in a basement.  
If you enjoy reading blog posts about junking trips and antique shows, if you garage sale, if you have your own booth, if you sell on Etsy…this one is right up your alley.  Don't forget to leave me a comment below if you'd like a chance to win my copy of this book. I plan to give mine away to one of my readers this week I'll announce the winner on Sunday, June 26th. xoxo  For more reviews click here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day - Recycled Wrapping

For as long as I can remember, the kids have been wrapping Paul's presents in newspaper. The sports section (read, of course) and comics are their favorites.  Welcome to our Sunday morning wrap session and photo shoot in Kara's room.  We whipped together a few fun embellishments for him. Publix flyer recycled bow and a sports page flower (they are all the rage).
He loved his grill themed gifts.  Even better, he noticed the little craft details.  He's getting better!  We love him for that.  Here they are still in their pj's.  I may get in trouble for posting this one!  Love you, sweetie. You are the best father these two could ask for. 
 I hope that each of you has a Dad or father figure that you will celebrate or remember today.  Until next time...xoxo.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pottery Barn cubby gets another redo

The PB cubby came in handy for my mother in law's recent birthday party. I filled it with black and white photos of her growing up.  We really had fun selecting the pictures and used mostly flower frogs and old clothes pins to display them.  I included an old vintage camera in the center.  Kara and I made a small sign from cardstock, dictionary pages and lace that read, "Happy Birthday Ama Jean."

Sorry for the flash. My kitchen is in the center of the house. The cubby hangs on the kitchen wall. We have very little natural light in here. I added "80" to an old clipboard and at the last minute made a party hat to add some height. I used light gel medium to glue vintage book pages and lace to a paper mache cone. There's a little clump of tinsel at the top. That's an old car horn sitting on top too. Just think of it as a huge party favor!

Now that the party is over, I guess I'll have to redo the cubby again! I'm thinking a 4th of July or summer theme.  What do you think?  I hope you are having a good weekend.  Until next time....xoxo

Friday, June 17, 2011

Feature Friday - Meet Outjunking

Hello friends.  I want to take a moment and introduce you to Lisa with Outjunking.  Lisa joined us in blogland back in March.  She's a Tennesse gal, that as you probably have already guessed, loves to junk.  She has a booth at her local antique mall, The Rare Bird.  Here's a quick pick at some recent finds!
I LOVE these old birth registrations she bought at an auction. Check out the post here to find out more about what she paid for them and what she found in the mix.
Lisa is a project girl too.  This was a kitchen table that now serves as her coffee table. She sawed the legs off to make it work.  Sound like something you might do? lol
I hope you will stop over and visit Lisa.  I bet you both have so much in common you will give her a follow.  I still have a few more pictures and projects to share with you from the party.  Look for those this weekend.  Until then...xoxo

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chippy shabby window photo display

Hello, friends! Here is another photo display from my mother in law's 80th birthday.  I used my shabby old window to display wedding pictures of Jean and Frank. They have been married 55 years this year.  I hung each photo with a torn piece of vintage book page as a matte.

And where did that rusty letter "M" end up?  It stands proudly on top of this display. I like the contrast.
Feel free to double click and enlarge the picture. Happy White Wednesday to all!  I'll share my redo of my PB wall cubby with you next.  I had some fun using that to display pics for the party too!  Hope you are having a great week.  xoxo  I'm linking to the following parties! Come join the fun!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Make it rusty paint technique

Need something to look rusty and crusty?  Well, that is my favorite color and texture. I have a concoction for small items but some larger items really need a paint technique. Let's face it, wood doesn't rust.  This is a great technique for a picture frame, candle holder or for me today...a monogram!  Here is a picture tutorial for you:

The second paint color is Autumn Brown. It is a textured paint. I will describe it as brown with flecks of sand in it. Creates a sandpaper feel on the item being painted.  Mine dried a nice faux color that looks pretty darn close to the real rust on my nail barrel shown above.  I added a little flower to the "M."  This monogram is the topper for my shabby window which I have decorated for my MIL's bday party this weekend. Can't wait to share this cool picture display, but that's another post! xoxo

I am partying with:

Stuff and Nonsense