Monday, June 20, 2011

Flea Market Book Review and Giveaway!

A few weeks ago, TLC book tours contacted me about reading and reviewing this new book by Maureen Stanton -
The author shadows collector and dealer, Curt Avery, as he makes the rounds to some of America’s most famous flea markets, antique shows and auctions.  Since I love to frequent antique stores, have a few of my own quirky collections and long to visit some of the famous antique shows described in the book, I looked forward to this read.   

You can read my review below.  If the book interests you and you would like to win my copy, leave me a comment on this post. I will be "paying it forward" and mailing one of my lucky readers my copy to read and keep.

Curt began as a bottle collector when he was twelve. The thrill of the hunt had him hooked from this early age. You know that feeling. You’ve had it when you were scouring the local estate sale or flea market.  Curt quickly learns though  “half the challenge is finding that good thing, the other half is selling it.”   The author describes him as “a guerrilla historian.” He possesses a deep, self taught knowledge of America’s past and has the ability to think quickly on his feet often buying and selling his items the same day for a profit. 

Throughout the book we travel with Curt on the New England flea market circuit. Every possible space in his old pick up truck is filled with antiques. We sweat with Curt. We stress with him over whether he paid too much or could have gotten more out of a sale.  He whispers to us as other dealers make careless mistakes in the booth across the way. He introduces us to quirky characters and obsessive collectors. He complains about Martha Stewart and Country Living setting trends with their reproductions which in turn harm the value of the real deal. He tells us about his own mistakes and shares stories of the remarkable good fortunes of others who stumbled upon something worth millions stored in a basement.  
If you enjoy reading blog posts about junking trips and antique shows, if you garage sale, if you have your own booth, if you sell on Etsy…this one is right up your alley.  Don't forget to leave me a comment below if you'd like a chance to win my copy of this book. I plan to give mine away to one of my readers this week I'll announce the winner on Sunday, June 26th. xoxo  For more reviews click here.


  1. Count me in I would love to read it! I see you are going to open a shop! Good for you! It is so easy for me to blog about projects because I am doing them for my booth anyway. Your blog will be great for sales.


  2. It sounds like a great book!

  3. Wow, talk about eerie. I get emails from TLC Book Tours all the time and was reading my latest one right before I came over to Blogger to read my Dashboard Buddies. And here is your post about them AND the book you reviewed.

    Seems that I MUST leave my name in a comment so that I can be considered in the drawing for the book. Kismet? Fate? Dumb luck? I'll take my chances!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  4. Great review Vicki!!! Make ME want to read that book!! WooHoo!!! Would love a chance to win a copy!!! Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity!!! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Hey Vicki! You KNOW this book is right up my alley! :) I would love the chance to win! Sounds like a great book.
    Thanks for the chance.
    Have a great week, Vicki.

  6. Vicki,
    Great review! Sounds like a book I would love to have! Maybe I'll be lucky!

  7. Hello Vicki!

    Oh, great review! I love the idea of the book and I'd love a chance to win it! :) Absolutely fascinating topic and sounds like interesting characters!

    Thanks for sharing this with us all and for posting this generous chance to win!


  8. Sounds like a great book
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    Please enter my name

    barbara jean

  9. The book sounds great.As a fleamarket vendor myself I'd love to look into what he's thinking.Fingers crossed..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  10. This book sounds like an enjoyable read. A van full of antiques, huh? I hope there's a photo. xx

  11. Ooh, sounds like a great book! I bet the pictures are nice as well. Would love a chance to read it!

  12. I have been wanting to read this book! Thanks for doing the review.

  13. Great book, great review. I would love sa chance to win it.

  14. Oooh! Junking and thrifting is near and dear to my heart. I would love a chance to win! Thanks for the review. Hugs ~ Heidi

  15. I would love to read this book. Junking, collecting and selling are right up my alley.


  16. Wow, that is so neat! I'll bet the book is great!

  17. sounds like a awesome read.. Thanks for the offer..

  18. Flea markets are pretty scarce here in Utah, so I have to settle for shopping at thrift stores, consignment stores, and yard sales. This book sounds like it's full of inspiration and I'd LOVE to win a copy!

  19. I would love to win. Thank you for your generosity.

  20. Hello Vicki
    Sounds like a wonderful book to read ~ I need all the help I can get.
    So count me in.
    Thanks & Prim Blessings

  21. I love to read and I love to thrift, so I hope I can win this book. Thanks for the chance.

  22. Count me in please, sounds like a great book to handle my mom's estate. I have a blog name but haven't set up the site. Please email me at, if I should win. diane

  23. Hi Vicki: That book sounds great. Please put my name in the hat! Thank you, Martha

  24. Please add my name to the drawing I am always looking for a good book to read that i am interested in and this seems to be one


  25. I would love to win this book! karen....

  26. This sounds like a nail biter! Interesting that he started out collecting bottles. Also, I can't believe he could buy and sell things the same day and make a profit! Must be a lot of fun -- even if it is really stressful!

    Thanks for being on the tour, Vicki! And as much as I'd love to win the book, no need to enter me... :)

  27. How nice of you to pay this forward. I would really love to win this book in fact, if I don't win, I think I will buy it, it sounds like the kind of life I want to live, so maybe it will inspire me to follow my dreams.

  28. This sounds like the perfect book to help me understand what I am looking for when I travel with my friend to antique type venues. I love the vintage style but do not really know its worth. Thanks so much for bringing this type of material to our attention. Pick me!

  29. Can't wait to get this book. Maybe I can win it! Huge reuser of "old and vintage" things, I am currently working on a project for my mother-in-law with old windows that I saved from a pond house her father built when she was young that is no longer standing. There are no window panes but I'm going to make this a special gift for her, no matter what! Thanks for your posts on pinterest. Love your ideas! Mendi Brown
