Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My name is Vicki and I have an Ebay addiction

I really do!  Here's one of my late night purchases.  Don't you love these large holy cards? I get a real high from the auction atmosphere on Ebay.  I find myself searching for anything vintage and the next thing I know everyone is in bed and I'm still up to the wee hours of the morning.
Yes, I do need 30 yards of your vintage lace - PRONTO! lol  I start to make deals with myself..."I'm going to look at one more page, then I'm done."  NOT.  What if something fantastic is on page 27-55 of my search? I can't stop at page 26? Thank goodness for the "ending soonest" button.  That usually satisfies my urge to find a deal and win an auction. I love to stalk the last 5 minutes or so of any transaction.
I had to buy this lot. See the butterflies?  I love butterflies.  Rusty Butterfly Vintage didn't sound very good though so I stuck with Rusty Rooster Vintage.  As you can tell, I'm in a light hearted mood today.  So, how about you...anyone else shop Ebay for supplies sometimes? I have found some good deals.  Nothing nearly as good as my estate sale purchases but if you can afford to buy in bulk sometimes the deals are fabulous. Hope you are having a great week. See you Friday for the Where Women Create party (button top right!). Until then...xoxo


  1. we could start a support group mon amie! "Ditto" on this whole post!! :)

  2. My name is Tee and I'm a recovering Ebay-holic, lol.
    Just reading your post made me wanna' go look BUT I WON'T.

  3. Oh my gosh, I used to have a huge ebay problem. haha! I used to buy apothecary jars and candy scales. Now I guess I have enough, but feel like I could jump back on that wagon anytime! I love ebay too!

    Have a great day.

  4. Ebay and Etsy! I like to stay up until 4-4:30, that's the best time of the day, everyone else is sound asleep, so it's just me (and you) shopping! I love creating, but I think its the hunt that is more exciting, don't you? Your finds are beautiful by the way...see you online!

  5. I was an ebay addict too!! lol your findings are great! too good to pass!

  6. Ohhhh....I'm in recovery and you are just about to push me back over the line!!! (LOVE that lace!!) I used to have a list of favorite searches and had it to the point of where I had viewed everything and just had to keep up with the "newly listeds" - a couple of days of no internet service put me miles behind and I thought it was a good time to "check myself in" to rehab.....Maybe we'll be seeing you "out and about!" ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. I would giggle a little except that I was hooked for awhile myself. Purses, shoes, silver, you name it. Then I found Etsy shops. I think I need a break from my laptop!


  8. Hey Vicki...well you are not alone. My husband has actually put me on 'Ebay restriction' a couplea' times! But what's a girl to do in the middle of the night with insomnia? It's either the computer or HSN!
    Have a wonderful week.....

  9. I have something I ordered from Ebay that should be delivered any day. I have not gotten any fabulous deals, ever! I like the ending the soonest tip! Sometimes items look like a good buy until I see the shipping cost. It is my go to place for things I am having difficulty finding.


  10. I've never bid on anything on Ebay but Etsy is a whole other addiction! I force myself to wait one more day before buying to see if I really need something or not. Yes, I usually NEED it! We should start a support group! Love your purchases!

  11. Oooohhh I do love the vintage holy cards-they are fantastic...and that lace - whoohoo...lucky girl.

  12. I have tried ebay once, but I'm addicted to the buy NOW button....

  13. I've never purchased supplies from ebay, but I think I'm going to have to check it out...those laces are GORGEOUS! Great finds!

  14. I do too! I love Ebay. Love the prayer cards. Any vintage religious artifact just draws me in...Loved all of your finds. Seems that we can always justify our Ebay purchases~LOL Tiffany

  15. I love your prayer cards. i can lose the track of time when I get on the computer regardless of what I am doing and that doesn't work very well when you have to get up early to go to work the next day. I don't which I like best when I am shopping for something special e-bay or etsy. I like all of your laces. Have a great day. A Missouri Friend.

  16. Hehe....I use to be an Ebay addict and now I just won't allow myself to go on the sight...I think it's been a couple years. I miss it so much. lol

  17. Nice finds! I haven't bought anything on ebay in about 4 or 5 years. I do check it from time to time though :)

  18. Wonderful finds Vicki,
    I`m not allowed to go on E-Bay too much :)
    -old and need my sleep ,lol- and too nervous to wait see if I winn the goodies ......
    But I can press the buy button , don`t you worrie ,about that- I`m in , lol.

  19. Wow... I rarely shop online, but its not a sickness until your family starts noticing ;) And it was WORTH the wee hours in the morning for those butterflies! Gorgeous finds all! And if they make you happy, go for it! I collect old religious cards, so Im all with you! :)


  20. Where do I sign up to be a member of the group -I´m on that too :o)
    Great finds Vicki.
    Have a wonderful day sweet friend
    xo Tina

  21. ooh, these are lovely and so worth the late night search. Don't you know there isn't any guilt when you buy religious items ;D I can relate; though I don't hang out at ebay, I have other issues. Piles of crafting supplies end up in odd locations. How did that tissue paper get over there, who dumped the button jar over and who was caught with a stash of new thrifty!I have OCD(Obsessive Craft Disorder) I am thinking of starting a support group~ And I love butterflies and my Mom use to have her kitchen decorated with roosters! This huge rooster tin plate, was behind our kitchen was probably the size of a wagon would love it! You scored; be happy you $aved and when you decide to sell off what you don't want...we can thank you, too! ;D

  22. Vicki,
    You got some great stuff! I used to be addicted but have gone thru rehab and have been walking a tight line ever since! I did slip last week when I went on to look for clocks with brown or black faces and found some fabulous ones but was pulled back from the edge just in time! I have to admit, I'm holding on by a thread! I need to talk to my sponser, KNow One?

  23. Me - I prefer Etsy. I love the personal attention I get from the crafters, they almost always include a little gift and a thank you note. I like to know ahead what the price is, too. That way I know if I can afford to pay. Just my 2 cents worth. But I do understand the rush you get when you find something just perfect!

  24. Fun Post Sweetie.
    Thank goodness I have not gotten caught up in EBAY. Heaven only knows what would happen! =)

