Saturday, August 6, 2011

Back from the beach!

I big puffy hearted our vacation to Anna Maria Island. We just returned today. I hope you have all had a great week too.  We spent the week playing in the surf and sand, fishing, flying kites and eating great food with close friends. 

 The sunsets from the house we rented were amazing.  I took pictures every single night from the deck and on the beach. Lucky for you I'm only sharing a few! lol

The kids found countless things to do in the surf and sand.  On the last night, they wrote their names in the sand to mark the end of our trip.  Did I mention the good food?  We ate out several nights and cooked a few favorites at home including a shrimp boil and steamed mussels (compliments of our friends Jeff and Jodi) -
What a relaxing trip. I hate to even think about work on Monday.  Our kids start school on August 15th too. Our summer is coming to an end but we'll have these memories forever.  Hope to share some gifts in the mail and new projects this week.  Stay tuned! xoxo


  1. Oh, love those skyscapes ... what a lovely time you had. Now to be home & recuperate from too much fun. Chuckle.

    TTFN ~
    Have a great weekend ~

  2. I'm so glad you got this quality time with your family. I'm sure it brought some needed serenity to start the school year. I remember the mom scrambling around business to get school supplies!

  3. Hi Vicki, I'm so glad that you and your family had a wonderful time. Love your pictures.... You have a beautiful family!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  4. You captured some gorgeous sunsets! It is so nice to get away and relax. Our kids start Aug 16th...still can't believe summer is almost over!

  5. sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! Lovely...lovely family Vicki!

  6. I'm glad you had such a wonderful vacation. The sunset pictures are gorgeous and the one of you and your family is beautiful!

  7. Looks like a fabulous trip. Nothing beats the sunsets on a beach. Welcome home.

  8. Looks, and I thought my kids started early! We are still looking forward to one more day trip to the beach. Amazing photos by the way.

  9. What a beautiful beach to spend time! I would love to go there some time! Share lots of photos...I love them! I'm so glad you got to go! Did you find any shells? ♥

  10. Welcome home! It looks like a wonderful vacation. The shrimp boil looks amazing!

  11. This is the first year in about 6 years we did not go to AMI...It's my favorite place.
    I'm so glad you had a good vacation.
    The other thing is it's strange to not be doing back to school stuff!!!
    Enjoy your Sunday~Sue

  12. Vicki,
    From the great photos, looks like you all had a fabulous time! Nothing beats watching the sun set over the ocean, eating great food and spending time with good friends! What a lovely family portrait to remember this special time!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful, photos - what an enchanting place that must be!! And the should have warned me...I'll be snacking the rest of the evening now! I can't believe how early you all start back to school....'round here, a war ensued when they tried to start school before Labor Day...perhaps it is because our summers are so very short. So glad you eeked in some memory-making time....Welcome home - wishing you a wonderful weekend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  14. Welcome back Vicki, What beautiful photos and such a great looking family. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I can almost smell the sea air and that yummy sea food!
    hugs Lynn

  15. Well, looks like heaven! :) I love the pictures and the food!
    And the kids are back in school on the 15th? Wow, thats early! Mine go back in September! But you've had wonderful memories and sweet times, its all that counts!


  16. Beautiful pics and sounds like y'all had a blast!!!


  17. Welcome home Vicki - looks like you and your family had a wonderful time at the beach. Beautiful pics.
    xo Tina

  18. There's nothing like a holiday by the sea to blow away cobwebs. Hopefully the feel goods from the holiday will stay with you all as you get back to normal life. xx

  19. Ahhh, thanks for the memories:) It's like I'm right there at the beach, and oh, the food looks delicious. My favorites:) I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your family. That's precious.

  20. Hi Vicki, your photos are absolutely beautiful! So glad you had a wonderful time with family and friends. The food looked yummy!

    Have a wonderful day,

  21. Oh Vicki, Your photos are totally amazing!!! Those skies are breathtaking! I hope you had so much fun with your beautiful family!!


  22. P.S. Those pictures are so fantastic, they should be in a travel magazine!!

  23. Awesome pics Vic, love the family photo of you all!!! Glad you guys had fun, Love Jeff & Jodi's mussels! :) ♥

  24. What fun and great pics, cute family!


  25. Oh Vicki! I am so glad to hear you all had a great time! We sooo need a little getaway, but will probably go in the fall.

    Your sunset photos are gorgeous! I could look at them all and still want to see more! I love Florida...always have...always will.

    You are a lovely family!

  26. Welcome back,Viki! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous sunset photos.
    Have a great week.

  27. Isn't it funny how we love home but then when we go away to the beach it is such a bittersweet return home? Looks like you had an all around GREAT time..welcome home..

  28. A beautiful family, with beautiful friends, in beautiful surroundings, enjoying each's all SO BEAUTIFUL.

  29. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation! I love your photos, the sunsets are amazing!! Your family is beautiful and I am happy that you got to spend some amazing time together.

  30. Oh my, your vacation sounds like it was absolutely wonderful...what beautiful sunsets :)

  31. Welcome home!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. What awesome pictures and great sunsets. Your family is so happy and good looking!

  32. Glad you had a great time. Your family is so darn cute. And your son and mine have the same curly hair. Until today when my husband took him to get his beginning of school haircut and most of the curls were left on the floor.
