Monday, August 22, 2011

More treasures found!

Here's another great find from Saturday's shopping trip. You may not know, but I  L-O-V-E vintage recipe cards.  I found a bag full for $6. The best part is that a few are in German.  My father's family is German so it gave me a little thrill. My first publication was a technique article on some altered vintage recipe cards I made for Somerset Studios. You can see what I made with my recipe cards here and here.  These are great in little stacks tied with ribbon or for making art, cards, banners, a valance for your name it.  Don't you love the handwriting?
I promise to scan some of these for you guys. Keep an eye out over the next week.  I also found this great little, as in miniature, music stand. Isn't she cute? Great for holding small pieces of art or ephemera, not to mention music. 
This was another 50% off item. I love this time of year when stores are trying to switch gears and get ready for a fall look.  You can really find some great deals even at your local thrift or antique store.  How about you? What has your favorite find been recently? I'd love to hear more about it.

My custom photo canvas GIVEAWAY is still going on. Just leave a comment  here for your chance to win.  Have a great week. Thank you so much for your comments and follows.  xoxo  Linking to -


  1. Great find with those recipe cards. I have lots of my grandmother's but they are all in English. :)

  2. Oh, I have not had any finds recently, I have got to hit the streets. I would have snapped those up in a heart beat!!


  3. Wow Vicki, those recipe cards are fabulous... what a wonderful find... love your published work too... off to check out your giveaway :))

    Have a beautiful week...
    Jenny x

  4. love those handwritten recipe cards, and this little music clip, how fun!! xoxo Debra

  5. Lucky them and the little music holder too...very cool :)

  6. What a wonderful item to collect. I like the idea of putting them in a stack and tying a ribbon around them. I have to see if I can find any.
    I've found a few things, my favorite item I recently purchased was a beautiful carved glove box from 1922. I've been having more fun finding new places to find goodies.
    Prim Blessings

  7. Wow! You hit it for sure. I have not had much luck lately.
    Good job!!

  8. Love the old recipe cards...I have a few in my mother's writings that I would love to string in a garland...if I only had room for it!!! As for finds...hmmm...not too much that makes my heart truly throb - a few old rolling pins, some old canning jars...probably the best was an almost intact square of toilet those!! Have a wonderful week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Love the graphics on those old cards! Tonight I found a couple of old late 1800's books~ one filled with fold-out maps, the other with wonderful geological plates....I just love finding goodies...

  10. Great find Vicki - love old recipe cards too.
    Have a beuatiful day
    xo Tina

  11. These are wonderful! I love these as well, always a joy to work with and they are fun to mix around! Yours are lovely!


  12. Be still my heart!! I adore this!

  13. Vicki-oh a wonderful find-
    I ofcourse loves them,too-so beautiful with handwriting- and the clip is a score, too-
    A lovely bunch of ols letters, dear.
    I just found more watches,and watch parts- JUBIII- I will show them on my blog.
    Hugs from,Dorthe

  14. Great score!!! I collect old recipes all year and sell grab bags of them at our Christmas Open House.

  15. In our world where writing anything by hand is becoming extinct, I love seeing these old treasures. The penmanship gets my motor racing every time.

  16. Love the writting, my mom's family is German and I think it is awesome you found those recipies. I finally have my blog up and will try to add your button, thank you for your beautiful inspiration. first post! di

  17. Great Find!!
    I too am delighted to find a handwritten recipe.
    Can you read the German? or have them translated for you? Love your Somerset Publication.
    Happy creating

  18. Great pick. You know I love old paper items any and all.

  19. I like how you altered them in the magazine spread! Congrats on being published!

  20. I love, love that music stand! And the recipe cards are such treasures; the stories they could tell!
    i have a giveaway on my blog; come over and enter!
    xo, Anita

  21. Hi Vickie, I was visiting Tiny Bear and found you on her list of blogs. So pleased I did, I love you blog. I would have loved to find those treasures - right up my street! Congratulations on being published too!! I am going to be following you from now on.

    I have my first giveaway, just a small one, but do come over and enter!

  22. Love a good recipe....what a find!!

  23. looks like you hit the jackpot on those cards Vic...good for YOU! I love that little music stand! We are so lucky to have a great Antique store so close to us!!:) ♥

  24. Your vintage "little music stand" is called a harp. This was used by marching band members to hold sheet music. It was made to attach to an instrument or wear on your wrist with a leather band. Pretty cool to find one. Enjoy.

  25. What a wonderful find! I love the recipes and the little music holder is precious! I found some MORE old books yesterday! ♥ I was SO excited! ♥

  26. My great find this week was your blog! So pretty and interesting...I'll be back for more.

    Gloria in Virginia
