Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Grandmom Lena fabric collage

I gave you a glimpse of this project a month ago while I was taking my Artful Gathering class.  I have finally finished her.  The beautiful girl in the picture is my husband's grandmother, Lena.  She turned 101 this year and is going strong. 
I love the new "webbing" technique I learned at Artful Gathering and used on bottom of this piece.  It is created by layering fibers and scraps onto water soluble paper then sewing them together.  The paper dissolves in water leaving you with the web of fibers. I love the texture and layers this technique creates. What do you think?  Hot mess or hot technique? lol  Thanks for stopping by today. I appreciate your follows and sweet comments so much.  More projects to photograph and share this week! xoxo

Monday, September 26, 2011

Come see us in Somerset Memories this month!

My submission to Somerset Memories for their "A gift from the heart" challenge is published in this month's issue! I'm so excited because this little project is very dear to me.
It was sort of a collaboration with my daughter, Kara.  You see, she had drawn a picture of her future wedding dress. It inspired me to create a keepsake that we might share in the future on her wedding day.
I mounted the picture on an old book cover and decorated it with lace and cheesecloth. I created a "clipboard" using a vintage brooch.  On the back is a little pouch where the original copy can be stored.  It hangs from a repurposed rhinestone necklace.
I posted about this project in the making here if you would like to take a closer look.  I can't wait to get this back from Stampington so I can display this at home. Thanks for stopping by to take a look.  I'm one happy mom today....xoxo

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Look what I won!

I was so excited to find out tonight that I won this gorgeous tote from Daphne Nicole.  I love Daphne's beautiful pillows, purses and romantic apparel.  Take a look at a few of her creations with me.
I'm sure most of you already know Daphne, but if you don't make sure you stop by. Tell her that I sent you! Check out her blog and her shop. So much goodness there.  Thanks again, Daphne.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

White Wednesday -Finds and a distressing tool

Isn't she sweet? Found her at the sidewalk sale a few weekends ago hidden in a box. Don't be afraid to ask your local stores and dealers if they have broken or damaged items.  This dress has several tears and a few stains, as you would expect with its age. She is perfect for those of us who find tears and stains just add more character!
I picked up some lace and trim too. I love the white lace with the red embroidery on the right.  Won't that be great for Christmas?
Here is that new lace and trim going through the Rusty Rooster Vintage distressing process.  If you like earth tones (you know muddy, slobbery browns) then this process or tool is ideal for you.  What you will need:  one curious Basset hound,  anything new that she hasn't smelled yet, a good sense of humor and willingness to share.  Here's how you do it...Buy anything new. Set it down for one second. Basset steals it and exits through doggy door in backyard where she 1) rolls on it 2) chews on it 3) tosses in the air.  You then bribe her with a treat to return your newly distressed item. You may want to wash and let air dry.  Story of my life...xoxo

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Should I open it? Problem solved

I did a post a few weeks ago about this little find.  This is surgical gauze from the late 1800's packaged up in the cutest little box.  I found it in a dealer's booth marked 50% off. I brought it home for a few dollars. The manufacturer is Seabury and Johnson.  This is the company Robert Johnson owned prior to Johnson and Johnson. You can read about the history of this find and see more pics here. 
In my prior post, I asked you if I should open this box.  I was curious about the gauze inside. It could have been really fun to use in a piece of my artwork.  I know you were curious too, but we all unanimously agreed it was best to leave the box in tact.
Well, I found myself in the same dealer's booth last weekend at the side walk sale. She had several more boxes of gauze and one already had the string seal broken. So, I purchased it and want to share the opened box with you!
That couldn't have worked out better!  Hope you enjoyed seeing what was inside. Now, I get to use my latest find in my artwork and preserve the other unopened box.  More finds to share, Fall decorating and some projects this week. Stay tuned! xoxo

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Shopping the sidewalk sale

Our local antique store had a sidewalk sale this weekend.  Fortunately, I had my point and shoot in the car so I could take you along.  It was crowded but I managed a few pictures.  Don't you love this old wagon seat? I bet it would make a fun front porch display.
I have a thing for primitive pumpkins. I love this guy. I might need a 12 step program. Remember my Ebay addiction?  I've got that under control at the moment.
I loved this old carrier too and considered it for the centerpiece that I shared in my previous post. It would have required some painting though. I'm happy with the one I found. I did love that this one was elevated. It has little feet on the bottom. Fun piece. How about that okra garland hanging out of the box?
Aren't these pretty?  I bet you would paint the frames white though? Right? First thing I thought of when I spotted them.  I picture white frames with a nice glaze to add some age and distress.  Gears turning?
I would have L-O-V-E-D to have had this for Jack's nursery or room when he was little. Isn't it precious? It doesn't even matter that I think "Jack" in the print is the dog! lol
This chippy beauty came home with me.  I had a spot in mind that only required one shutter. So, I asked the dealer to split them. When I got home, I stumbled upon a spot that would be perfect for the pair of shutters. Back I went to claim her sister. lol 

I am really hoping to work on projects this weekend and get my one year blogiversary planned for the end of this month so stay tuned. Thank you so much for your sweet comments and follows.  xoxo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Centerpiece - Before and After

I have been searching for a crate, box, tool chest...something to use on my dining room table as a Fall centerpiece.  I was so excited to find this very large tool chest ON SALE! at our local antique store this weekend. The size was a little intimidating, but our table is quite large. The proportions worked out just fine.  Here's a look at the before -
Here she is on the dining room table.  I'm so happy with the way it turned out.  I have small pumpkin shaped filler and votive candles inside those half gallon Ball jars.  I can light the candles since they are so far down inside and away from the foliage.
I'm a happy girl.  It was fun to spend some time on a project. My girlfriend, Jodi, found a great old crate too and made a gorgeous centerpiece as well.  We worked on them together last night.  Thanks, Jodi, for a fun afternoon of shopping and creating!

Thank you all for your prayers and emails about my mom. She came home yesterday morning (earlier then planned). She is doing great!

I hope you each are having a peaceful day today as we remember 9-11.  I know my heart is heavy but I am very proud to be an American and very thankful for those who help preserve my freedom and my safety. xoxo
Linking up to these parties -


Thursday, September 8, 2011

The pumpkins have left the attic

Yes, I am slowly pulling down the Fall decor from the attic and all the other hiding places.  I have converted my PB wall cubby to Fall.  The grater perched on top has an electric candle inside. It lets off a really fun glow at night.  I printed the Owl and pumpkin seed pack label from The Graphics Fairy.
I had thought about using some small real pumpkins this year and black and white photos. But, after taking a look at all these cute little primitive pumpkins and acorns that we have collected, I had to display them.  I included some photos of last years Halloween party perched in flower frogs.  Double click to enlarge.

We have been a busy, busy family these past few weeks. I hope to catch up on some planned posts and to visit each of you soon.  My mom is having bladder surgery tomorrow (yuck, poor gal).  She should be fine, but honestly does not have a healthy ticker, so please keep her in your prayers this weekend. We hope to have her home Sunday.  Until then....thank you so much for your follows, comments and friendship. Have a safe weekend!