Wednesday, September 21, 2011

White Wednesday -Finds and a distressing tool

Isn't she sweet? Found her at the sidewalk sale a few weekends ago hidden in a box. Don't be afraid to ask your local stores and dealers if they have broken or damaged items.  This dress has several tears and a few stains, as you would expect with its age. She is perfect for those of us who find tears and stains just add more character!
I picked up some lace and trim too. I love the white lace with the red embroidery on the right.  Won't that be great for Christmas?
Here is that new lace and trim going through the Rusty Rooster Vintage distressing process.  If you like earth tones (you know muddy, slobbery browns) then this process or tool is ideal for you.  What you will need:  one curious Basset hound,  anything new that she hasn't smelled yet, a good sense of humor and willingness to share.  Here's how you do it...Buy anything new. Set it down for one second. Basset steals it and exits through doggy door in backyard where she 1) rolls on it 2) chews on it 3) tosses in the air.  You then bribe her with a treat to return your newly distressed item. You may want to wash and let air dry.  Story of my life...xoxo


  1. Hi sweet Vicki! I just love your recent goodies girl!!! What is it about these precious, tattered goodies that draw us in ~ history and character for sure....and your "distressing tool" is adorable! hugs and love, Dawn

  2. YOu are too funny! My "distressing tool" has lost all interest in new things, except for adding a fur carpet to my hardwood floors she pretty much leaves everything else alone! Love the little dress, and your idea to ask if they have things that they might otherwise put out for the store. Have a great week! t. xoxo

  3. LOL, I think Sophie, our boxer girl, will make an excellent distresser tool!

  4. Such pretty finds, Vicki! I particularly love the tea colored lace. My favorite antique dealer has a back room with little gems in it; if the store is quiet he will let me dig around. I haven't done that in a while ~ thanks for the reminder!
    XO ~ Anita

  5. Hi Vicki,
    Love your treasures and this post.
    I have a team of "distressors."
    They are highly skilled and organized.
    Maks knocks new thing off of the counter to the floor, Gracie and Molly take over from here.
    Pulling, tugging and growling gets the job done in short time.
    enJOY your treasures and your sweet girl,

  6. Such a sweet little dress. Makes you wonder how old it is.
    And that's just about the cutest distressing tool I have seen :)

  7. What a cute way to look at it :). Christie

  8. I love your distressing tool. He's the cutest one I've ever seen! My little doggie just lays on things, and goes back to sleep.
    That is a sweet dress. You have to sit and wonder about the sweet little girl that wore it.

  9. Hi Vicki, love your new finds. I have a little destressor too, but aren't they so sweet? Have a great day!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  10. you have one of the cutest distressing tools I have ever seen.....

  11. Well, you're clearly past the distressing over the "distressing!"

  12. I'm still giggling....I can just picture what that little dress would look like after an afternoon with Mr. Bassett! The dress is too cute and the trims are lovely, I especially love the beige that looks like crochet....can't wait to see how you use them!

  13. How sweet...all of your photos! I love the precious little dress! I look for vintage clothes for my dolls! ♥

  14. Sweet, sweet, dress, Vicki!! I have a weakness for tattered old children's clothing....And, ahh...the of the reason I came to love "primitive" - wait till you see the "distressing" job my son's Siberian did on some of my Halloween decorations. We moved from whimsey and vintage to extreme prim in one evening....But he loves his job! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. I love that little vintage dress so sweet! Is that Zoe I see helping you with some ribbon, too funny~I love them too, you always find such unique things my friend! Happy White Wed. to you!! xo

  16. Vicki, you made me laugh, dear- ,-the living distress maker- lol
    Hope your little adorable dress will not be stealed!-so very sweet, it is- and the lace and trim-too.

  17. Your distressing tool is darling, can I borrow it sometime??!! ;-D

    Love the pretty dress!


  18. Hi Vicki,
    What a cute post...Love this new method/tool for distressing...Hee, hee, hee. Great finds. Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  19. I just have to laugh as my puppies distress some of my things too.... sometimes I don't get them back.

  20. Hi Vicki,
    The little dress is darling. The tears and stains make them even more special. Your lace is wonderful and the red one will really will be great for Christmas. And your distress helper is the best! I just love them. My cats have to sniff everything I bring home-I wish they could tell me what they are smelling. Well...maybe I don't! :)

  21. Cute little dress. It is sweet. Cute little story too. I like that puppy....
    have a great evening

  22. Your distressing technique is could be a whole new trend!! I am so glad too you were able to find out the inside of the gauze don't have to open the other one!!

  23. Such a cute, clever and practical way to it!

  24. Hey Vicki, when you get a chance could you stop by my blog I have something for you!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  25. What a darling little dress!


  26. Hahaha! I love your finds, the dress is stunning and the lace is too cute! I know for a fact this distressing method works with other breeds as well, like Jugs for example -.- Even when theyres no backyard, they are masters, the little ninjas! :P
    Lovely stuff, gotta repeat that!


  27. Such a sweet dress and I'm completely addicted to lace every time I'm out antiquing. Remember that pumpkin pie recipe card that you shared with us a few weeks ago? I used it in a craft project and posted about it yesterday on my blog. Thanks again, Vicki!

  28. AW! What a sweet post! And little basset hound probably didn't even get in trouble for doing this. :-)

    Hugs, Diane

  29. Yes hounds love to join in and help out. Mine loves pot holders and doll clothes. You found some fabulous finds, I love the dress, so frilly. Some will be jealous and want a hound like yours,one who loves to distress!

  30. What great finds. I never thought to use the Basset distressing method, but it looks foolproof.

  31. Love your new distressing technique! Still laughing . . . xoxo

  32. My beagle and my cha-weenie have that same talent!!! Hee! hee! karen....

  33. Oh Vicki, I love your distressing tool. I think there a lot of clones out there.
    So cute.
