Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall decorating favorites

I am sharing a few favorite "pins" from Pinterest with you today.  I've got my mind on Fall decorating right now.  How about you? 
Love this centerpiece.  I am using an old grater as a cover for an electric candle now in my kitchen. I have it perched on top of my PB wall cubby which has been officially converted to Fall.  I will share that this week.
How about this on your front door instead of a wreath this year? Bet you have a broken rake in the garage!
I am trying to find a long tool box or other crate to convert for my dining room table centerpiece. I love this one. So far what I've found has been way too expensive or has a large handle that would interfere with the candles I hope to use. I think I will use glass hurricanes too.
This one is just too cute! I love it and will have to find a place to do this in our house.  Pinterest has some great photos, links and ideas to share.  Beware though....you may want to set the kitchen timer!  Hours can fly by as you search the site.  I have a few projects on the table to share and some recent finds. Stay tuned.

For all my Texas friends, our prayers are with you during these horrible wild fires. I hope you and yours are safe. xoxo


  1. how adorable! ill head on over right now. the garage can wait a few hours for me to give it a good cleaning!

  2. The cheese grater as candle decorations! I really liked that. So clever and many times I have seen those old ones at antique fairs and wondered who buys them...I really need to put my Thinking Cap on more!

  3. Love the old graters. How fun and creative you could be with those.

    I have an old chicken feeder that I am going to bring inside (from the coop) and do something with. Of course, after I clean it major good.

  4. I love the old rake! And I'm sure I have an old grater somewhere! Great Fall decorating ideas! Is it getting any cooler there? We'll be back SOON! ♥

  5. What a great lot of fabulous ideas; can't wait to put some of them into use...thanks!

  6. Great Fall pics. I am almost into the Fall feeling. I have gotten a couple of new decor pumpkins for the season. September Surrenders to Fall...

  7. Vicki, these are great fall photos. I would like to show the mini Indian corn wreath on my blog but don't know if it's yours or if it's ok to do a 'blog this'. Let me know if it's not too much trouble.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  8. I'm trying really hard to resist putting Fall out just yet.Trying even harder to resist Halloween.100 degrees on Saturday made it a bit easier.Great ideas here which have me itching to get started again!

  9. Your fall decoration is great Vicky

  10. Hard to think about Fall around here since it was 115 today and is still in the 90's at night. I could barely hold the steering wheel when the kids and I left school today just after 3 pm. As soon as November rolls around, I will put a Fall wreath on the door. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy (P.S. Red wine sure doesn't hurt :)

  11. loving your fall decorations vickie! yikes..i still have seashells all over the place! it's soo hard to say goodbye to summer when winters here can be so long! you found some awesome ideas on Pinterest! gotta LOVE that site! (i like your idea to use an old toolbox for candles etc. way cool!):)

  12. Oh, please stop the Pinterest temptation!! I've looked once (ok, twice) and was almost swept completely in - but I don't need another addiction!! But thanks for showing some of what you found - love the wreath, and weird, but I just picked up an old rake....not sure what it will become as my door is not conducive to wreaths and such.....And, I have a huge thing for old graters....love them shamelessly.....Hope the day was good to you....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. I'm just not feeling fall yet....I need inspiration like you have here. I like the wooden tool box idea, I have one but it has the handle.
    Enjoy your evening~Sue

  14. Love the old graters and all the fall decorations you've shared. Thankfully it's cooler today...puts me in the fall-decorating mood!!! Thanks for the push!!!

  15. Great ideas for fall decorating. The temps have cooled so I'm definitely getting ready to make some changes around the house.

  16. Everything old is new again...great fall inspiration.
    We are enjoying a bit of summer fall...so am squeezing as much out of it as I can...we waited so long for this!.But I love the grater candle holders!

  17. Love those graters....soooooo cute!!!!


  18. Love your fall pictures. Very inspiring. I too am ready to start decorating for fall as we are experiencing cooler temps.

    Have a great week.

  19. Thanks for sharing! I love that centerpiece and the spider on the doily.

  20. The spider web is my favorite I think... Love the graters too and ofcourse the indian corn wreath well and ofourse Pinning!!! t. xoxooxo

  21. Love these! I am so excited for fall and the weather here has been cool, it feels so good!
    Enjoy your week!

  22. I am so behind in your blog but am loving catching up. I adore AUTUMN. I can't wait to break out all the decor this weekend. I have a large doughbowl and fill it with gourds. But my favorite thing to do is to take a large ironstone bowl and place a chicken wire cloche on top of it and fill the entire thing with white baby pumpkins. It gets me every time.

  23. WOW!
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Im especially loving that wreath.
    May have to try that. ;)

  24. I love those vintage graters, thats a really cute center piece!! I've got allot of Fall up in the house right now, I was excited to decorate!:)

  25. Vicki- they are wonderful ideas- I love the graters, funny how those old and very used items, suddenly become so beautiful to us..
    Thanks for showing your pinns-

  26. Oh arent these ideas cute! Thanks for sharing! I just love the rusty style of them! :D


  27. What wonderful ideas! I so want to decorate now ;) Thank you for sharing this - LOVE it, xo
