Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love everything about this

I love the packaging it came in.  A sweet little handmade pouch made from scraps with some machine stitching. A pin embellished with a bead and seam binding kept it safely closed. 
I love the handwritten note that came rolled up like a scroll and tied with string. A white feather was tucked carefully under the bow.
And inside I found and love this gorgeous handmade necklace made by my very talented and very generous friend, Becky Shander.  This beauty was recently featured in Jewelry Affaire.  Here is a shot from the magazine -
I gushed over all three.  Aren't they beautiful?  I know many of you already know Becky but if you don't, please stop by and say hello here.  Tell her that I sent you.  Becky is a real inspiration to me as an artist. She also is just one of those people that make the world better with her loving spirit and ability to find beauty in the ordinary.  Thank you, Becky. xoxo


  1. Gorgeous! I am headed to meet Becky now, I am so impressed with people that make jewelry, I figure they are really patient people!


  2. I am a follower of Becky and love what she creates. How very sweet of her to send you this unique and special piece. Joyous Beauty...

  3. Hi Vicki,
    That is so sweet of her to send you one of her beautiful creations. She is very talented, I see her work in magazines all the time.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Oh me, this may just be the nudging I need to try and create. Just today I told a friend I wanted to try and make a necklace. Inspiration is always going on in your post.

  5. Beautiful, Vicki! I have stop in to see more of Becky's pieces!!


  6. What a wonderful keepsake of friendship....such thoughtful, artful, mementos to treasure. Works of art and of the heart....Lucky you....Enjoy! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. I saw those necklaces and thought they were just about as perfect as could be! What a special piece! And the pouch it came in was so charming as well, yay for generous freinds! :)


  8. Hi Vicki
    How beautiful everything that she put together including the necklace... you will enjoy it - I am sure.
    Hope this finds you well

  9. Oh how very sweet and what a Beautiful job she did in packaging it....Will certainly stop by and say hello....

  10. Absolutely beautiful,Vicki!!Lucky you:)
    Love the packaging too.Enjoy.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. So very, very pretty! Love the necklace :) Laurel

  12. That is so stunning, Vicki! I am off to look at her work, and dream of pretty outfits to wear them with.
    xo, Anita

  13. Dear Vicki, how beautiful, I love your gift, it is truly stunning,and the little pouch she also made for you is so lovely.
    Congratulations with such a wonderful gift, from a very talented friend of yours.

  14. Becky's art is always special. And the little touches she puts on things are unexpected and delightful!

    Hugs, Diane

  15. Oh, how lovely they are!! And what a precious present she gave you!
    I'm on my way to visit her tout suite!
    Thank You!

  16. They are all so beautiful, and such a lovely way to present them. I am off to check out Becky's site now.

  17. Such music to my ears to hear you love it all... thank you for the sweet notes.

  18. Becky is so talented~ She amazes me with her ability to see potential in everything! I love her creations, how gorgeous! I know you will treasure this heartfelt creation~ enJOY!

  19. THE Becky Shander sent you one of her pieces?? oh my....soooo green with envy here! she is an amazing artist and 1 of my inspirations as well! wow..lucky YOU mon amie! so happy for you! :)

  20. It´s a beautiful necklace Vicki - you lucky girl. I love Becky´s creations too. Have been following her for years.
    Have a wonderful weekend
    xo Tina

  21. What absolutely beautiful pieces of jewellry! Quite agree with you, they are so lovely. I will most certainly go and visit her blog.
    wishing you a great day, love Pamela
