Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Santa Paper Wreath for Charity Event

Hello there! I'm a busy little elf this week. I bet you are too!  Here's a quick shot (as in 7:30 in the a.m. while I'm drinking my coffee and packing lunches kinda shot - lol) of the Santa paper wreath I made this week as my donation to the Festival of Wreaths silent auction. 
Thanks to Karen at the The Graphics Fairy for this great Santa image. I just can't stop using it!  See my freebie in my previous post.  I still love making these paper wreaths.  The paper is an old atlas. Appropriate for Santa since he travels the world on Christmas Eve.  The border is ruffled crepe paper and vintage tinsel. I hope she does well at the event! 

How about you?  What project is on your table this week?  Somehow I can just guess it is holiday related.  If you are not making something are you in full swing decorating?  I bet.  Until next time...xoxo


  1. I am putting the finishing touches on a mini book that I am making for my daughter. It traces the family tree way back. It has been fun.

  2. Vicki, what a beautiful wreath to donate,-
    yes dear I`m creating ,too- for my show this week-end :)

  3. I love the wreath; you are so creative, Vicki!

    I am in full swing decorating mode. Family is arriving from Florida on Friday, so I am in a time crunch. So far it's fun; here's hoping I can continue that mindset for the remainder of the week!

    xo, Anita

  4. hi i have made lots creations..come and seea t my blogs 4 inspiration... nice with charity..bless

  5. Hey Vicki,
    Yes, I am busy with the Christmas holiday coming quickly upon us! Ahh! It seems to get here faster and faster every year!
    Love you Santa donation. I still have not made one of these and I would love to! It's on my list! :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family,

  6. Okay I keep seeing these Paper wreathes all over the place.... I SERIOUSLY need to make one.... Just so I can say, "Oh Yeah, I can make those" :) Yours is Lovely and as always Karen offers some of the BEST graphics...

  7. Love this wreath Vicki - I'm sure it will be a hit! No projects on my table this week - just trying to FIND my table. (GROAN!!!) Have a wonderful Wednesday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. What a wonderful donation; I love it! I'm making some red cardinal ornaments, will post soon. I'm hand painting them, which is slowing me down, but I'm enjoying the process! Thanks for sharing~

  9. gorgeous wreath! i am a busy little elf these days and i can see that you are as well!;)

  10. Sweet Wreath You are so right, busy busy here too. Just took on a new DT position and have been working on things to post.
    Keep smiling and creating

  11. I love your wreath! Bet it will bring a high bid! I just finished decorating today! I kept putting it off, but I have a girls party next week and it had to get done!! I loves it looking all cheerful around here


  12. These are so popular and yours is so sweet with Santa.
