Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti

Hello all!  No, I don't normally post recipes on my blog but these little biscotti turned out like little works of art! I love the green and red colors for the holidays, and trust me they taste delicious!  If you need a last minute recipe, this one will not disappoint. These will make great gifts for teachers, neighbors, family and friends too. Out of time to make your own cute gift bags and decorated containers?  Michael's has Martha Stewart holiday bags and treat boxes on sale for 40% off!  Hurry!  Here's the link to the recipe - go here! Thinking of you this week.  I hope it doesn't feel like a race to the finish line and that you can remember the reason for the season.  xoxo


  1. Vicki, Yummy, So I have to say this is one cookie that I make all the time... Buon Natale a vioela vostra Famiglia.... Merry Christmas from me to you


  2. Thank you, Vicki. Mr. Glen Oaks loves biscotti and I'm going to give him this recipe. He bakes like a pro. He'll be thrilled to have this.
    Merry Christmas,

  3. The biscotti look delicious ,Thank you Vicki for sharing with us! :) Have a beautiful Day!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Biscotti but have NEVER tried making it... :) It looks like yours turned out PERFECT... Don't forget that I have my new linky party EVERY Tuesday.. :)http://shoprubyjean.com/2011/12/sew-crafty-tuesday-linky-2-and-highlights/

  5. I, too, love biscotti, but have never made it - these look awesome - and sound just as good - what's not to love about cranberries and pistachios?? Yea!! Thanks for sharing - maybe after the holidays I'll treat myself....don't think it's going to fit on my long before to-do list....Smiles & Merry Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Yessss! Love little works of are that I can eat!! :) Thanks for sharing this!

    Happy Christmas to you, Vicki, and many many blessing in the coming year!

    (ps..finally got the Gallery and admired your little brooms again, so cool!)

  7. They look delicious! And so festive; bonus! It does feel like a race to the finish line, but that is more about our special circumstances this year than over consumption.
    I love this season for what we are celebrating, and always make that the focus in our home. Church on Christmas Eve, good food and family around to eat it are time honored traditions! The mister and I don't exchange gifts; we save the presents for the little ones.
    Another important tradition for me is to be sure to remember and care for those less fortunate. It is never too late for that!
    Have a very merry, Vicki!
    xo, Anita

  8. They are beautiful! I will definitely give them a try this week. They look like they would hold up well when packed in luggage so they would be a good treat to send back home with my guys. ~Roberta

  9. They looks so wonderful, and tasty dear Vicki-
    I just made some cookies here,today- also :)
    Dear Vicki, being here, I wish you a merry and wonderful christmas-and all the best for the new year 2012- thankyou for the year almost gone- I so enjoy visiting you.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  10. I have been looking for something different to make than my usual Christmas cookies, and this is it! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  11. Mmmm, yummy! I love biscotti. Hope you have a Merry Christmas :)

  12. OOO those look so yummy!!

    I don't know it I hjave mentioned it before but I love your header and blog design ♥♥
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  13. Hi Vickie, Thanks for the Biscotti recipe, they look great and I am definitely going to give them a try.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. I've enjoyed coming to visit during the year and will be back in the new year.


  14. Thanks Vicki. I made the biscotti this morning and it is easy and tastes great. I'm not much of a baker but they turned out wonderful. I added a little orange jest and it adds a nice spark of flavor. Thank you for the recipe and inspiration!
