Sunday, December 4, 2011

Loot in my mailbox

Would you like to come along as I open this wonderful box of loot from the very talented Pam at Fairy Rocks and Things?  Pam has the most beautiful studio (see link on her right side bar) where she collects all kinds of wonderful junk and paper, just like me.  She recently shared a special treat with one of her readers, and I won!
I love that old Montgomery Ward's tag.  See the tea stained bag that the rusty botttle caps came in? Well, read this little note from Pam.
How fun! The bags she sent are real vintage geologists bags that her father used as he gathered samples in the Rocky Mountains on horseback. 

I'm crazy for that large locket and this old ice cream wrapper.  Aren't they so cool?!  Here's a great shot of all the loot I received. I"m overwhelmed by all my new treasures. Thank you, Pam!
I hope you had a great weekend. I'll be back soon! Have a great week. xoxo


  1. Wow! Vicki!! What fabulous treasures. So sweet to share the vintage geologist bags with you.

    Have a beautiful week ~

    PS Pop over for our GIVEAWAY

  2. What a wonderful gift! Isn't that fun?


  3. Great stuff! I love the old geologist bag. It's fun knowing a little about the old stuff we're using.

  4. Thanks for sharing us your box of fun stuff!


  5. Oh goodness that was tailor made for you! Only it is such great stuff and we never use the good stuff LOL!


  6. Vicki,
    Lucky girl! That's a bunch of great stuff! How sweet is that little ice cream wrapper! Those bags are wonderful, along with all the rest! That was tailor made for you!

  7. Oh my gosh Vicki Such Wonderful Treasures you got. Oh the Fun!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Wow congratulations that is a box of wonderful bit and pieces!

  9. You scored! If the things could talk, what a lot of history you would hear. Such a wonderful collection. Congrats.

  10. Dear Vicki, so many fantastic treasures, I love the bags, the powder mirror- the sweet card-and all the other great things. Wish you a happy play-time with it all.

  11. Oh My!!!! that is one AMAZING winnings Prize.. :) Congratulations and thankfully I am not your mail lady... I might have forgotten to deliver this package.... :)

  12. Congratulations Vicki! What a wonderful win for you - and somehow, I just know you are going to put all the bits and pieces to a very good use! Love the sample bag! How fun is that?! And Montgomery Ward - wow - the memories....It was the first (hmmmm only?) class action lawsuit I was involved in back in the early days of my legal career..... Have fun playing! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  13. Any time of the year, loot boxes are fun!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  14. You are so welcome my friend,
    We are sister collector/junkers at heart I know.
    Wishing you and yours the best of the season.
    Pam J.C.

  15. You lucky girl! Gorgeous stuff. Love the authentic geological bag.

  16. The geologist's bags are too cute. What a story behind them. I too love the ice cream wrapper,
    I think I like that the best.
    Happy Holidays To Everyone

  17. Nice box of goodies! I look forward to seeing some projects using them. My mental image of the geologist on horseback going after his Rocky Mountain treasure is just too romantic!!!

    Please check out my latest blog post featuring a book I may be interested in giving away at some point.

  18. Awesome!! There is nothing better than getting a package in the mail, especially one full of such wonderful and unique items, how fun!! Loved lookin' at your treasures!


  19. Hi Vicki, I loved looking around your blog, and what a great package to get in the mail. I have a vintage garland tutorial and giveaway, that I think you might enjoy. Come by and check it out. Thanks, Cindy
