Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let's catch up!

Hello, my friends.  It has been too long!  I'm slowly getting back to blogging after a challenging few weeks at work and home keeping up with everyone's busy schedules and deadlines. Let's catch up! Here's what we have been up to since the holidays.

My studio is back to normal after serving as your Christmas tree display and extra dining room for weeks! It took just as long to put it back together. It is in need of organization now. I found this little beauty above hidden away and longing to be used in a project. Isn't it fun to go through your stuff and "re-live" your finds and purchases?
This little suitcase is overflowing with ephemera.  I love the suitcase but time to get everything in there sorted and organized.  How do you store your paper?  I'm trying to think of categories. I may actually end up using this suitcase to store projects and switch the paper to a plastic divided container in the closet. So, studio back to normal. Time to organize and create.  As for the family...

Well, this little gal had some surgery recently to remove some lumps and bumps. Her recovery has included numerous vet trips, limited mobility and lots of TLC.  Not easy for a busy working mom, but she is worth it. She is doing great now.  One more set of stitches to come out this week!
Jack (who rarely makes an appearance here) finished a science project he's (and by he, I mean been working on since Thanksgiving and took second in this category at the science fair.  Made all that hard work worth it!
And then there is Kara (who for the record hates this picture ) who I've been working with to study for the school spelling bee. She won last year and went on to county.  Well, those extra hours studying have paid off. She won the spelling bee for the second year in a row this week!  She's off to county again.

So, I've been focused on my family and their needs and deadlines. Work has been quite busy so I do look forward now to having the studio back as my getaway and stress free zone.  I have a little project in the works right now for Valentines Day.  I'll be sure to share this week! Hope you are well. I've missed you and look forward to visiting soon! Until then...xoxo


  1. Family first......they grow up too quickly.
    Fun times right now with your children. So great to see they grow and learn.
    Poor puppy. Hope the worst is over. My Yorkie is having teeth pulled on Friday. Sounds easy but she has serious breathing problems and trouble with her liver. They depend on us so much and they are so worth all the trouble.

  2. Congratulations to your hardworking kids! You have good reason to be proud Vicki... and for the record please tell Kara that her picture is very cute! I know how you feel, getting back into the swing of things has taken me longer than I thought it would, and I still don't have my room organized :)
    Can't wait to see your new project!

  3. Hello Vicki
    I am glad you are bag and looking forward to seeing your creations.
    Congrats on your son and daughter, they both are so cute.
    Enjoy your day!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. Hi Vicki! Welcome back! You have been a busy's nice to get caught up though. Thanks for sharing your family pictures and congrats on a job well done to the kids!!


  5. Hello Vicki!!! Congratulations on your kiddoes proud Mama... :) Isnt it the best gift from kids? I hope your doggie is doing better and I adore that suitcase! :) Great to see you back here and I'll see you around!


  6. Hi Vicki,
    Looks like life is returning to normal. I forgot what its like to have little ones around. Always seem to have something going on. Congrats to both your children for their wonderful accomplishments. You must be very proud and rightfully so. Glad to hear you have your studio back!
    Congrats to you too on being published. I'll go look you up. I haven't even had a chance to check it out yet.
    Enjoy your Sunday.
    Hugs Lynn

  7. Family is the most important. Your time with them is more important than anything else. How do I sort my paper? I have so much I sort it by color. In each color, I try and put like themed pieces together, but that doesn't always happen. Have a good day.

  8. Congrats to the children. What fabulous accomplishments and they are both adorable. Welcome back, can't wait to see what all you create. Hugs, Marty

  9. We all get busy and let's face it, it takes a bit to get back to normal after the holidays. Congrats to both your kids and the help of you too!

  10. Hi Vicki, so glad things are getting back to normal for you. Can't wait to see your Valentine project. Congrats to both of your kids for their accomplishments, their both so cute. So glad your sweet little doggie is doing better.
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  11. It IS time to catch up!!!!!
    Congrats on the kids' winnings and the puppy's recovery!!!
    I loved looking at your Christmas deco and I totally understand about not having the time to be here at Rusty Rooster Vintage...
    I hope you have a wonderful 2012 and may it bring us more TIME TO PLAY!!!!! :))))

  12. Hi, Vicki - congratulations to the kids!
    I'm glad your dog is on the mend. Great photos.

  13. Priorities! Good for you!
    Your children are beautiful...and congratulations on their achievements!
    Glad our pup is on the mend...we love our pets!
    I posted about our snow & are now dealing with the thaw!
    So glad to see you back & the rose in your first image is stunning!

  14. I missed you too! Congratulations to the kiddos. I always loved the science fairs, but they were much more simple back then. A baking soda volcano was a huge deal lol! Glad to see the puppy is doing well.

  15.'ve been a busy, busy girl! and i can see why! congrats to your sweeties on their successes! you must be so proud? glad your sweet dog is on the mend! and..i just love the old suitcase! yum! can't wait to see your Valentine's creations! :)

  16. Congrats to your two smart kids! And best of luck to your daughter at the county spelling bee!

  17. Oh how cute! We totally get it, isn't crazy and wonderful that you are busy selling yea! You have to tell your son that when my son did his science project, he (We) did it on toilet training the cat! The kids all loved the pictures of accidents LOL. He won , but we could not go to state because he did not have a vet OK, we didn't know we needed one! Guess we both missed Reninngers this time


  18. Congratulations to the kiddos and their special awards! I hope your furry family member's recovery continues to improve. Can't wait to see what special projects you are working on.

  19. Hi Vicki!
    It's lovely to hear about your family, and those are precious moments to be celebrated!

    Glad to hear that your sweet puppy is on the road to recovery. They bring so much joy to our worlds!

    I adore your suitcase! Though not paper, I store my supplies in clear plastic boxes so that I can see what I have. Sewing patterns, embroidery patterns and the like are also stored in clear containers, and I protect the vintage ones in a clear sleeve as well.

    I can see that suitcase displayed open, with vintage textiles, bits of lace and strings of beads artfully arranged. {Now I need to add one to my thrifting list!}

    Have a wonderful day!
    xo, Anita

  20. Congrats to the kids, that is so wonderful! SO sorry about your fur baby, that is a lot of work and I am so glad that she is doing better.
    I hope you get some time for you to dig into all that yummy stuff in your suitcase soon. :)

  21. the little ones...Very awesome.

  22. Love that old suitcase.
    I have been trying to figure out what to do with all of my ephemera as well. When you figure something out, please do share.
    Congats to both your children, jobs well done.

  23. I never know what to do with my papers either, but the suitcase looks cool! And I think K. looks super smart in that photo, congrats to her! yay for the win!


  24. Welcome back,Vicki and congrats to the kids.
    Have a wonderful week.
    XO Marie

  25. Wow! I truly don't know how you do all that you do and keep up even a wee bit....I remember my son's "school" days - and the endless projects and events and I'm worn out just revisiting the memories. Then add on work, creating - and blogging??? Yikes. Congratulations to both Jack and Kara on some pretty amazing accomplishments. Sounds like you're raising a couple of smarties. :o) Hope your furbaby is all ok - my little Shih Tzu is just a lump and bump factory I swear - he's had enough things removed to make a whole new Shih Tzu I swear. He has more still, but at his age, I really am reluctant to put him through the agony, and the vet is convinced they are just fatty tumors. (Gross, huh?) Anywho - I'm off to bed. Hope the rest of the week is amazing for you....So good to hear from you...Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  26. Beautiful kids! Congratulations to them both, I know you are very proud! I am glad your little pooch is feeling better too!

  27. Hi Vicki,
    Glad the family's well and the pup is on the mend! Here's a post that I did on organizing my papers...including the categories that I use:

    Good luck with your re-organization!

  28. I love your finds! Congrats to both your children!
    Well Done Mom ;D

  29. Sounds like you've been busy with life- your kids are cute AND accomplished! One of our bassets had multiple surgeries for lumps and bumps, too- I wonder if the breed is more likely to have them?

  30. I know it is the new year and one should get organized and all, ... but I just have to say that I love that suitcase just the way it is! Bursting with a surprise every time you look inside and run across something you'd overlooked before. That's the best!

  31. Hello Vicki! You have a beautiful family!
