Monday, February 13, 2012

A beautiful Etsy purchase

Hello, friends.  I wanted to share a beautiful Etsy purchase with you and introduce you to a blogging friend of mine, Scarlett Clay
Scarlett is a talented artist who's work inspires me so much.  She works with many different mediums and shares projects and challenges that we can all enjoy.  I hope you will visit her and tell her I sent you over!
I'm also inspired by Scarlett's devotion to her beautiful family.  Scarlett's youngest son, Knox, has Cockayne Syndrome. This illness causes children to age prematurely and sadly it shortens their life expectancy.  Scarlett keeps us posted on Knox on her art blog and often creates pieces that are inspired by her journey as she tries very hard to process her son's diagnosis.
Scarlett has an Etsy shop too. All the proceeds go to Cockayne Syndrome research.  You can visit it here.   I purchased these beautiful butterfly cards there. I love all the colorful scrapbook papers mixed with book pages, transparencies and three dimensional elements.
Have I ever mentioned that I have a thing for butterflies? I do. They are so delicate and beautiful. Thanks for visiting today.  Please pop over and visit Scarlett's lovely blog.  I know you will enjoy it!  I'll be back with picks from a recent trip to Deland, Florida and some fun packaging to share.  xoxo


  1. Oh goodness those cards are works of art! Just gorgeous, they will be so hard to use! I'm hopping over to visit Scarlett!


  2. Those cards are beautiful. Thanks for the link.

  3. Such beautiful cards...the butterflies are so pretty.
    I am swooning over your card holder on your last post!
    And great job on the Amelia doll!
    Off I go to see Scarlets blog! thanks for sharing!

  4. I love butterflies, also! I find them irristible, actually.

    I am always happy to support someone who finds a way to bring some beauty and light into a difficult situation. I'm off to visit Scarlett; thanks for another great link!

    xo, Anita

  5. Thanks so much Vicki! So happy you like the butterfly cards. I appreciate your posting about CS and my angel Knox, it's very kind. I'm grateful to know you! Scarlett xoxo

  6. Scarlett is so talented, her art always amazes me!
    I love butterflies, too
    Awareness can change the world, such a wonderful post!

  7. Very pretty. Scarlett is very talented I like the butterflies. You site is wonderful.

  8. I love visiting Scarlett, the way she makes beautiful art from the everyday is magic. Your cards are exactly what I'm talking about, she is so talented! Happy Valentines Day! t.xoxoox

  9. Very pretty cards! I stopped over at Scarlett's and I love her work. thanks for sharing. Have a happy Valentines Day.

  10. Lovely finds, I am heading over for peeps.
    Keep smiling and creating, Have a great Valentines Day!!

  11. Those are beautiful Vicki and such a talented artist.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  12. Hi Vicki,
    Lovely cards, always fun to discover new artists.
    Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day!
    JOY & hugs,

  13. Those cards are so pretty! Makes you want to keep them for your self no doubt ;)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. Two of my favorite girls doing good stuff! I LOVE Scarlett and her work - and love that all proceeds go to help with research. Beautiful purchase ;) AND Happy Valentine's Day to you! xoxoxo

  15. So wonderful cards Vicki- and made to support that terribly illness , makes them even more worth.
    Happy Valentine`s day, dear.
    Hugs ,Dorthe

  16. These cards are precious! I went to her Etsy store and she has so many pretty things! I'll visit her, too! Thanks for the links! ♥

  17. I love Scarlett...she's been a priceless treasure in a lot of our lives...Her clay pieces always inspire, and I see her Cards are just as lovely ~ Great post in honor of a great lady :)
