Sunday, February 5, 2012

Winners announced!

Congrats to my two winners!  Sherry from Createology has won this little gem above filled with goodies to use in her creations. Sherry works in many mediums, and I am sure she will put this win to good use! Stop by to see Sherry and tell her I sent you! She is full of projects and inspiration.
Congrats to Lynn Stevens of Trash to Treasure Art who will receive the "mystery" tin filled with goodies. Lynn is also an artist that works in many mediums and has a great blog and Etsy shop.  I hope you will visit and see some of her wonderful work.  Thanks to all who visited and played along.

This week we have been busy planning and executing a spa b-day party for Kara. It was a huge hit and so much fun.  I will share some ideas and pics with you in my next post just in case any of you are interested in planning a similar party.  Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Congrats to the lucky girls! Spa day sounds like fun! Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Congrats there! Great win! Have a wonderful day Vicki!

  3. Congrats to Sherry & Lynn! I know Lynn's work & she'll do amazing stuff with a mystery tin of goodies!! :D Becky

  4. Congratulations to Sherry and Lynn! I can't way to see what Lynn does with hers! She's so creative!!


  5. Congratulations to the recipients, Very nice, everyone loves a good mystery.
    You are a generous soul Vicki. Keep smiling and creating

  6. Congrats to Sherry as well. Who dosen't Love a mystery. I sure do!!
    Thanks so much Vicki!
    Hugs Lynn

    P.S. The spa day sounds amazing!

  7. Congratulations to both Sherry and Lynn. you are two lucky winners , I know you will both happily create with all this wonderful things.
    Hugs to you dear Vicki.

  8. Congratulations to Sherry and Lynn on some wonderful wins! These little tins are darling!! And thank you, Vicky, for hostessing another fun and wonderful giveaway. My birthday is next month - will you give me a spa party too? Wow - what an incredibly great the girls had a blast! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  9. Congratulations to your winners! I can't wait to see pics from the Spa bday party. My oldest daughter is deciding on whether a theme party is happening this year. Your pics might just inspire one more themed party!

  10. Congratulations winners! Vicki, I clicked on the in profile and found your online shop! I am sooo excited for you. We have so much to talk about!!


  11. Congrats to the winners. I know they'll be pleased with their prizes.

  12. Boo-hoo, it wasn't me, but congrats to two great gals!
    enJOY a lovely Sunday evening Vicky.

  13. Good for you Sherry and Lynn! Thank you Vicky, for another great giveaway.

  14. Vicki Dear I am over the moon happy to see I have won your gift filled with creative goodness. Congratulations to Lynn also. I am so excited. Thank you dear blogging friend...

  15. Congratulations to the winners!
    A spa birthday sounds like a great idea...I'm looking forward to seeing the photos!

  16. Thanks for having such a fun giveaway, Vicki! I hope these are as easy to make as you made them sound; I'll have to have my husband help me make a couple since it sounded like you're out of the little molds! I fell in love with them when you had a similar giveaway last Easter! (I still have it listed on the sidebar of my blog since I enjoyed the cuteness of it all!)

    Congratulations to Sherry and Lynn for winning - it sounds like they'll both be having some fun with them! I'd love to see what each comes up with!

  17. Congrats to the lucky winners!!!
    Thanks Vicki for hosting a wonderful giveaway!
    Prim Blessings

  18. Congrats to both the winners.
    Love the lil bucket.
