Sunday, November 21, 2010

More photos from Renningers!

I thought I would share a few pics I snapped of the actual show. Did you miss my first post about the show? You can take a look here. Believe it or not, Mt. Dora, Florida is not flat like most of the state. There are hills!  These pics were taken from our parking spot. It was remarkable to each of us just how hilly the landscape was.  If you live in Florida long enough, you'll know what I mean. It is beautiful out here and very close to Ocala National Forest.
The show actually sits on 117 acres! We only grazed the surface on our trip Saturday. Ready to see some more junk? Christmas ornaments, mercury glass picks, bottle brush trees and ceramics everywhere (at "it is almost Christmas" prices too..pass!)

 There were plenty of pretty things too to drool over and lust these lovely hat pins.

...and this glove box. I'm not sure which I like best, the glove box or the tray she sits on in the photo!
Here's a little glimpse at one of my favorite purchases of the day...
I can't wait to show you what is inside this!!! Yes, it is a 1929 wall paper sampler. Yes, there is still lots of vintage wall paper inside.  But, it gets even better! The first 25 pages of the 100+ were converted to a scrapbook. There is school work dated 1930s by a Mr. David Bliss. The handwritten pages were completely unexpected and a treasure! I cannot wait to go through it and photograph it for you! I may even have to scan a page of his script for you. It is too sweet and will likely get its own post soon. Wait, I forgot to tell you the best part. It was $2.50!!! (insert scream here). Okay, I need to gather myself.  Where were we?? Oh, yes...more photos from the show...Let's share some furniture and industrial goodies.

These "aqua-ish" gears would make great wall art if paired with the gorgeous furniture trolley coffee table above! These old trolleys or carts were everywhere. Some refinished and some left just the way they were found.  Anyone collect copper tea pots or kitchen ware?
I do promise to do a post this week of all my purchases. I did share my favorite treasure above..the vintage wallpaper sampler with the 1930's handwritten school work inside. I'll leave you with another glimpse of my loot!
Do you know what these are?  Take a guess and leave me a comment. Shouldn't be too hard! They have a great story. I so look forward to sharing it with you. Have a great week. I hope it is a short one for all of you!  HUGS!


  1. this looks amazing, what a wonderful place to shop.
    All of these pieces and stories too, WOW.
    very cool

  2. I see a lot of goodies for our collection and the antique hat pins are COOL! Thanks for sharing....Tallulah's

  3. Wow! I'm screaming too! Can you hear me clear over here? What a wonderful find the wallpaper sampler is! Lucky you, girl! I'm drooling over the industrial drawers too!And how cool are the aqua gears and the trolley! Fabulous! I would have really loved that place!
    Blessings and thanks for sharing,

  4. This show must have been SO MUCH FUN! The wallpaper book...what can I say? And I have a collection of vintage bottle brush still my heart! I would have had to spend some money...

  5. Good heavens...$2.50? Lucky you! It looks like so much fun there :)

  6. Love all that you showed!!! Used to have a santa head mug like that...I am going to say those are skis. Look forward to that story!

  7. Hi Vicki! Im your newest follower! I love roosters (Have some in my GIVEAWAY goin on right now!) I love rust and I love vintage! Girl, you are right up my alley! Ive JUST found you as im new to blogging. I have an interior design buss and blog and im doing 14 days of xmas trees...i would BEYOND ADORE you to visit! I have that GIVEAWAY TOO

    *ENTER CUSTOM FLORAL Give-Away Here *


  8. Oh wow! What an incredible event! I hope you show us more of that wallpaper sounds so amazing! :-)

  9. What an amazing sale! I don't think I could have talked my hubby into that but it would be SO much fun to go at least ONE time! I see so many neat things that I love in your photos! Enjoy your week! Happy Thanksgiving! ♥

  10. Be still my heart, Super jealous.

  11. I'm so jealous of that wallpaper book. Sounds gorgeous. And I say the wooden things are skates???

  12. Pam - you are so right! They are skates from a Belgium flea market. I cheated and did not photograph the blades. The skates and the blades are marked accordingly. They were created to slip your shoes in and tie up. I love old rustic, quirky things like this!

  13. Oh wow, it's all so awesome!!! I could also see being able to decoupage pictures on the gears...Want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  14. Hi Vicki,
    Those sewing/thread/needle/whatever cabinets make my heart skip a beat. I have always wanted one!
    The wall paper sampler is amazing - looking forward to seeing the inside.

  15. Great finds and amazing pictures, thanks for sharing!!!

  16. I'm ga-ga over the bottle brush trees. And that wooden thingy with! Have a happy, peaceful Thanksgiving.

  17. Oh Vicki, what wonderful treasures, I love your wallpaper sampler and can't wait to see more of it!!! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving... Blessings~~~ Daphne

  18. You did good and yet you still tease us..shame on you :)

  19. Vicki,
    Love your wooden skates, I have a pair like them that I got when I lived in WI. I'm drooling over that fabulous cabinet with all the drawers! Thanks for the weather update, sounds like it will be perfect. (My siste-in-law lives in Panama City.) Hope it's the same there!

  20. Holy Eye Candy! Such fun things to see...I linked to your blog at Lucky Linky today..

  21. I WANT those industrial, REALLY bad! ;-)
