Friday, November 12, 2010

My new ornaments and featured today!

Happy Friday dear friends! So glad you had a minute to stop by.  As promised in my last post, I unloaded some of the hidden treasures in my car and snapped a few more photos of the ornaments I bought at the holiday open house this week.  I really like rustic and prim for the fall and winter.  I bought several of these acorns for decorating this Thanksgiving. I also found some super cute Christmas ornaments. Take a look...

I love the ice skates. So cute!  As you know, I've been making ornaments for my tree. If you are a new visitor or  follower, take a look at my mason jar ornaments here and here.  I think these will go nicely with the zinc lids and cookie cutter ornaments I made last year. We are trying to stick to a homemade tree. Like I said before, the days of Mom's special tree out of the latest magazine or catalog are gone. We enjoy our handmade, found object tree now.  Everyone is a part of it. Found this adorable pillow too this week - 
And one of my favorite finds because it is so darn simple are these rusty tin cans with Christmas pics -
Aren't these fun? Do you like them? I will add some old tattered lace to these and the small red book ornament above but otherwise I love them. They have little rusty tin stars too. I bet these are easy to make. They will look great on my back porch. And, before I go...remember the chippy green scale? I just wanted to show you a better picture. It really is a John Deere green.
It looks great in my kitchen. I'll have to move her around a bit and find the right spot.  I'll share a picture of where she lands.

I hope you have a great Friday. I am hosting a holiday handmade open house here at my home on Sunday. We do it every year with several Etsy friends. I'll have plenty of pics for you.  I have some fun thrifty finds too that are waiting to be photographed and shared.  I've been a lucky girl this past week or so! I'm also so pleased to tell you I am being featured today over at The Answer is Chocolate.  Carol is the "head chocolatier" over there. She does a "Feature Friday" post now.  It is a great way to discover new blogs. Carol is very talented too and has been featured in numerous blogs herself. You should check out some of her craft projects and chocolate desserts she lists in her sidebar! If you are visiting from her blog, WELCOME! I hope you enjoy your visit. Your comments and follows are so appreciated!  Be back soon. 


  1. Such cute vintage looking ornaments. Love them.

  2. Love the ornaments, but I think I forgot to say what a great find that scale was! You can see the color better now and to me, it looks a little more Oliver tractor green opposed to JD. Love what you are doing with your tree and ornaments:)

  3. Hi Vicki!!
    What lovely finds...I LOVE the "PEACE" pillow and the tin cans. From what I have seen you are great at taking discarded stuff and making it beautiful!

  4. Awesome finds Vicki. I am in love with those ice skates! So glad you like your feature today :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Hi Vicki,
    You found some great treasures! I love the skates. The peace pillow is just adorable, love the color of it and the text. And the coffee cans? How wonderful is that? I'm looking in my husbands shop to see if he has any rusted cans!:)
    Blessings and thanks for sharing. Will go check out Carol's blog too. Congratulations on the feature.

  6. Vickie,
    Just found your blog, love it! I just became your 199th follower! Wanted to hold out to be 200 but couldn't wait. Would love for you visit me. I will be stopping by often!

  7. Love those ice skates and your photos are beautiful.

  8. Love your finds, Vicki~ my favorite is the ice skates! Congrats on being featured...she always has a fun blog!

  9. Oh those ice skates are too darling! And congrats on your feature my totally deserve it! :-)

  10. congratulations on being featured. no surprise to me. =)
    and look at all those followers already! Word is getting out about all the sweetness you have here.

    Love the rusty tin with pick in it. i have some with Fall decor, so I will just change those out. great idea.



  11. Your adorable skates caught my eye right away. And I see that you've been busy with making all sorts of goodies...thanks for the peek.
