Saturday, December 18, 2010

Southern Living Snowman - Project you can make today!

I'm sure you are all done with your shopping, Christmas cards, baking, holiday parties, decorating and now you need something to do, right?  lol  Well, I couldn't resist this ten minute project and had to share it with you.  It is very simple and made with supplies you might have on hand.  I spotted this grapevine snowman in a Southern Living magazine a few years back. I decided this year, I would make him.  You'll need:  24 in wreath, 18 in wreath, 12 in wreath, command strips, scarf, hat, ribbon and a flower. 
I simply picked a wall (inside or outside) where the largest wreath would fit. I really wanted visitors to see him as the entered the front door.  I started with the bottom wreath and estimated where to put a command strip hook (you know those temporary sticky hooks found at the drug store). I then hung it and added the second wreath making sure they touched. Did the same thing with the third.  Once the wreaths were in place, I did take them down and give the strips the hour they require to set.  I then assembled my snowman. I love this scarf.  It was in a dresser at my in-laws. When they downsized a few years ago, my mother-in-law gave me several of the kids (she had seven!) scarfs and hats to keep for fun. So glad that I did.
I found a foam hat we had purchased a Michael's for a school project in the craft room.  I cut it in half and used tacks to attach to the wall.  I did add a ribbon and flower first.  It's a little small but I love it.  The idea is to use what you have on hand and make this a quick project.
So, when visitors arrive this is the view from the front door now.  Thanks to the command strips (which the wreath hides so well) there will be no holes in the wall when he "melts" in the spring.  This would look great with evergreen wreaths too.  See what you have around the house! I'd love to put a broom up with him too!  Have a  great weekend. Wrap up all your loose ends. I'm off to run around some more, wrap gifts and attend a company Christmas party.  Thanks for stopping by! Linking up to Saturday Night Special at Funky Junk Interiors.  Come visit and see Donna's full home reveal of her "junk" Christmas.


  1. Vicki,
    This is such an awesome looking 10 minute project...thanks so much for sharing it. Love your blog, so I’m going to follow along. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


  2. Now that is one simple but very cute project. Have a great rest of the weekend. :) Tammy

  3. What a cute idea. I love his hat. He looks so nice on that wall. Merry Christmas.

  4. Cute, cute, cute!!! I love this idea. Thanks. I hope you and your family have a very Blessed Christmas. Hugs, Marty

  5. I remember seeing this or one like it. I remembered it having rubber boots sitting at the bottom. Was that the same picture in Southern Living?

  6. Yes, Karen! That was it. I can't remember if it was a magazine or one of my Christmas books. They used a coffee can for a hat. Still seems like way to much work to half one of those to me! I kept telling myself I was going to do one for the holidays each year and never did. I always have wreaths on hand. My kids loved it.

  7. This is such a clever winter decoration. Reminds me of the tumbleweed snowmen my mother used to make for us in the yard. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you...

  8. What a cutie!! Ty for sharing:) Merry Christmas! Hugs, Liz

  9. That is TOO cute! :) Love it! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Vickie.
    That snowman is the cutest! Will file the idea away for next year! So glad you liked my changes and my mantle. To bad we couldn't go riding sometime, how fun eh painful would that be?! Have not finished xmas yet, am getting closer! Have a Merry Holiday!

  11. That is so clever and cute too! I would love to do this on the front door. Thanks for the idea.


  12. Vicki, this is SUCH a cute project, and makes a big statement! Have fun at your party!

  13. Hi Vicki,
    What a great project and so simple! He is adorable! My grandson would love it.
    Merry Christmas,

  14. How cute is this! I love snowmen,now living in the south, this is a must. Thanks Vicki!

  15. very cute!!! perfect spot in your house for it too!:)

  16. Adorable craft and I love it that it's so easy!!

  17. How cute is that!!
    Hugs, Diane

  18. Hi Vicki,
    I wanted to let you know that I'll be bragging about you today! I'm going to be featuring your gorgeous altered art spoon on my Brag Monday post!
    P.S. Your snowman is adorable!!

  19. Sorry I'm so slow responding but I wanted to write and say thank you for stopping by my holiday home post and leaving that sweet, encouraging comment. I love the simple very cute! Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

  20. That is adorable Vicki! I love that the scarf is from Paul's family...what a treasure!

  21. Cute, Vicki! Luv that adorable scarf on him! :) Merry Christmastide to you!

    xoxo laurie

  22. i love your snowman-especially his hat! definitely inspiration that i'm going to file away for next year!

  23. so cute idea.

    just came by to catch up. have not been around much last few days. busy. you know!

    Have a very Blessed Christmas.

    barbara jean
