Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A studio for Christmas!

I'm very excited to tell you that my husband is going to let me convert our formal living room, which is only ever used to display our Christmas tree, into my new studio!  For Christmas I received the craft table and two wall shelves above to get me started! I am thrilled. My girlfriend has been storing it in her garage for me. I can't wait to have a desk high enough to stand when crafting. I also love that it is high enough to keep the Basset Hounds away from important projects and supplies. Here's a shot of where I plan on putting it (try to ignore the fact that it is in a state of Christmas chaos)...
 The room is very similar to the display room above. I plan on putting the table in the center of the room and wall shelves on the left.  On the right wall, I'm looking for a vintage dresser to redo. I think that will be great for storage.  I have plenty of garage sale and thrifty finds to use for decorating. I also have some fun ideas for the wall but I'm keeping that a secret for now. The french doors are definitely in need of some drapes. The ceiling is 12 feet in this room. I need something to soften the walls. There are plans for more lighting too.  I'll be busy. I can't wait to get the tree down and get started!  Of course, I'll keep you posted along the way.  Still have family and friends in and out this week, but I wanted to get a quick post up and say hello. I hope you had a blessed holiday and are looking forward to the New Year!


  1. That is going to be so cool. I love those cubbies in the craft table. I am on the lookout for a little dresser for the same purpose, but now that I'm looking of course I can't find anything. Have fun getting the room in order.

  2. Oh soo jealous over here! That will look amazing! Can't wait to see the redo!

  3. Lucky You!! That is going to be an amazing workspace for you! I can't wait to see what you do with it! Theresa xoxo

  4. The room is VERY similar. Oh, you're going to have such fun! xx

  5. oh what a wonderful gift! I couldn't think of anything i'd want more than that! It is going to be gorgeous, i can tell. You are off to a good start with that work table and shelving. I can't wait to see the final project in its completion. It will be a beautiful creative haven for you!

  6. Oh my, the perfect gift. I keep trying to convince my husband to let me conver the "no kids allowed" room into a craft room. Absolutely no go. He grumbles about my lack of organization and failure to always put things away and how he's not looking at that all the time.Thus I remain locked in the UNFINISHED side of the basement slowly turning into a popsicle.Enjoy your new space!

  7. Oh how exciting!! I just love the inspiration room and the craft table is perfect!! I love being able to stand up and do things if I want. I purchased a table from Ikea a while ago that is adjustable. I can't wait to see how things progress!

  8. Vicki, congratulations! I can't wait to see how you set it all up!
    Hugs, Diane

  9. Vicki- this is so freakin' exciting. I took over the formal dining room for my space and since no formal dining room I also comandeered the butlers pantry for my small office.
    I can not wait to see what you do in there. Storage is so hard for me and so not pretty either. I bought some stuff after Christmas to use next year for crafts and now it is stored away to use next year but in ugly cardboard bankers boxes.

  10. Vicki,
    What a great Christmas present!! So lucky to have a room to do all your projects!
    Happy New Year!

  11. Vicki,
    What a great gift! I know you'll create some amazing pieces in your new space. Love the work table, I'm like you - I like to stand while working. I only sit to sew. Can't wait to see the big reveal! Hope you have a happy new year. Lisa

  12. What a wonderful gift!!!! The room looks so large and full of great natural light. I can't wait to see it when its finished!

    Happy New Year!

  13. Wow Vicki! I'm excited for you! I love your table! and the shelves too. I can't wait to see your room. You are going to be a busy girl!

  14. a room of ones own. everyone needs that.

  15. What a perfect gift and I am loving that craft table! Can't wait for the big "reveal"

  16. A room of your own is always a good thing,
    Can't wait to see more.

  17. As Napoleon Dynamite might say " Luuuckeeee"

  18. How exciting for you, Vicki! I love your new table and shelves! Can't wait to see all your plans unfold! Lucky girl!


  19. I cannot wait to see your craft studio all complete, what an awesome gift!!! Oh what fun crafting us girls will have together, we'll make great memories! xo ♥

  20. Oh, this is very exciting!!! I bet you can't wait...it will be awesome! And it looks like the perfect room to do it in too...it will be amazing!!!

  21. Wow, how exciting! And it's so sweet that your husband supports your passion for art.

  22. How exciting for you!!!!
    I can't wait to see what magic you create in your new space! :-)


  23. Wow how great to have such wonderful pieces to work with and on. I can't wait to see your finished project.
    I will be back to check in and see your progress. It will be easy now that I am a follower.

  24. That will be great for you to have a craft room. You are very good at crafting. Great Christmas gift for sure.

  25. How exciting for you! I'm sure you will put the space to great use. Happy New Year! La

  26. AWESOME, Vicki! I'm so jealous!!!! I keep looking at my office wondering how I could turn it into a office/craft room..... :) You are going to have so much fun repurposing your living room! Can hardly wait to watch the progress! :)

    xoxo laurie

  27. Oh how fun Vicki! That is going to look so incredible and isn't it fun to have something like that to look forward to in the New Year? Can't wait to see the transformation!

  28. Now that is a gift that will keep on giving! Have fun putting it together Vicki ~ don't you just love having a supportive honey?!!!!

  29. Love the table!! Can't wait to see pictures after its all completed!

  30. May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
    Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria

  31. Vicki, What wonderful news. I'm so happy for you!! I hope your Christmas was amazing.

  32. Very exciting and wonderful. You will love having a dedicated space for your creativity. Kudos to your hubby and girlfriend. Happy ending 2010...

  33. what an exciting Christmas gift! you have a wonderful husband! happy new year in your new studio!

  34. Such a great Christmas gift! Can't wait to see it all come together!

  35. oh how fun!
    What a great gift.


    barbara jean

  36. Wonderful news! I just adore everything you create here and always leave so inspired. Can't wait to see what you produce in your new space. EnJoY!

  37. Congratulations Vicki! How Exciting! What a Beautiful Place for Creating!
    Can't Wait to see more Picture!
    Have a Wonderful Evening!
