Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feeling Rebellious

Yup! I woke up and decided today was the day. Forget being patient. Forget waiting for my b-day in April. I couldn't wait another moment.  I skipped out of work at lunch and bought myself a new camera!  It's a Canon Rebel XS.  It was on sale through January 15th, and the decision to wait or buy now on sale has been eating at me.  I'd done my research and was sure this was a good starter DSLR for me.  I'm super happy with it.  Here's a new photo of the studio on auto pilot mode-
This was taken in the same low lighting conditions that I complained about previously. The picture is much sharper, especially when you leave the focus area and explore the edges of the photo. You might need to double click to truly notice. I had begun to explore ISO and aperture with my point and shoot, especially in low light situations. It was not a huge success since the camera had limitations.  Now, I will really be able to see the differences the settings create and learn to manually compose my pictures...slowly but surely.
I'm surprised by the picture quality even when I'm using the built in flash and way too close to the subject! Thank you, Canon, for dumbing things down for me!  lol   Looking forward to sharing beautiful pictures with you. I know so many of you appreciate the art of photography. I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can.  Hope you are having a good week.  I've got projects started and will share this weekend.  Thank you all so much for your comments and follows. Take care my friends! I'm linking this post to the party at Southern in my Heart!


  1. I got this same camera for Christmas....lovin' it...just need to find some time to take some classes.


  2. oh so fun girl!!
    Glad you went for it.


    barbara jean

  3. A new camera! Looking forward to seeing lots of pics! Have fun, Vicki!!

  4. Have to admit I'm a little bit jealous...I'm hoping to get a new camera soon! Have fun with it...look forward to lots of great pics!
    Tammy :-)

  5. happy early birthday present to you!!!!

  6. Vicki,
    Nothing more exciting then getting something great on sale! Those pictures are fabulous! I'm so jealous! A new camera is on my list, maybe for my b-day! (family, are you listening?) Looking forward to seeing lots of photos!

  7. Photos are great and I meant to mention Karen did a great job on your blog! Isn't she the best! Hugs, Marilou

  8. I think 2011 is quickly becoming the year of the camera. So many bloggers have bought new ones recently, my son is 'gathering' money for one, I'm thinking of upgrading...
    Boy, the blogs are going to be full of wonderful pics this year! :) xx

  9. Great pics!! By the way.... where was it on sale at ? :-)

  10. I really do see what you's so crisp. Congrats for making a wise purchase. I love to look at really good photos...I'm just too lazy to do them myself...kudos!

  11. Love it! Good for you! I'm in need of a new camera as well. You have made my mind start to think of the store up the street...;)Alyssa of Boston Bee

  12. Welcome to the Wild and Creative side of DSLR :) My husband did all of the research and bought me a new camera for Christmas, LOVIN' IT). I can't wait to see what everyone's photos look like once we all get rolling with the cameras.
    Have fun!

  13. Vicki,
    I love your camera that is the one I wanted but received my new camera as a gift so I couldnt complain :)
    Have fun with it!!! The pictures are really crisp I think they came out great!!!

  14. Don't you just LOVE it??? I got the T2i and honestly, it takes such good photos on auto I've been lazy about trying much else! Now we know what you'll be doing every waking minute!
    have fun with it.

  15. Yay for you Vicki!!!! I am so happy for your new camera and the shots look great!

  16. good for you! a new wonderful! I hope you love it!



  17. YAY, I'am sooooooooo HAPPY for you. We are going to learn together!!!!!!! How do you love it so far?

  18. Congrats! Let me know how you like it! I need one too . Ck. out my Blog!
    xx Liz

  19. Congrats and enjoy! I love my Canon too!

  20. WOW Vic, lucky you! Guess you will be the group photographer from now on!LOL :) The pics looks great!!! Your studio is really coming together, love how you have it decorated so far, can't wait to see it!!:) ♥

  21. I'm so excited for you. I just got my first DSLR for Christmas and I'm loving it. It's amazing what beautiful pictures it can take. Have fun with your new toy.
    April from

  22. Happy Birthday early, congrats on your purchase! Have fun~

  23. Enjoy your new camera! It rocks for sure well that is if I ever learn how to really use mine!;)

  24. Oh, I am sooooo jealous!!! I want one of those babies like nobody's business! :-) I always thought you took great pics before so I can't wait to see what you will show us now. I'm loving how your studio is looking and I'm so thrilled you linked up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  25. Congrats on your new camera. I have the same one and LOVE it! It takes awesome pics.

  26. I bought myself a DSLR right after Christmas too! I couldn't wait any longer. I love it! I like you, was amazed at the wonderful difference even using it in auto mode. I am so happy for you! Click away! I took so many photos just playing with it I felt like a little kid.

  27. Congrats on UR new camera.
    The shots look great.
    Here's 2 U having as much fun as I am with taking photos. Then, comes sprucing them up in one of the many software thingamagigs.

  28. May I say one thing on this? NICE!!!~ go girl. Look at those awesome pics and you don't even know what you are doing yet lol I appreciate your words of wisdom on my post, it was fantastic to say the least. I love to open a can of worms, because you get so many great things from different points of view. Have a great weekend.! Have fun with your new toy.

  29. How much fun to get a new camera! Your pics look great so far. I am not a great photographer either I see so many awesome photos on blogs and I am just in awe. I found you from Debbie-Doos blog I just wanted to stop over and say Hi! I am a new blogger. I am your newest follower.Come check me out if you get a chance.


  30. I am jealous. I really want to upgrade but need to wait. In time. In time. Have fun with your new baby.

  31. I thought it was you that blogged about your new camera, I have just started thinking about getting a real camera LOL. We can talk when we get together. I am going to go do a little search on your Cannon, any great hints on the best place to buy?

