Thursday, February 24, 2011

More purchases from Renningers!

Hello, friends! How has your week been so far? I am finally going through my other purchases from my trip to Renningers last weekend. If you missed my last post about the awesome shabby white window frame I brought home, go here.  I love this pile of ephemera too. The envelopes were mostly addressed to a Mrs. Ann Offerman c/o Mercy  Hospital in Pittsburgh. Many say "Maternity Ward."  Isn't that sweet?!

I found some great tins, buttons, rhinestone pieces, lace and trim to play with in the studio. The pictures speak for themselves.  I also found some great vintage hardware for my assemblage projects. Take a peek.

I have some projects in the works that required "wings."  These pieces are ideal. Thank you so much for stopping by. I appreciate your follows and enjoy reading your comments so much. I'm still working on something special for my next giveaway. Stay tuned!  By the way, did you see my new button at the top left? Please feel free to grab it for your site.  I've also created a Rusty Rooster Shop blog with the help of Karen Valentine. No merchandise yet, but one step closer.  So many wonderful things going on here.  Thank you all so much for your support and friendship.  Linking up to these parties -


  1. so many great finds it is hard to pick a favorite.
    i do love old rusty stuff and the envelopes are amazing.

  2. Vicky,
    What wonderful treasures you found!!
    I love the tins and the sweet letters you found.
    Have a great weekend!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  3. Way to go,Vicky!! Great finds AND working with Karen Valentine...I can't wait to see your shop blog.

  4. Hi Vicki,
    Did you hear me screaming clear over here, in Oregon? LOL! Wonderful treasures, I can't wait to see what you make!
    And I grabbed your button too!
    I can't wait to see what you put in your new shoppe!
    I've been thinking about Karen helping me start a new shoppe for me. What do you think?
    Oh, I'm getting nervous!
    Thanks for sharing your great finds! I love all the hardware. But I love the jewelry and the wonderful ephemera. Oh who am I kidding? I love it ALL!
    Have a great Friday!

  5. I LOVE your vintage hardware...It has always been a favorite of mine! Your post is so much fun, I have to go back now and study the pictures... I'm looking forward to seeing the goodies you'll have in your shop...
    Hugs to you,

  6. My My... What wonderful treasures you scooped up!I love such nick nacks! I have so many myself, that its a bubbly feeling seeing such wonderful ones here too!
    Can't wait to see your shop! It'll be a ball browsing and looking around! As always, your posts are priceless!


  7. Oh - those are some awesome finds Vicki. Just my kind of stuff too. Can´t wait to see what you create with it. Wishing you a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  8. These are awesome treasures...I'm drooling over the hardware! Funny, I was born in Pittsburgh and Mercy Hospital used to be one of my PR accounts!

  9. Hi Vickie, we definitely shop for the same treasures! Those are wonderful finds, love the old hardware and the letters. I can't wait to see them as wings. Good luck with the new shop, I can't wait to see it! Theresa xoxo

  10. Awesome finds! I love the tins and the rhinestone pieces. Can't wait for the Rusty Rooster Shop blog reveal!

  11. Wow ~ what treasures you lucky gal! Love them ;-)

  12. awesome finds! j'adore those vintage door push plates! Congratulations on "almost" opening your rusty rooster vintage shop. i can't wait!

  13. Awesome scores Vicki! You have got the eye girl! Have a great weekend.

  14. Pure eye candy, Vicki! I love Every.Single.Thing.

  15. Hi Vicki,

    One look at your header and I can see we have a lot in common? How can our paths not have crossed before! Thanks for visiting my blog, signing up to follow yours.

    You found some great treasures, you know I bought a door last summer just for the hardware, guy wouldn't sell me the hardware so I walked away with the whole door!!

    Now my family of course thought I was crazy but I know you'll get it:-)


  16. Hi Vicki, the hardware is splendid. The oval piece is gorgeous. You found fablous finds! Have a lovely weekend. hugs♥O

  17. i am totally jealous of your getting to shop in sunny warm weather ~ wonderful finds aside! the metal pieces will make great wings!

  18. Wow, thats allot of yummy goodness right there!!! :)

  19. How exciting, your news at the end there! I'll check it out. I love what you came home with. What fun you're going to have in your new craft room with that stuff!

  20. I can feel those creative juices stirring. In fact is the earth shaking? Great great finds my friend. Have fun!

  21. Love your finds Vicki!
    Happy Weekend!
    Tammy :-)

  22. Oh! that's the best kind of fun I know of! Great finds, and so much fun to share. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm going to join you as a follower, can't wait to see you again. Sandi

  23. Oh Vicki, you found some awesome things, can't wait to see what you create with these treasures! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  24. I took your button and will try to add it to my sidebar. I've been having a lot of trouble doing that lately, but will keep trying until I get it up!!!

  25. Fascinated with all your interesting finds. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  26. ohmygosh Vicki, you found some fabulous goodies to play with. Those door plates are giving me goosebumps! Thanks for coming to the party!
    love ya,

  27. Wow, I love all your treasures. I would love door plates like those in my house!

  28. Great your blog...I'm following now!!!

  29. OOO! Real goodies!!!

  30. Drooling over your hardware!! What wonderful finds!

  31. Congrats on finding great treasures; I love key holes, especially with all the gorgeous patina and the cute tiny tarts! You scored big~

  32. Wow, you hit the jackpot....I can relate!!

  33. Great finds sweetie!!!

    Heads up. Tomorrow I am posting pics of your pin cushion on my blog. Take a peek and see if it is what you wanted. I will put hold on it till i hear form you. (it is $18.00)

    barbara jean

  34. Hi Vicki, What a wonderful place to shop!!!! I look forward to seeing your creations and the opening of your shop!
    Have a great week!
    ~ Julie

  35. Love all the lil treasures you found wish I had a store like that around me!!!
