Thursday, March 24, 2011

Great project at Flamingo Toes

All photos courtesy: Flamingo Toes blog

Just in case you missed this fabulous project from Bev at Flamingo Toes, she has given me permission to link up and use her photos!  Check out this starburst mirror she made! I just love it. This is a great project. I'm going to have to make one.
She has a full tutorial here.   There are plenty of photos and great instructions.  I think you'll find her blog chock full of great projects. Today she is working on copying an Anthropologie necklace.  Thanks, Bev, for inspiring us!  Kids are on spring break this week. So, I'm a little off schedule.  I can tell you that I 'm working hard on giveaway projects for my April month of giveaways!  See my button top right and get ready for some fun!  Hope you are having a great week! xoxo


  1. Good Morning Vicki! I will have to check her out, Jane made one not to long ago that was all old knives, it was gorgeous too! I can't wait until April, that is a whole lot of giveaways my friend! Enjoy the rest of your spring break... xoxo

  2. That is so stinking awesome Vicki!!! I love that and will have to stop over to see the tut, thanks!!

  3. What an awesome project, Vicki! Thanks for sharing it with us! I'll visit her site...I'm inspired!!

  4. How neat! I see so many beautiful utensils at the thrift store...a great project for them! I can't wait for April! lol ♥

  5. Wow, Vicki, I love this idea! Thanks for the heads up! I will go check her out.
    Hope your week is great with the kids.

  6. I love this, Vicki! I'm all thumbs but I'd really like to make one!


  7. That is amazing! I totally did not expect the silverware. I'll go on over and check her out.

  8. Oh, she is totally brilliant!!! Love this post, Vicki!

  9. Now, some people are just way too creative, aren't they? What a great idea!
