Monday, March 14, 2011

Sweet treasures

Barbara Jean at Treasures from the Heart is one of my favorite people.  She is so talented and welcomes new bloggers with open arms. She gave me one of my first features and for that I'm so thankful! Barb makes these gorgeous pin cushions out of glass candlesticks. Isn't this amazing? I purchased it from her online store here.
It fits me like a glove. I just love it and plan to use it in the new studio. I find myself drawn to pincushions lately.  How about you? Any collectors out there? I'm thinking we need a pincushion party! I may have to host one. Or, how about a "What I collect" party? What do you girls think about that?

Ready for something really cute? My daughter had a friend over and they were doing some painting on the porch this past weekend. She surprised me with this -
Is that not the cutest rooster you've ever seen?  Smaller is always cuter to me. I big puffy heart this.  I hope you are having a great week!  Thank you so much for your comments and follows. I treasure those too! Linking up to -


  1. How cute is that? The pin cushion is lovely...and I especially love the picture from your daughter, so sweet.
    Love the party ideas...I recently posted a pin cushion I made out of an old cork canister lid...I'd join in for sure :) Blessings, Laurel

  2. That painting is SO sweet...a keepsake! I love Barbara's pin cushions~ I think they are very original and beautiful!

  3. What a sweet and clever pin cushion..I also love her baby shoes she does..and Girl I collect it all and would love a party...Hugs and smiles Gloria

  4. The pin cushion is so pretty. Love the doily covering it... and don't you just love the touch of a child's art added in amongst our favorite things?
    Love the artist rendition of the rooster...I hope you display it proudly.

    --children's paintings dress my walls, Pat

  5. Vicki,
    So glad you received your pin cushion and it is what you wanted.
    I have finally found another candle stick so can make another soon. =)

    The picutre your daughter did for you is adorable!!!

    hugs and blessings
    barbara jean

  6. Oh my gosh Vicki, that picture from your daughter was so thoughtful and sweet, the rooster is adorable! What a sweetheart! Love your pincushion too... xoxo

  7. What a gorgeous pincushion! And that rooster is too adorable!

  8. I love her pin cushion designs. I don't have a collection but I have quite a few that I love.

    Your daughter is a very good artist and the little rooster is adorable.


  9. The pin cushion is adorable and those sweet pictures are treasures ;-)

  10. That is just the cutest rooster ever!!!! How sweet!!! I love the pin cushion I'll have to go over and check these out!!!

  11. I think there are a lot of collectors out there. I can't seem to keep pin cushions....they sell as soon as I put them out!
    I love a rooster with green wings. I wonder if that's the reason for green eggs!

  12. you know the most wonderful creations come from childrens drawings. I have seen some beautiful Cross stitch and punch needle. I think this would make an awesome hooked rug or punch needle. I have been tempted many times to go to an elementary school to gather some of their unwanted paintings or request a painting that I could turn into a punch needle or hooked rug. Yours would be perfect?

  13. Would you mind if I used your daughters painting as inspiration for a punch needle or rug punch?
    Please email me if it is okay.
    Thanks so much
    Jan MacKay

  14. So beautiful painting from your daughters:-)
    Thanks for stopping by, hugs Biljana

  15. I hope you don't mind but I posted your blog and a picture of Kara's rooster on my blog. I think you will like it.
    Thanks again for letting me use kara's picture and I will be sure that kara's gets one of which ever I make. Probably the punch needle.
    By the way, how old is Kara so I can add it to the details of the work?

  16. Your daughter's rooster picture is wonderful.
    I love pincushions...they are a good seller for me at my shows. I did a post this past Sunday on some that I made.

  17. At first glance I fell in love with your blog. It certainly projects a warm feeling. Your pictures are great. Love the vintage jewelry your mother-in-law gave you.. and the buttons. I received much the same from my MIL many years ago. Still love looking at it all and have worn some of it on occasion.
    I'm your newest follower so for sure, I'll be back.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Ladybug Creek

  18. Count me in on the collections! Can't wait! Isn't Karen Valentine great?
    Ladybug Creek

  19. Vicki,
    Forgot to say, I think a party for pin cushion collectors is a great idea
    go for it. I'll join in.

    blessings barb

  20. what a darling pin cushion, it reminds me of a little vintage lamp!:) I too love pin cushions as you know, one of my favorites is the little vintage dachshund pin cushion you gave me for my 40th, there is just something about them!! Love that Rooster painting too!! xo ♥

  21. That is a gorgeous pin cushion. Almost looks like a lady's hat on a stand. The pin cushions party idea is a good one. Not that I have any pin cushions, but it might be an excuse to buy some.

  22. Totally adorable!!! How are you liking the new camera? I hope you have a great evening. = )))

  23. I love the rooster...and now I see it will be famous! I was at Jan's today and saw it there! I'm off to follow that link! I love pretty things! ♥

  24. First let me say that that little painting is just amazing!!!Tell your little artist I am a big fan:) Second, I LOVE your idea of having a What do you collect party!!!! And third, I do have a collection of pin cushions but they are all in my studio in different places where I use them all. I also have on hung in the kitchen with pins and threaded needles because you just never know when you will need to stitch something up quick;)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens
