Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blogger lunch at Sweet Peas

Hello! I had the pleasure of getting together for lunch with some Central Florida bloggers this week.  What a treat to spend a few hours with like minded souls.  In this photo starting at the top left - Me, Kathy (blog stalker, thrifter, booth owner) and Carol of The Polka Dot Closet. Now bottom left, Shelley of Sweet Pea Home, Karen Sue of Sue Bee and Butterflies and Susie of From my home to yours.  Behind the camera on this shot (BIG THANK YOU) is Sylvia of My Trinkets.

We got together at Shelley's for lunch and good conversation. These gals are bloggers, junkers, artists, trend setters, collectors and decorators. What is there not to like?  Shelley was kind enough to host us at her home this time.  As I mentioned before, Shelley's gorgeous home has been featured in professional photo shoots. She has a self described style that is French farmhouse with a bit of industrial and shabby. I think we all agreed that you could just spend hours studying her vignettes.  Shelley didn't mind if we did just that.  Thank you for being such a gracious hostess.  You were so kind to let us all wander about your home with our cameras snapping photos!

Have you thought about organizing a lunch or happy hour for your local bloggers? We plan to do this again soon.  I've offered to host the next one.  Everyone can bring their cameras and take pictures of my kids art on the fridge, my folded laundry on the washer and two basset hounds sprawled out on the couch taking up all the seating! lol  I certainly enjoyed seeing Shelley's lovely home but meeting these gals was the best part.  xoxo  I hope you will take a minute and visit each of their links . They really do inspire me, and I truly enjoy reading each of their blogs.  I know you will too.  Hope you are having a great week! Linking this post to-


  1. Oh, how fun! And gosh, that gal really knows how to style some gorgeous vignettes!! Thanks for sharing!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. sounds like so much fun, unfortunately not so much goes on in Vegas to have a this kinda luncheon.
    But boy I would love to do this with some out of state gals for sure one day!

  3. that sounds like so much fun! the background wall sure looks beautiful in the picture. I'll have to pay these other bloggers a visit soon.

  4. Sounds like a great time!
    Shelley's house looks like a place I would love to snoop around in. Beautiful!
    Thanks for showing us ~ makes ya want to see more!
    Prim Blessings

  5. I had the best time and am looking forward to keeping this going.
    Great pictures, I need a camera like yours!

  6. Vicki,
    How fun to get to meet some of your bloggy friends and in such a lovely setting! Looks like you had a great time!

  7. This looks like the best kind of fun! So nice you can meet fellow bloggers!

  8. How fun getting together with bloggers friends! I would love to do that! I did get to meet with Barb at Treasures from the Heart! And that was wonderful. She is the sweetest! Thanks for sharing your fun time! I will check out there blogs too!

  9. What a beautiful home, and I know you had lots of fun! We have several bloggers close by, and I've gotten together with two of them. Still trying to get together with Dore of Bulap Luxe. My home has a lot of the "realness" you describe in your home too :-)

  10. Looks like a lovely time with lovely ladies. Shelley's home is just gorgeous. I can't wait to explore each of their blogs more.

  11. It looks like a lovely time; so much inspiration!
    Must of been some great convo~ I don't know anyone local in my area that blogs. Guess I will have to work on that mystery. I so enjoyed seeing this gathering~ It looks like everyone had a marvelous day of it!

  12. We Ohio Bloggers get together from time-to-time as well. It's always fun.

    Thank you for sharing these pretty vignettes. I was inspired.

  13. That's a great looking group of gals. I'm sure you all had such a fun time.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Well this looks like a lot of fun...her home is very pretty...she has lots of talent.


  15. The images you shared are great...her home is amazing!! Looks like such a good time!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Junk Wild

  16. lucky you! what fun to meet fellow bloggers in person! Shelley's home is so gorgeous! these gals are all so talented as are you! I need to think about organizing gathering here up North! TFS!

  17. How exciting , to get to spend time in Person! Thanks so much for sharing, shelly sure has some beautiful vignettes I love the dress form with the wings how divine, but it all is fantastic. Glad everyone had a good visit. I am laughing however bout you hostessing the next meeting ,sounds o too familiar. Enjoy your day . hugs
    lil raggedy angie

  18. are so funny! I just told Carol I need to organize a blogger lunch for Carolina girls, there are so many here. Looks like a great day! Awesome home too. Have a great day Vicki!

  19. vicki, it was so great spending time with you. i look forward to the next lunch and hope we can keep it going. thanks for the beautiful pics you took.


  20. Looks like you had a lovely time together! I absolutely LOVE the color on the wall in the bedroom you know what the name of the color/maker of that paint is???

  21. What a great time that must have been! Wish there were area bloggers "closer" - alas, I guess that's why we blog - all the kindred spirits are spread miles and miles and MILES apart. Shelley's home - and your photos of it - are amazing! I want to enlarge everything and just study it!! BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for sharing Vicki! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  22. WOW! I think Im going to have to move to Shelly's! What a stunning home! AND of course, I hope you had a great time! By the look of that cake, I bet you had a great one! Too bad I dont have any blogger friends so close at hand! That would be terriffic! Oh well, Thanks for the superb post!


  23. Great meeting you Vicki~ I had such a wonderful time with all of you gals! Maybe next time I'll have a blog!! Hope to continue this fun tradition!!!


  24. Such wonderful photoes from Shelley`s Home- everything so beautiful- you -I can se - had the most exiting and lovely time, there.You are all so lucky, being able to meet like this.

  25. WOW, Shelley's house is so beautiful, what a fun lunchin!!! Looks like you girls had fun!!:)

  26. What truly lovely eye candy you have provided for us! Thank you for that. I'm so glad you gals got to get together.

  27. I read about you guys getting together on Karen Sue's blog too. Sounds like a great time and a wonderful way to get to know (in person) some of your fellow bloggers. Shelley's house looks gorgeous and I came away with some ideas from her pics.

  28. Fun post girl!!

    Wonderful treasures in those pictures, and that desert.....yuuuum!

    barbara jean

  29. Oh how fun was that! You all look so great and just happy to be there. I would love to see Shelly's house, her displays are amazing.
    Have a great weekend

  30. It looks like you Florida gals know how to have a terrific time together (and the decorations look terrific too.)

  31. Thanks for the new blogs to stalk later tonight. Sounds like you had a great time. I've gotten together with a few Ohio bloggers iin the last year. It's fun to put a face with a blog!

  32. Looks like fun! The photos of Shelley's house are very inspiring...I can only imagine how awesome it was like to see everything in person!

  33. Hello Central Florida! Hi Vicki,
    I somehow stumbled upon your blog, and I am glad I did. I live in the Seattle area now (past 6 years) but was born and raised in Florida. I lived in Brevard County for many years. I lived and worked in Orlando when I was very young for the State Attorney's Office. I know exactly where Oviedo is... I have a friend who lives on a street called Gerber Daisy there. I also lived for many years in Houston, Texas. So, I am a Southern Gal at heart but love living here in the Northwest in the Seattle area. The Central Florida blogging party you had looked like a lot of fun! That was so nice that you were able to get together. I sometimes return to Florida as we still have family there. I LOVE to visit Park Avenue in Winter has always been one of my very favorite places in the area to go. I'll add youf blog to my list of "other nests to visit" and I am glad to find some Central Florida gals. Have a happy day! xoxo Kim
