Sunday, June 5, 2011

All over the place!

We have been a bit all over the place this past week or two. See this little cutie above? She actually turns 80 years old this week.  Meet my mother in law, Jean.  Words can't describe how much we love her and appreciate her.  We are hosting her birthday party this Saturday so we have been busy this week cleaning, trimming,  know the drill.  I am working on some picture displays and small projects for the party that I will be sharing this week. That should be fun so stay tuned!  I'll have to ask "Ama Jean" to please not visit my blog this week though!  

We also wrapped up school for the year this past week and celebrated Jack's 12th birthday! We celebrated by playing laser tag at a very, very fun facility nearby.  Too dark for pictures but SO much fun. Finally, Kara and I were lucky enough to see Taylor Swift last night in Orlando! ps - Kara said to tell you she hates this picture of herself. I think because her hair is pulled back funny.  And so it

We had great seats. I was able to snap these with my point and shoot. Check out the cute vintage dresses and microphone in the last picture here.  It was a great show.   Stay tuned this week for vintage photo display ideas, small paper and fabric projects plus some summer touches around the house. Have a great week! xoxo


  1. My daughter would be so jealous of your Taylor Swift concert and your amazing seats. What a special treat. The pictures of your MIL are just treasures. Have a lovely party in her honor!!

  2. Oh what fun you and your daughter have had, I'll say, you had GREAT seats. Catch this, my Mom turns 80 June 9th. She is in Minnesota now, so I won't see her for her BD, she wan't absolutely no celebration OK! She said age has never bothered her, but this 80 is sending her for a loop. Have fun, can't wait for pictures


  3. I gotta tell you looking at your picture.. You look just like you Mom.. so cute I have so many of my Mother and I'm so happy that I do... we are very luck. and it looks like your daughter had great seats at Taylor's show....


  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet mother in law.
    What a cool concert and you were so close to Taylor Swift too.
    Kara is such a pretty little girl, she's got nothing to worry about but enjoy her youth.

  5. just tell Kara she is GORGEOUS with her hair pulled back!! It shows her beautiful eyes and face :) Funny how we are all so self conscious at that age...heck, even at our age!! You're beautiful too Vicki ~ and I just have to tell you how much I'm in love with your mother-in-law's photographs...PRECIOUS!!! I hope you guys have a great celebration of her life ~ have a great week, hugs and love, Dawn

  6. Three GORGEOUS ladies!!! (Nope - not counting Taylor...she doesn't count!) Ok - one gorgeous lady and two little cuties!!! Kara - you're a doll!!! Love your beautiful eyes!! Happy B-day to your mother-in-law Vicki ~ I'm sure you'll make her celebration a wonderful and memorable occasion! Have a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. what cuties.....all of you!! Happy birthday wishes to Mrs. "Ama Jean" and have a great week. Thanks for sharing all of the photos ;)

  8. Vicki, congratulations to your mother in law-
    such cute photoes of her,- and of you and your daughter,too-
    What a special evening you had, fun, and great.

  9. Happy Birthday to your MIL and what a treat to have a mother/daughter night at an awesome concert!


  10. Hi Vicki,
    It's sounds like you've been busy as always! Your Mother-in-law was adorable little girl! So cute! I can't wait to see what you've been creating.
    Kara, you are a doll! And so are you Vicki! How fun to go to a Taylor Swift concert together! And so close to Taylor!
    Have a fun week!

  11. looks lik mother and daughter had an awesome time. what fun! Kara is adorable no matter HOW her hair looks!

  12. Sounds like everyone has been having a wonderful time. Tell Kara she looks beautiful, and her hair looks beautiful as well.
    Hugs~~ Daphne

  13. What a cutie-pie she was! Happy birthday to everyone and glad you and Kara had such a nice time together.

  14. What fun happenings for you all and I think your daughter looks just her mom! :-)

  15. Taylor Swift fun! Kara is a lucky girl. Happy birthdays past (Jack) and future (Ama Jean). You certainly are busy with lots to do which is always such a good feeling especially after the chores are done. Take time to breathe and enjoy it all. Love the vintage photos of Ama Jean.

  16. Vicki,
    Those pics of your MIL, adorable! Your daughter is so cute, hair down or back! Lucky you girls to spend time together with Taylor! Kate and I (yeah, I have to admit, I love her too), Have been big fans of hers ever since she started out a few years ago and were lucky enough to see her at the grand ole opery with some other great artists at a christmas concert. She was fabulous!

  17. Oh you lucky girls...Taylor is one amazing performer and role model!!

    Happy Birthday wishes to your family members! I remember playing lazer tag at my kids' parties, it was lots of fun!!

  18. Happy birthday to your MIL and son! It looks like you had a great week and weekend! My daughter wants to see Taylor Swift soooo bad! What a great time and your daughter looks adorable as do you. :)
    Have fun planning!

  19. Your MIL was one cute kid. I think Taylor (we're on a first name basis) is coming to town tomorrow here. Glad you had good seats. And glad you had a good time!

  20. Happy Birthday to your Mil :-) It sounds like you're very busy right now. We love Taylor Swift around here. I'm sure it was a wonderful concert. How nice to go with your daughter!

  21. Such sweet pics of your MIL, I hope her Birthday is wonderful, looking forward to seeing everything you create for it.
    What a fabulous concert that must have been, shes darling and such talent. What a special day with your daughter!
    hugs Lynn

  22. What a beautiful life you have...I'm glad that you're surrounded by all this happy-love.

  23. Wonderful photos of MIL; I hope the birthday party is fabulous! I look forward to you sharing with us~
    You and your daughter look happy, so fun! She is adorable and so it begins... I remember that age with my daughter, self consciousness is part of it!
    How fun and such great photos; what wonderful memories you made~

  24. The photos of your MIL are fabulous, Vicki-what a cutie pie. I bet she is as sweet as she seems in her photos.
    Taylor Swift!!! And wow-the seats!!!! What fun to see the pictures of her. I recently heard she is quite tall-5'11.
    I can't wait to see what you have in store for displaying photos...
