Friday, June 17, 2011

Feature Friday - Meet Outjunking

Hello friends.  I want to take a moment and introduce you to Lisa with Outjunking.  Lisa joined us in blogland back in March.  She's a Tennesse gal, that as you probably have already guessed, loves to junk.  She has a booth at her local antique mall, The Rare Bird.  Here's a quick pick at some recent finds!
I LOVE these old birth registrations she bought at an auction. Check out the post here to find out more about what she paid for them and what she found in the mix.
Lisa is a project girl too.  This was a kitchen table that now serves as her coffee table. She sawed the legs off to make it work.  Sound like something you might do? lol
I hope you will stop over and visit Lisa.  I bet you both have so much in common you will give her a follow.  I still have a few more pictures and projects to share with you from the party.  Look for those this weekend.  Until then...xoxo


  1. I shall go check her out. LOVE the frame picture of the winsome little girl!

  2. Hi Vicki,
    I love all the goodies!! I have that same picture of the little girl-love it!
    Thanks for the heads up on Lisa's blog!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Vicki,
    Thank you so much for the encouragement, and kind feature. I'm meeting some of your friends and I gotta say they are very nice. I feel like a real blogger now.
    Thanks again,

  4. Ah, lovely stuff! I love the table and birth certificates! Well, everything is gorgeous!


  5. Thank you so much for the introduction, Vicki!! I skipped over to Lisa's blog and loved it!! It's going to be a fun place to visit....You're right - there's a lot in common there (but come on, who DOESN'T love a great kitchen table??? A girl after my own heart....) Have a wonderful weekend, Girlfriend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. I am going to head over and check out her blog... love what you posted. Thanks

  7. Sawing the legs off? Not only sounds like something I'd do, it's something I've done!!!!

  8. Hi Vicki,
    Lisa sounds like my kind of gal and I'll head right over to visit her. Thanks for dropping by and yes we are still planning to move to Florida. We just need to sell our house first. There is a showing tomorrow so I have my fingers crossed.

  9. It's fun to meet "like souls" in blogland...I better get over there.
    Love the Girl with Cherries picture. Have one in my kitchen.

  10. it!!
    How did the party go?

  11. Sounds like a fun place. I'll go for a visit.

    blessings and have a super weekend.

    barbara jean

  12. Thanks for the link, always nice to meet a new hoarder...I mean junker...I mean collector of interesting things...:)
