Monday, July 11, 2011

Altered Tags by Kara and Sydney

Kara and her BFF Sydney found themselves with nothing to do Sunday afternoon. So, they asked if they could borrow some supplies and make a tag project at the kitchen table. I was busy cleaning the studio.

I had recently shown Kara how to use embossing ink and Perfect Pearls, and she wanted to show Syd.  She and Syd both like things heavily distressed and full of layers.  They refer to these techniques as "messing it up," and are both really good at it. 

In the two pictures above, they have inked their tags with different color Distress Inks and blended with a sponge. They have also sprayed the tags with Glimmer Mist.  Kara in the first photo has stamped her tag with Perfect Medium (clear embossing ink) and is spreading Perfect Pearls in gold over it to bring out the stamp.  Syd, in the second photo, has added words printed from the computer.

Here's Kara's finished tag with a cute hot air ballon stamp as the top layer.  It says, "You blow me away."  Isn't that cute?

And, here is Sydney's finished tag.  She used a ferris wheel stamp and wrote, "You spin my head right round."  Love it!  Thanks girls for sharing your project.  You did this one on your own, and I am really proud.  xoxo


  1. Great looking tags and beautiful girls!

  2. Way to go girls! Those are beautiful!
    Vicki, Don't you love having those art supplies handy for the kids to use? How's the studio coming? Mine is upside down and sideways as I try to organize and clean it. I decided to take a break and make a pillow or two that I have had 1/2 finished for too long now! t. oxox

  3. wow cute tags ladies , great job! thanks for sharing them with us today! Hope you have a great week! hugs lil raggedy angie

  4. Beautiful tags, girls. My daughters would have loved to design with you both! Have a lovely week.

  5. What fun!
    ...AND so SO talented!

    good job girls

  6. Look at these girls go! Wonderful projects and colours! With such a talented teacher, how could their projects turn out anything but beautiful!
    Its so sweet that you find the time to get them involved, although you are so busy yourself! Lovely and sweet!


  7. Great job girls!!! Wish I had started at that age!


  8. How fun! What a great way to spend a lazy afternoon. It's great that you have all these supplies on hand for them to use so they can let their imaginations run free.

  9. Two very talented young ladies! Great the captions.

  10. Hi Vicki... cute cards and the girls are adorable!... love to see young ladies doing fun, worthwhile things... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Tag...they are IT...the that is!

  12. how wonderful!!! Love those tags!

  13. Wow! They did a great job!! I love when Maddy creates...she is taking a break from it now, but I am putting her on my payroll for the shop next month and she will be doing more!!

    Have a great week, Vicki!

  14. Vicki, what clever girls, they did wonderful,
    and I love what they added of words :)
    they will be great artists -well already are.

  15. Aww, those are so cool! They'll be starting their own Etsy stores soon;)

  16. Vicki,
    What cool tags those 2 talented girls made, I only wish my tags looked so good, I'm inspired! Love the clever sayings that went along with them! Not only are they talented, they are adorable!

  17. Way to "mess it up" Kara and Syd!!! How fun is that?!! I see a hot new trend emerging!! Cute tags and adorable girls!! Love 'em! (Obviously, the creative gene pool runs deep in your family!) Hope you're having a great week! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  18. Beautiful work girls... love your creations and the gorgeous pics... looks like a fun day...

    Jenny x

  19. Great job Kara and Syd! I love what you did with the Perfect Pearls. I've never used those before and might have to give them a try! xoxo

  20. You are a wonderful teacher! Such pretty girls!
