Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Edith's red dress

My grandmother Edith had three sisters - Lillian, Gertrude and Violet.  Aunt Lil would tell me stories about their childhood when I was a little girl. One of her favorite stories to tell was about a red dress my grandmother had bought or made and wore against her father's wishes.  I think she slipped out of the house with the red dress hidden under her coat.  Their father did not allow them to wear red.  He didn't want any of his daughters, who were growing up in the 1920s, dressing like "flappers." 
This is an actual picture of Edith wearing the red dress I've created for her.  They were a family of simple means so I've always wondered about that red dress. I know she could not afford the fancy sequins and beads that I think of used in the 1920's.  I'm sure she bought something used or made it with a friend out of fabric they found.  I think that is why this red dress made from an old advertisement seemed to fit my project and the story so well.  The wings are perfect since Grandmom Edith has long since passed away, but they also represent the kindred spirit of a mischievous teenager.
Many of you have asked if she got caught?  Truth be told she would shut my Aunt Lil down so fast when she started telling that story.  When we were kids my Grandmother was a God fearing, church going woman who did not think that story was as funny as her sisters did. She did get caught and apparently got in some big trouble. lol  Trust me though,  the pictures we have of them as teens reveal a group of fun loving sisters who loved the camera and definitely caused some trouble in their day.  Although she was an excellent role model, it makes me smile to know she stretched her wings a bit as a young girl.

Double click on any of my pictures for a closer look. I'm linking this project to White Wednesday and  Kristin's Summer of Color Challenge.  Click the button below to checkout RED this week.


  1. What a sweet post. Isn't it something how times and mores have changed?

  2. Your project is beautiful and love the story behind it. x

  3. Oh...I thoroughly enjoyed your story...its wonderful and what s mischievious spirit lillian had way back then...I love it....your piece is so magical with that wonderful story behind it...thanks for putting s smile on my face today...xxc

  4. Wow....this one really touched me Vicki....It's a beautiful project all by itself - but the story behind it is so touching ~ and your great grandfather's "rules" amusing now, but so telling of the times. Love the wings! Doesn't get much better! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. What a beautiful project and a lovely way to remember your grandmother. My grandmothers were young women in the 1920s as well. Don't you wish you could go back in time and meet them when they were young?

    Vicki - Paper Squirrel

  6. What a wonderful remembrance of a feisty grandma! We need to know more of the story. How did she get caught? What kind of punishment did she get? But most of all, what happened to that red dress! And was she going out to the dance hall to be a flapper? How I would have loved to know all about my grandparents childhoods.

  7. This is darling. What a great story!!


  8. I love hearing stories about our grandparents; they went through so much. I love your art and hearing about the spirit of your grandmother, Edith. She was a character with a lot of spunk~
    Thanks for sharing; I love this story~ It is a testament to being full of fun! I hope she didn't get caught~xXx

  9. I loved this story, makes the photo all the more exciting! This is a great post, thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

  10. Vicki, you've got great family stories. It's nice
    that you have the old family photos as well.
    My sister just had a huge quantity of photos from
    our mother's side of the family reproduced and
    made sets for each of us.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  11. I so enjoyed your story! And your "red dress" piece is just perfect!

  12. Loved your post vicki you are always creating! Please let me know your secret to always being motivated to create! I'm still in a slump! I wish we were closer neighbors, we would have so much fun! I need a friend like you to help me use allllll this stuff I've been collecting! xoxo-cindy

  13. Vicki what a great tribute! Your gram and aunts seemed like they had a blast loving life. Your artwork is beautiful! Becs

  14. Vicki,
    That is so adorable! What a great story and what a way to pay tribute to your family! Love the dress, the wings, all of it. She does have quite the mischiveous smile in that photo!

  15. Haha! Cute story, I can imagine she would get a little fidgety when this story came up! I love your collage, it's so creative and such a great way to capture your memories. :)

  16. Vicki, Great collage piece and I loved the story behind it. The history makes it much more special and I thank you for sharing it.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  17. Funny, I posted a comment last night...?!
    Anyway, I love the dress and the sentiment. I can't imagine living during those times; they endured so much. I love hearing stories of this time period. I love your art; your grandmother would love this. I love her spirit and spunk!
    Thanks for sharing, xXx

  18. What a fabulous story and creation! I LOVE this post - and your tribute to her is amazing - your detail, the sentiment behind the piece and the advertising dress are all so unique and so very beautiful! Thank you for sharing this story and your lovely art with us, xo

  19. Love your family story!! It makes the art even better.Bet you Grandma would like your pic!

  20. Vicki what a sweet story and I love your projected that your created in rememberance of your Grandma.

    Have a wonderful day,

  21. GO EDITH!!! What an awesome tribute.

  22. This is such a fun piece, Vicki...and I love the caption!

  23. I have to say, hooray for Lil wearing the red!!! Sounds like a wonderful woman.
    Beautiful artwork to remember her by.

  24. Hi Vicki,
    I love this beautiful piece! What makes it even more special is your wonderful story behind it! I love it! Thanks for sharing your memories with us.

  25. Love this project Vicki! Great back story and I love how you ended up using that fabric! :)

  26. such a wonderful story and adorable piece! I love the gorgeous fabric!

  27. What a lovely piece, & such a touching story behind it! LOVE love love it! xo Joanna

  28. what a great piece, I remember you telling us about your Grandma's Red Dress!!! Her and her sisters remind me of my Mom and hers! :)♥

  29. Oh this is fantastic and I love your story--and I hope she had tons of fun!!!

  30. What a wonderful story! I love that you've created something to keep that history alive for you and your family. :)

  31. Love this post!!
    I think I was something like your aunty.

    You have made that piece of mixed art alive by telling us the story behind. I think that the reason that people don't get some type of art is because they are not aware that behind most pieces of art there is a fantastic story to be told.

  32. Hi Vicki That was a great share! I wanted to stop by and say thank you for visiting my blog, my family room/soon to be studio, as you have yours, well it off to one side when you walk in the front door, both sewing and studio will be have a makeover this coming year. My family room was a quick set up this year to see if I could figure out how to make it work. Some ask why don't I just use that sewing room/half garage, well it has no windows and is fine for sewing but not spending a day in there. So watch my journey as I think I have found my passion. I see you had a family member named Violet! I love the name and my Mom was born in 1908 so it must have been a popular name a that time period. Sorry this is so long.. off to Zinnia's class... then Nellie's, wonder if I can fit in one more:) I am retired so why not, all in time management! hugs and love, Marilou

  33. Vicki - I love this project and post! I love hearing stories that go along with the project- it makes you love it even more and I think your Aunt Edith looks fabulous in the dress you made for her!

  34. I love a good story. You keep your grandmothers spirit with you by the telling.
    Wonderful work.
    Keep smiling and creating.

  35. I loved that story of your grandmother! Vicki, your collage is beautiful and such a sweet tribute to a favorite family memory. It makes it that much more special, along with all of the pretty details. The red dress made from a piece of advertising is perfect! I am playing catch-up in blogland, I couldn't pass up commenting on this, but I need to see what else you have been up to! t. oxoox

  36. Great collage. What a great story. Stories from our older relatives are so special.
    Hugs, Jackie

  37. Hi dear Vicki,
    I`m sure it have not been easy for the young women "flipping out" back then in 1920, so I consider your grandmother having been a very brave young girl- wearing her red dress,- and I`m sure it made her feel special, just like your collage shows her- I love you gave her wings. A beautiful memmory to keep, for you and your family.

  38. oh she has so much character. love.

  39. Vicki this is a wonderful tribute to your grandmother and her sisters. What a fabulous time they must have had growing up together. I just had my sisters for a reunion and there were lots of stories told. Funny how each of us sisters has a slightly different version of the same story. :o) Happy memories dear...
