Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Artful Gathering project - Grandmom Lena

I've started one of my projects from my Artful Gathering classes.  This little frame made from vintage book board and book paper will be the centerpiece of a fabric collage I'm making in Joanna Pierotti's class. 
She's far from done. There are plans to add some eyelets and rusty wire to the bottom. I may add a bit more book paper there too.  I enjoyed distressing this frame and just love all the texture. 
Here's a closer look. Feel free to double click too. The beauty in the picture is my husband's grandmother, Lena.  Lena is 101 years old this year and still full of life and quite independent.  I love this picture of her. I think she was about 19 at the time. Here's a picture of us helping her celebrate her 100th birthday last year.
I'm looking forward to working on this over the next few weeks. I'll be sure to share the finished piece.  How about you? Working on anything special this week? I would love to hear about it. Leave us a link in your comment if you like.  Until next time...xoxo


  1. Oh wow, such a gorgeous creation and I adore the picture of your family!!!

  2. What a beautiful lady. She looks great. Such a sweet picture of your family with her.

  3. What a precious picture and creation. How fabulous that your husband's grandmother has lived such a long health-filled life. Beautiful family picture of you all too.

  4. How can you be 100 and not have any wrinkles, heck I am half her age and I look older! I am sure she has some fabulous secret you will have to share it with us! I am so glad I clicked on the picture to enlarge as it really shoes the detail, beautiful !


  5. It is coming along beautifully~ I love making memory art! I also love the family photo; how wonderful! Great job, can't wait to see it finished~xXx

  6. Lena is is her name...and as are you sweet Vicki!! Love that frame - can't wait to see your final tweakings!! Great family picture. Happy Thursday!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Wow! Grandma is totally awesome! (and quite the looker too LOL) I love your project and cant wait to see it finished! :)


  8. Lena looks fantastic!! Wow! I love the photo of her that you used too. I have yet to start on mine! lol! I have so many things going right now. I sure hope I get to get mine done before the class is over. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us and your creation too.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. Your project looks wonderful Vicki - Love how you made the frame. Can´t wait to see the finished result.
    Have a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  10. Vicki, the collage start is wonderful, I love how you distressed the frame- it looks fantastic-
    and how special to have such a strong old lady in your family.
    I hope you will show us more fhotoes from your project.

  11. Love it already!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!!! How fortunate to be able to live so long. I'll bet she has some wonderful stories to tell. Good luck with your sounds like so much fun!!!

  12. Somebody must be blowing smoke up my dress 'cause G'mom Lena cannot be way!
    I think it's going to be a lovely tribute to a beautiful woman.
    See if you can talk her into doing a guest post on how to stay young...although I'm guessing her smile has a lot to do with it.

  13. What a lovely picture and your husband's grandmother has not changed a bit! Wow, what a remarkable life!! Just beautiful!

  14. How lovely! How remarkable to live to 100 and so lucky that your children know their great-grandmother!

    Hope you will drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500 entries, the amount will increase the Gift Card to $100.

  15. A beautiful picture of a beautiful lady.
    Hope you are really enjoying the class.
    My grandma lived to 102, a real inspiration.

  16. Hi there
    What a lovely picture. She was beautiful then and still is. How special to have celebrated so many wonderful birthdays. I can't wait to see how it looks when you are done. Very interesting process.

    I'm working on a chandelier for my granddaughter. I've made some fimo pieces for it also. I can't share until I get a little further with it. I'm kind of stumped.

    Have a great day

  17. Wow Vicki...101? That's awesome...She looks great. I'd love to know her secret? :-) Your project is looking good. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  18. Love you gorgeous creation! Your Grandma looks awesome! :)

  19. Lena looks beautiful and strong. Hope she lives another 100 years! What a great project.

  20. How precious for your children to have Lena in their lives.
    Mine grew up with very little extended family and I always regret that, since I had so many relatives surrounding me sharing their wisdom.

