Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where Bloggers Create 2011

Come on in! This is a relatively new studio space for me. It was my formal living room a few months ago. It is the first room you see when you walk in our home so we agreed to invest in nice furniture that flows with the rest of our home.  I usually have 3-4 mixed media projects on the table and supplies.  I clean up for company by keeping my mixed media projects on cookie sheets or in box lids. The room adjacent to the studio is our office.  The office closet was customized to fit all my art and junking supplies. It is very convenient and allows me to just keep my "pretties" out in the studio. I have lots of cigar boxes and baskets in there. I could do a much better job of labeling and sorting but this is still a work in progress.  I also have a sewing area set up in the adjacent office. It is just a few steps away. Let me show you around-

A drawer makes it so easy to see my stamps.
 I love my Rusty Rooster weathervane found at a local antique store.
 I use lots of vintage jewelry in my creations. Having these pretties displayed in the printer's tray makes it so much easier to see what I have.
 My mood board is an old garden gate and one of my favorite things in the studio.
 Many of my supplies hidden in the closet

One side of the office holds my sewing machine. I also use the cabinets above for paint supplies.
One of the best parts about the studio is that I can open the french doors out onto the screened patio. I hope you enjoyed the tour. It is a challenge creating a place and storing supplies and tools when you like to play in so many mediums. I love found objects, paper arts, sewing and even a little painting. Now that I have the space, I will be looking forward to visiting your studios for great ideas on how to organize. Maybe the next time you visit I'll have more of my projects displayed on the walls. I'm still working on filling those.  Thanks for visiting! Follow this button for a whole list of studios to visit! Many thanks to Karen at My Desert Cottage  for hosting this great party! xoxo

My Desert Cottage


  1. What a wonderful space you looks very organized and pretty. I LOVE all those vintage cameras :)

  2. So this is where all your wonderful work takes place!! It looks beautiful! I love your "desk" or work table. What was that originally? Very pretty! Thanks for sharing your space!


  3. Hi Vicki! I just absolutely love your studio space and it all looks gorgeous. So fun to think about how it started and how much you have transformed it! :-)

  4. Fabulous studio and I am drooling over your treasures! I have one of those pasta things too but have flowers in mine BUT I think I'm going to put my brushes in it!!!


  5. I do love to have a nosey around peoples craft spaces and yours is fab - I love, love, love the vintage jewellery in the printer tray!!

    S x

  6. Your space is perfect! And a great location, too! A formal living room is usually a wasted space or an office! I love your storage ideas and if I ever come to visit...let me warn NOT let me into your vintage jewelry drawer! heehee! Hugs, my friend! ♥

  7. Hey Vicki, this is such a classy space! Love the furnishings! xoxo Debra

  8. What a great place to create. Love the gate mood board.

  9. Hi Vicki: I absolutely love how you have repurposed your home to fit your creative talents. Your studio is fabulous and I can see how it would be a great conversation starter to those who enter your home. Sunshine Smiles to you...

  10. It looks fabulous, it will get so much more use than a formal living room! I do so many different things too that I have so much stuff!!!


  11. Hello Vicki... your studio is absolutely beautiful!... I especially love your "mood board", and of course all of your gorgeous vintage jewelry... xoxo Julie Marie

  12. Oh, I have been so looking forward to this party!!! You have a beautiful space to work in and it is all so neatly organized. I do love that gate! And your printers drawer of jewelry is to die for.

  13. That is a fantastic spot to create in! I love your vintage cameras and how you have them displayed! You have everything you need right there. And it all looks so pretty!

  14. I love what you did, and I'm sure you do to. Thanks for sharing! Sandi

  15. Oh Vicki! Your space is just gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  16. Your studio is absolutely beautiful! Such a great use of space! You are very creative with your decorating and storage ideas. You've inspired me to make some adjustments in my home! Thank you for sharing!

  17. Wow so nice and elegant...I love your space... please visit mine too....

  18. Wow...Just...WOW!!! That's about all I can say - and for you to leave ME speechless is a true accomplishment! ;o) Wonderful, gorgeous, creative space to create in! And, don't want to see happens to be where I happen to be at the time....the dining table..."my" chair with wool sprawled at my feet, etc. See...I don't have a creative space....and then, again, perhaps I don't deserve one, as I haven't been very creative of late! (Or, can I blame my lack of creativity on the lack of a space to do it in??!! - tried that before and didn't work!) Enjoy "your" space - it's gorgeous! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  19. The light in that room is great, your a lucky girl. Natural light like that is so motivating, don't you think. Not to mention you are very organized.

  20. What a great room. I especially loved the camera collection. I have a very small collection (emphasis on small) and hope to add to it in time.

  21. Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous.
    What a wonderful place to create!!!
    Thanks for sharing and the inspiration!
    Prim Blessings

  22. Vicki,
    Great space! So much more practical then a stuffy old living room! (lol)! You did a great job it looks beautiful and is practical.
    What a fun place to be inspired and to work!

  23. Your studio is wonderful Vicki - and so much wonderful space. Love your colletion of vintage jewelry pieces and your mood board is awesome - such a great idea.
    Have a wonderful day sweet friend
    xo Tina

  24. You've certainly created a space that is charming and organized and yet doesn't scream craft or studio room. Looks great! Sure wish I could be that tidy. I can never find anything. :/ have a fabulous Friday. Tammy

  25. I kept up with your room transformation and I have to the results.
    I also love your organizational "tools". Perfect.

  26. Such a beautiful space! I love ALL of it!
    xo, Anita

  27. Wow! Now I am super motivated to reorganize my craft room after seeing how wonderfully organized your space is. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Good Morning Vicki!
    What a Gorgeous inviting space to create! Love the Printer tray full of Pretties! Thank You for Sharing!

  29. So happy to have a chance to see your creative space my sweet friend, it looks like the perfect place to CREATE!!!

  30. This is total perfection!!! And wow, I think it will end up in a magazine!!!

  31. Vicki you have a beautiful place to create, the room itself is a beautiful creation........

  32. Amaaaazzzing! I love all your supplies! Love your mood board!! What a beautiful creative space!

  33. Hi Vicki, I love your creative space, it's gorgeous.... and so organized. I especially love the beautiful vintage jewelry! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
    hugs~~~ Daphne

  34. OH OH OH OH OH! You HAVE to email me about the cameras. I have a right decent collection of them and would love to dish about those!!!!

    I hope you can visit my little creating spots when you have time!

  35. Vicki, How brave are you to take over a major space. You make it look so elegant and inviting. I am wild about all your antiques. Love that camera collection!! Thanks for sharing
    Keep blogging and creating

  36. I envy the view; you can open up to the deck,how wonderful! Funny, in my house, this is where I sneak off to. I mean our kitchen has french doors off to the deck...guess where I love to craft most! ;D
    so,glad you shared; can't wait to see and hear more about the camera collection! It is a lovely space~

  37. Hi Vicki! Your space is gorgeous! I love the old sewing boxes and the garden gate memo board. Have a great weekend! xxoo Heidi

  38. Love your beautiful creative space! What a great idea for a garden gate.

    Thanks for sharing.

  39. Hey girly! Well I have never seen a studio look more perfect! How on earth do you create and keep it so clean?? OR are like me who makes a horrible mess and then throw everything in the closet when company comes??? I hope so!!! It just looks wonderful, you have outdone yourself, AGAIN! xoxox-cin

  40. Wow, wow, wow is all I can say! I love everything about your space and your collections are drool worthy!



  41. What a wonderful space you have!

  42. beautiful studio...I love that you can open the french doors while you are working...and those cameras...don't they just take you to another time and place...
    thanks for sharing your space,

  43. Hi Vicki,
    You have a beautiful creative space!! I know you have been working hard on your living room turned studio and you did a wonderful job. I love all of your "junk" and it is so organized in all of the types of containers that I love....old boxes, sewing machine drawers, printer's trays....I love your inspiration board too!!

  44. Your space is wonderful, usable yet looks so good when people walk into the house, too! You did a really nice job on your space!

  45. I love your space, so neat and organized and creative!!! ;D I adore all those pieces stored away fro future lovely creations! And the french doors are to die for!


  46. Vicki, what a very beautiful place for creating, and what beautiful collections everywhere- love the big bunch of bling, and your elegant furnishing- ans ofcourse the french doors- you lucky one.
    Hugs and happy week-end-

  47. I love, love, love, LOVE your studio! It is so beautiful and organized :) I especially love your vintage camera collection, so pretty! Thank you for sharing :)


  48. Amazing studio and it would be such a challenge for me to have it in the main part of the house because when I am creating everything is out on my bench. Can't wait to see it next year. I am going to take way more pics of my studio next year so you can really get a good idea of the place. Loved all your pics.

  49. Love the mood board! Your room is beautiful! I like the antique cameras, my husband collects them, too. Wonderful decorating!


  50. What a fabulous studio Vicki, I love the boxes for storage and your mood board gate, fab idea, I think i could never leave this room.
    hugs Lynn

  51. Hi Vicki! I LOVE your studio! Your collections are incredible and I love the way you've displayed everything. What fun!
    Have a great day.

  52. Love your blog, it is a great inspiration.
    Wish I were as well-organized.
    Hope you have a wonderful summer,I hope for some rainy days so I can create without having feeling guilty :)

  53. What a beautiful room! I love your vintage cameras. Thanks for the tour.

  54. Hi Vicki
    I wish I was more of a neat freak then I impressed with what you have done. Come over and see my studio/garage where I teach and see some of the things my wonderful group of students have done Karen is one of them.Keep in touch I love your paintings, Vonda

  55. You lucky girl! What a space indeed. It must really get your juices flowing. You made it nice too, that when you do walk in, it is a great space to see first!

  56. i well remember when you began "transforming" that space into your studio. it has come such a long way and is ever so gorgeous! I just love your work table and all those old cameras. your space is sooo beautiful!

  57. Hi Vicki,
    I have a dining room studio too but I must tell you it is not nearly as organized & lovely as yours! Also, I have to admit I don't always clean it up for company. When company does come over they gravitate to my studio. It's fascinating for 'non artists' to see that stuff. Do you find that to be true?
    I love your gate on the wall, I've been looking for something to display all the lovely tags & ATCs people have sent. I need to borrow your idea. Also I'd love to dig into some of those baskets & drawers of yours! There are some awesome treasures. You've really come a long way in your room, thanks for the tour. Lisa

  58. Your space is fabulous, and so neat too! And how lucky to have access to natural light - what a luxury to have French doors to the outdoors...enjoy!

  59. Oh my goodness, your room is beautiful. I can't even imagine being neat enough to have my art room in a "public" part of the house. You are to be commended!

  60. What a wonderful, large space - very elegant. Thanks for sharing with us.

  61. My little work space is in the naturally I'm drawn to other creative spaces who have lots of room. But even more than that I think it is those who have natural light. And in your case that amazing window. Thank you so much for this wonderful tour! I really enjoyed seeing where you create!

  62. Hi Vicki!!! Your studio is just wonderful!!!! You have such a knack for organizing and making everything so beautiful! Mine looks like an episode of Hoarders :) Oh well...maybe I am! It's truly all so beautiful girl, I love it all ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  63. Your studio space is stunning! What a fantastic job you did creating a beautiful space. Love all your furniture and how you have it set up. Thanks for sharing!

  64. Very nice and neat crafting space!! I agree it's hard to find places when you like to do so many different things!! I have a craft cottage with a big closet and I'm having that problem!

  65. Vicki,
    What a beautiful space you have!! Love your vintage cameras and the garden ate is just precious!!
    Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!


  66. Hi Vicki! I knew your studio would be wonderful!! You have done a great job of making it function the way you want and look nice in the home too! I will admit, I am sooo jealous of your fabulous vintage jewelry collection!! It must have taken years to build one of that size!! Thank you so much for joining the party. I had a wonderful visit!

  67. Oh Vicki, your mood board is just wonderful. I think if I still had the childrens crib springs, I would do that with it.
    I think your stamps are in the perfect place to be able to take what you need, when you need it.
    Of course, your vintage collections is beautiful. So much to go through and have fun with.
    Thank you so much for sharing it all with us, Char

  68. What a gorgeous space - so many ideas to choose from! I am so inspired!

  69. It has turned out beautifully, I love that garden gate mood board! t. xoxo

  70. What a beautiful studio you have! So organized and put together! I, too, would be so inspired if my studio looks like that. Just lovely.
    Thanks for sharing!

  71. Aloha Vicki,
    I just have two words to say about your creative space; beautiful elegance! I loved the tour, thank you so much.

  72. Hi Vicki! Don't know how I missed this post! Love your space, and especially love that gate!! Everything does flow so nicely! You have great taste!!

    Have a wonderful weekend! I'm headed to Shelley's sale tomorrow for a little while!!

  73. es, I am still trying to get through all of the studios. Yours is fantastic, and by using your formal living room, you have a most lovely setting a fantastic room here. I love all the vintage cameras on display. I am your newest follower, and would love a visit from you if you have the time to come and visit my studio.
    I will be back and look forward to seeing more of your mixed media artwork. Karen Valentine helped me with my blog also. I think she is amazing!

  74. Very pretty! You did a great job!

  75. You have such a pretty well organized space. I like the furniture. Great space
