Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vintage feathers and trims

 Photos in this post courtesy of:  Vintage Feathers
I stumbled upon a shop that sells vintage millinery hat trims.  The collection of feathers and fancy trims they  have acquired are from all over the world and mostly old warehouse stock.  Above, you are looking at white goose feathers. Can't you almost feel them?  Wouldn't they look lovely topping an old glass bottle or silver creamer? I'm drawn to the texture of feathers.  I find myself daydreaming about how I could use them in a project.  Check out these feather flowers -
Hand dyed feathers attached to fabric backs.  I'm sure I could use these in a project.  These are labeled on the back as Paris, France. You can see pieces of the original labels still attached in the picture.
These are called burnt turkey feathers and are early 1900's hat trims.  Again, these would be really fun for home decor or mixed media projects.  I've searched for old hats at estate sales. Many have millinery flowers you can remove. Honestly, I haven't seen too many with feathers still attached. I assume the feathers were too fragile and through the years were lost.  I do love the idea of being able to purchase some of this old warehouse stock.
I'm in love with these German hat trims. See the old labels still attached?  If you would like to see even more millinery trims from around the world then visit Vintage Feathers to have a look for yourself.  What would you do with these?  Getting any great ideas?  We would love to hear. I'm linking up to-


  1. Hi, Vicki, not a very original idea but I would use these to make little vintage hats for my large mohair teddy bears. What a great find.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  2. Oh how fabulous! I just bought some vintage hats--how cool would those be on them?


  3. These are GORGEOUS Vicki!!!!! You are an angel to share the link too....just thing of all the wonderful ways you could use these beauties!!!! Thanks so much sweet friend, hugs and love, Dawn

  4. OH my goodness, those are beautiful Vicki! I don't know exactly what I would do with them but maybe an altered angel for Christmas? Oh yeah... that's what I would do! t. xoxooxo

  5. Theresa that is a GREAT idea!! They are expensive but I may have to make one for my girlfriends this year.

  6. I love these and all the ideas! I love the feathered jewelry I see, lately. How unique these will be on anything you create~ Can't wait to see what you do ;D

    Great find; I'm so jealous :D

  7. touched a heartstring again...I LOVE feathers...not just vintage, but ANY feathers....I have them stashed in old clay bottles about my long john baskets, and what not have you....I love using them in crafting projects (to mimic old quill pens on journals, etc.) If I had enough goose feathers, I'd make angel wings for the backs of my chairs for the holidays....Wonderful treasures!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Wow, when you first said you found a shop I was thinking it was here in Orlando, how cool would that be!! I would use them on vintage hangers and the holiday candles I make.


  9. I've never thought too much about using feathers except in naturalist pieces...OH the possibilities...they are beautiful!

  10. The goose feathers remind me of magnolia petals and I can imagine a pair of eyes looking coyly over a turkey feather fan. xx

  11. These are gorgeous Vicki... and sooooo love the goose feathers... you know I almost can feel their softness... love Theresa's idea of the altered angels too...

    Jenny x

  12. Thanks for the link, Vicki! I am off to check it out! Love old millinery!!
    Have a fabulous weekend!!

  13. These are delicious! I dont even know what I would do with them, but I know I want them! LOL Really interesting too, the history behind them all! They lived quietly in a box through so much! :)


  14. Wow, these are awesome! Could definatley see them in a project of some kind...see you tomorrow my friend!! ♥

  15. Those are beautiful. I like the idea that they were probably misplaced for years and then found again. No project ideas for you, but I liked the angel idea that Theresa had!

  16. What beautiful German trims ... lvoe that the lbels are still attached.

    Would you be so kind to leave a comment on my BLOG ONLY, for the Miracle Makeover fund drive. Charlie, 8 yr. old, & his story are fabulous. Every comment brings us a $1 for the next person that will be sponsored.

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  17. These are all just gorgeous! I can't wait to see what you create with them...I do not work with feathers very much but I am thinking something in a fabric collage...or shrine! Happy Sunday! :)

  18. Great finds and they are beautiful! Not sure what I'd do...choices, choices.

  19. What gorgeous finds, I'm excited to see what you come up with for them. I'm clueless, but knowing you it will be amazing! thanks for sharing these little beauties. xoxo Debra

  20. They are gorgeus, Vicki- never will find something like it here in DK-so I enjoy seing them here.

  21. I could see these as bride hair pieces, they would be gorgeous with some rhinstone embellies!
    hugs Lynn
