Sunday, August 28, 2011

We have a Winner!

Congrats to Ann at Creative Ramblings.  You have won a free custom 8 x 10 canvas from Easy Canvas Prints!  I hope you will enjoy making your canvas and that you will share the finished piece with us.  Thanks to everyone that entered the giveaway.  Look for my one year blogging anniversary giveaway coming in September! You don't want to miss it.  Have a blessed Sunday my friends.


  1. Congrats to the winner! And thanks Vicki! ♥

  2. Oh my goodness I am so thrilled that I have won!!!! Thank you so much for this. I cant wait to make this canvas.

  3. :o) for Ann! Congrats! And thanks Vicki for hostessing this giveaway! Hope your Sunday is going great! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Congratulations Ann. Great week ahead...
