Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordless White Wednesday

"See Shelby Run"

p.s. - I just couldn't resist!


  1. I enjoyed your post tonight. I also enjoyed the oil cans pumpkins. Fall is my time of the year that I love to travel when the leaves are turning. It is so beautiful. Hope all is well in your area. So many suffered from the hurricane's and we still have people flooded out of their homes here in the midwest. It has been over two months for some. You look at the flood water and it just looks like a giant lake. Take care. Your Missouri Friend.

  2. I'm a bassett lover since childhood and Shelby is beautiful! I work in a stamp store and just today saw a stamp of a bassett romping in fall leaves. The head and ears a-flying are what you see. Reminded me so much of your baby! Love your blog, it's on my fave list. All the best.

  3. That is so fun and unexpected for White Wednesday.
    You know I like different.

  4. Wonderful photo, Vicki...I just love had me at the ears LOL!

  5. Sooo Cute!
    How was your summer?
    It is warm here today, but I am sure not as warm as where you are.
    It's fine with me, I am not ready to give up summer quite yet

  6. I wouldn't have been able to resist either Vicki - she's, well, irresistible! ;o) Oh those wonderful, wonderful, ears!! Happy September! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. look at those ears... if this picture doesn't bring a smile to the face then I don't know what will. very cute.

  8. He looks so sweet- love Bassets, also- he surely is running, to make them ears "fly" like that :)

  9. He is adorable; I love hounds! I have a beagle, he is a character~

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