Monday, January 2, 2012

Remember my old tool box centerpiece?

Well, she got a quick makeover for Christmas!  I kept many of the same features including the mason jars and feathers. I added some evergreens, frosted fruits, pine cones and a touch of gold to match my chargers.
I think this shot is a bit closer.  It made for a beautiful table setting with very little work to change it out from Thanksgiving.  If you missed that post, go here.  I was also very happy with the new tablecloths that I found at TJ Maxx for $12 a piece.  I needed four of them so I was doing the happy dance.
Why four table cloths?  Well, we have a large family.  With 16 sitting for dinner, we set up another table in my studio!  Yes, the studio.  During the holidays, the studio displayed our tree and was our second dining area. It worked out great.  Just don't ask me what projects I have going right
That's my studio table against the wall holding all the presents.  Wondering why those presents aren't under the tree?  Well, maybe Shelby can explain....
Good thing these two are so darn cute.  Wishing you all a Happy New Year.  I'll be getting back into the blogging groove this week. And, once my studio is back in order, you'll see some new projects.  Until then...xoxo.


  1. hehe I have a kitty cat that does the same thing..she pretends to just lay under the tree and them begins knawing on the paper. She is 17 years old..youd think she know better by now LOL

  2. I love that tool'll have fun with it all year! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday! Happy New year! I bet you can't wait to get back to crafting! ♥

  3. Hi Vicki... So glad you popped in for a moment.. I have missed seeing all your Lovely Projects.. So I will be looking forward to your Return.. LOL!! Happy New Year to you and your Family

  4. The tool box and the tables look stunning! I love objects around the house that are easily adaptable, especially found vintage ones!

    I found myself in a similar situation with my creative areas overtaken for the festivities. I'm happy to be slowly transforming it all back, but sad at the same time that the holidays are over already. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared!

    Happy new year, Vicki! ~ xo~ Anita

  5. looks beautiful, I had a tool box like that, wish I had kept it!

  6. Spending time to renew and recharge is a very good thing. May you have a Blissful and Creative 2012...

  7. Beautiful table settings and your home looks stunning! :) Talent my dear! Your two furry babies are adorkabe too!


  8. Shelby wouldn't peek at the presents.... look how sweet! Your tables are gorgeous! Wow what a big dinner you served


  9. Oh those dogs LOL...I pinned them :)

  10. Hi Vicki,
    I love that toolbox. You can do any theme you want to with it. Your two dogs are so darn adorable.
    What darling expressions on their faces!
    When your studio gets back to normal we'll be anxious to see what you're doing.

  11. That toolbox has been a wonderful purchase. Love all the ways you dress it up. Happy New Year!

  12. Hi dear Vicki,
    must be wonderful to have such a big family all together for christmas- it looks beautiful in your studio with the trees and the table decked for holidays.
    I wish you a wonderfil start in 2012, and all the best for the year .

  13. Your toolbox looks so pretty on your Christmas table. I have the same problems with presents under the tree. The animals think each and every present is for them. Beats when my cat used to want to use the tree skirt as his bathroom. That was lovely.

  14. Everything looks so festive and your doggies are so cute! Enjoy reclaiming your studio and happy creating again.

  15. Your hounds are so cute! Everything looks lovely n festive. I too am trying to get back to my creative endeavors. Enjoy getting back to your routine.
    Happy New Year : )

  16. Happy New Year Vicki!! I love your toolbox all dressed for Christmas and your table setting is gorgeous. Your pups are too cute, they look so innocent. ;)

  17. Hi Vicki
    Your dogs are adorable!
    I have an old toolbox just like yours that I picked up at a garage sale ~ mine holds art supplies in my studio, glass jars holding pens and paint brushes. Yours looks fabulous as a centerpiece filled with ornaments!
    Happy New Year ♥

  18. LOL! I can't put presents under my tree either...the kitties like the ribbons too much!

  19. *she wipes the drool from her mouth after that studio photo*

    Wow, your place looks heavenly, everything so beautifully decorated!! I hope your dinner was perfect!

    I am in a quandry over my cubby...I used it as an advent and now I'm at a loss as to what to put in it..I'm leaning toward art supplies...

    Happy 2012, looking forward to your art this year,

  20. I so LOVE your tool box Vicki and what a great price on the tablecloths. Happy New Year my friend!!!!

  21. Hi Vicki,
    your tool box looks bweaufilul.Wishing you the most wonderful 2012.

  22. Hi Vicki,
    OH MY GOSH, it all looks so beautiful and your two dogs are absolutely adorable with those hats on!!! Happy New Year to you!!!

  23. Hi-just found your blog thru Fiona & Twig. Love your stuff!

  24. The toolbox is fabulous... I have one just like it, but it is being used in my studio holding "tools". I could use more, I'd put them all over the house! Happy New Year! t.xoxoxoox

  25. Running woefully behind here in blogging dear Vicki - popped in to check on some of my faves, and see that I've missed bunches of your gorgeous posts. Your home decked out for the holidays is GORGEOUS!!! Love the talbescape - and especially that wonderful tote (but you knew THAT already!), the tree - everything. So festive and inviting - and exquisitely tasteful. And your furbabies - oh my heck....they deserve to be on the front of some holiday cards....those faces are too stinking cute!! Hope your Christmas was merry and bright - and that you have a wonderful new year overflowing with joy, promise and amazing blessings....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  26. Thank you for your good wishes, that 2012 is of the happiest and most creative for you, a blessing for all your family!

    Beautiful day

  27. that looks so beautiful, I also had a chest like that.
