Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Annual Deland Treasure Hunting

Each February/March we head an hour North to Deland, Florida for the day.  The husbands are dropped off at the Deland Craft Beer Festival while the wives grab lunch and enjoy the shops!  I snapped a few photos on my Iphone to share with you.  Loved this booth pictured above at Back Home Antiques and Collectibles on Woodland Boulevard. They had all kinds of small treasures like buttons and lace neatly packaged and ready for creating and embellishing.  
These little lambs under glass were precious.  I would have loved a few for Easter but they were a little pricey.  I know my friend Deb at Common Ground would have bought them all!
My friend Jodi and I are always looking for old cigar memorabilia for our husbands.  Loved this "Sweet Cuba" tin. 
This particular store has an entire section devoted to ephemera!  I spent a long time sorting through old photos, print ads, calling cards, Valetines, post cards....you name it!  Doesn't this look like fun? 
Here are a few of my purchases from the day.  Just bits and pieces to play with and inspire. Ready for the scariest find of the day? (Isn't there always one?)
Princess Grace....Please tell me her bangs did not come like this? lol  Looks like a little girl did some trimming to me and look at that make up.  Ready for my favorite finds of the day? ....the salvage store...Florida Victorian Antiques on Georgia Avenue. I took very few photos because I was way too busy sorting through bins of old hardware! So fun.
Thanks for coming along with me!  I'll share a few more purchase with you soon.  Found some fun items on this trip and really enjoyed the company too.  Hope you are having a great week! xoxo


  1. Sounds like a really fun time :o) I would have had a ball digging thru all that old hardware! Can't wait to see the goodies you found :o)

    PS. I am now following you on Google...hope you will follow me back :o)

  2. What FUN!
    I spy some treasures I would love! :-)


  3. Those lambs are precious! Princess Grace and her bangs, not so much. Ha! But she has potential; I am sure that you will do something fun and fabulous with her!

    Have a wonderful week,
    xo, Anita

  4. Hi Vicki!! Wow!! I soo wish I had known you were in the area!! I live 10-15 minutes south of Deland, and would love to have met you! The escutcheon on my WW post today is from Florida Victorian. Love that place! Will have to check out the other one. I have never been there. I always go to Somewhere in Time, FL Victorian, and a bunch of the thrift stores in the area. I make rounds regularly, and also go to the Farmer's Market on Wednesday. Lots of good junk there!

    Glad you had a great time and found some cool stuff!! Thanks for sharing. Let me know the next time you're over here!!

  5. Wow Vicki That looks like a really great day and your finds are fab! Poor Grace, looks like she needed a Mama, glad you had a great outing and a chance to hunt for new treasures of the old kind! Hugs Marilou

  6. OHHHHH Vicki, what a lucky gal you are, I mean look at all those boxes and pieces of every thinkable treasure ,to purchase...I would have loved sorting side by side, with you, dear.


  7. Sounds like so much fun, and what a great selection of goodies. Can't wait to see what other treasures you found.
    Hugs~~~ Daphne

  8. Looks like there were much great stuff. Love the hardware and those little lamps too.
    Have a great week

  9. What a great day! I would have been sorting through the hardware with you! The doll is way too creepy! I have to be honest, if I would have seen it at a sale, I would have passed it up... who would pay $25. for her? LOL
    Thanks for sharing! t.xoxo

  10. To much fun, I love Deland, my cousin lives there and her husband is the owner of the Holiday House and a Sandwich shop downtown. I love the papers and hardware, what a find.

  11. i would LOVE to browse that area! amazing stuff! I'll bet there were a whole lot of lovely doorknobs in that salvage shop too? what fun! ;)

  12. Sounds like a fun time. I would have loved searching throught the hardware. I like that stuff.

  13. Sounds like a really good time. Can't wait for our flea market season to start in May!

  14. I love driving over to Deland...we haven't been in awhile though! Are those Valentines in there? I would love to find some of those! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane ♥

  15. Looks like a fantastic day to me!!!
    Thanks for sharing your droolable pics.

  16. Sounds like both the husbands and wives had a good time!

    Sylvia :)

  17. You found some cute tidbits and the hardware is always fun that you pick up.
    That was the ugliest doll I've ever seen.(sorry)

  18. What treasures! I would definitely be spending hours in the ephemera!

  19. How great to share a fun day...men to the beer festival and women to the antiques stores. Looks like you scored some amazing treasures. Happy collecting...

  20. Looks like you had a great time!!!
    Also looks like some wonderful shops too!
    I love digging through old hardware and yep that doll is a little scary!
    Thanks for taking us along ~ looking forward to seeing what you all got!
    Prim Blessings

  21. Wow what a heavenly shop, all those boxes and bits to root through, wish I was there! Julie xxx

  22. Oh, architectural stuff and salvage! Drawers full of goodies. Treasures around every corner. No wonder y'all had such a good time. Regarding the beer festival (how handy!): My sister-in-law designed and built a miniature quilt shop (regular mini scale, 1"=1'), detailed it beautifully (even with her handmade miniature quilts and cross stitch), and put a beer patio out back for the mini-men accompanying their wives! So cute.

  23. OH WOW Vicki, You must have been in Heaven finding all those treasures. What a great time it must have been.
    Hugs Lynn

  24. Looks like lots of fun stuff to chose from!
    I love the little lambs!
    Great idea.....Thank you for sharing.

  25. What a great shop filled with wonderful treasures.

  26. Love all that hardware. Now following with linky too:)


  27. What a day you must have had. It looks like a wonderful treasure store.
    Great blog. New follower.


  28. I love the little lambs! I'd put my little collection up because I'd run out of display ideas and was tired of dusting under them, but this is perfect. That might be my "project" for the day. :-)

  29. You have some great treasures there! Love the hinges!

  30. I will have to check out these stores! Been wanting to spend a day looking for treasures.


  31. All of that ephemera and hardware...be still my heart! What a fun day!

  32. So many wonderful things, I could get into BIG trouble at a place like that, lol :) Yeah, the butchered bangs remind me of an old Barbie I took scissors to once upon a time.. can't wait to see your next projects! Have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Sweet finds, I look forward to what you come up with~ How fun to search through ephemera...lucky!
    Sounds like a great day! I bet you had a lot of fun in the hardware~ I was known for taking a few Barbies and playing beauty school! Poor Princess Grace, she needs a make over~ Thanks for sharing; I love seeing places like this!
