Thursday, February 9, 2012

Some of our Valentines

Hello, friends! I wanted to share a few of the valentines we have displayed around the house.  Kara found this little vintage valentine above in a book we purchased at a church rummage sale. Don't you love surprises like that?  Don't you love that holder even more?  If so, visit my friend Petite Michelle Louise.
My friend, Kim, made this adorable tag in a bag for me for Valentines Day. I love how she used the vintage playing card to make this and love the rooster even more!
Here's a valentine I made last year for a few friends. Had to keep one for myself! I love to layer lace and paper, give it a quick sew and voila! That crumpled seam binding is a favorite. I'm almost out and cant' remember where I got it!
This one is a favorite since I made these with Kara's help.  She did a great job last year helping me design this one. We made a few. Some were more heavily distressed, which she loves!
Aren't these adorable?  My friend Kelley made these for me. I love the papers she chooses for her projects. I think I have a set of blocks for nearly every holiday from Kelley. 
Here's a blast from the past!  We have a local specialty scrapbook store. I love to shop there. They do "make and takes" sometimes. This one is probably 4-5 years old.  We made our basic page and then, of course, came home and added all kinds of fun details.  I love to break this out on Valentines Day and put it in my altered clipboard by the front door.  The little strips of paper have notes to my husband letting him know the things I love about him. 

I hope everyone is having a great week.  I'm hoping to do a little shopping this weekend at a new antique store in town. I'll be sure to take you along.  Thanks for visiting! xoxo


  1. I love making Valentines and there are so many great vintage images on the internet! You have so pretty cards...I need to embellish more! ♥

  2. I always enjoy seeing your door knob holder and what you have displayed. Cute stuff, Vicki. I have those exact same playing cards and combined them with bingo cards, crepe paper hearts and other textures to create Valentine cards for a swap I participated in.

    Happy soon-to-be Valentines!

  3. Beautiful Valentine's Day projects. Love the blocks.

  4. love your valentines love notes are adorable

  5. I love vintage valentines. Yours are great. Have a good week.

  6. I love the wooden blocks..I made picture blocks for Christmas gifts this year, but never thought of just using them for the holidays! Great idea!

  7. What lovely vintage Valentine's decor!

  8. Your wooden blocks are so sweet dear Vicki, such a lovely way to use the old ones,and I love yourt valentine greetings to your husbond-so sweet with the strips with sweet words.

  9. oh those Valentines are so sweet! And YOU are even SWEETER for mentioning my beloved Inspiration Holders! ;)

  10. What a great Valntine post! How FUN to find an old one like that in a book. I adore Michelle's holder's. Such sweet tags and those blocks are darling. Like I said a great Valentine post!
    Hugs Lynn

  11. Oh your Valentines are all so cute and the one with your husband. If you're ever mad at him you can just pull some strips out LOL!


  12. Love your Valentines Vicki, so creative.
    My favorite is the tag Kara helped you with.
    Don't forget Art Angels!!
    Have a great weekend~SueBee

  13. I love your Valentines, Vicki! My absolute favorite is the vintage one; I adore how you embellished it.

    I'm glad that you shared the link to your friends store again! The last time I was there, the piece I wanted was on reserve for someone already, and I never got one. I'm off to try again!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    xo, Anita

  14. I am enjoying your wonderful display of vintage and heartfelt Valentines. Happy Heart Hugs...

  15. This stuff is beautiful! I love your gifts and finds, so pretty and lacy! :)


  16. Such sweet Valentines!!!
    Have fun antiquing! Can't wait to see what you find!
    Prim Blessings

  17. Love the Valentines Vicki, Happy Valentines day to you and have fun shoPping today! I'll send you the link for the seam binding, Hugs Marilou

  18. Here it is I tried to email it and it would not go through, seam binding link Hugs xoxo ML

  19. Great Valentines! Thanks for sharing. julie collings/etsy sells wonderful seam bindings.

  20. I love every single one, especially the first with the violin, LOVE those v-day puns :) The clip-board is super sweet,too, love the little notes on the paper strips!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  21. I love all of the tags, and Michelle's special holder is gorgeous! t.xoxooxo
